Vaccine or not?

This is not about "YOU" or "ME" this is about humanity, America and doing what's right. You just don't get it. In my opinion, you are just a self centered individual who doesn't care about America. You ever been in the military? Vets care about America and all vets have earned the right to have their own opinions as American Patriots. We all certainly don't agree on everything, but we've earned that right to have our opinions. Still the fundamental belief among Vets is that they want what is best for America
All Americans have earned the right to have opinions. Vets are no more special than anyone else. And I’ve met a lot of vets who are insane and don’t want what’s best for America.
EXCLUSIVE: In CA, Otherwise Healthy 15-Year Old Dies Two Days After Second Pfizer Shot


Over the 18 months of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, data and studies worldwide concerning children and COVID-19 have shown the chances of contracting and spreading COVID-19 are minimal compared to the adult population. Some have warned that forcing children to take a minimally tested vaccine would have its consequences. Even the World Health Organization recommends a measured process and further study before mandating the vaccination of children:
Why the need to proceed with caution? One reason is illustrated by what happened in Sonoma County, CA when an otherwise healthy 15-year-old teenager was found dead by his mother. The teenager had received his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine two days prior.

From the Death Investigation Synopsis Report, courtesy of Reopen California Schools:
The decedent was found unresponsive in his bedroom after his mother was checking on his welfare long after he was supposed to wake in the morning. The decedent was pronounced dead at the scene due to obvious death. The decedent had been in good health with no medical history and had received his second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination approximately two days before his death.​
EXCLUSIVE: In CA, Otherwise Healthy 15-Year Old Dies Two Days After Second Pfizer Shot
Am doubting we will ever see an autopsy on this teen. Where are all the autopsy reports for the vaccinated that have died? Any physician would have a strong case for ordering one given age, proximity of covid treatment and no comorbidities.
We have a 29 year old that just had a heart attack post 2nd vaccination 3 days. He has multiple infarcts in his brain, liver damage and acute kidney injury. I’m more confident now than ever I will never receive this shot.
This is not about "YOU" or "ME" this is about humanity, America and doing what's right. You just don't get it. In my opinion, you are just a self centered individual who doesn't care about America. You ever been in the military? Vets care about America and all vets have earned the right to have their own opinions as American Patriots. We all certainly don't agree on everything, but we've earned that right to have our opinions. Still the fundamental belief among Vets is that they want what is best for America
And you want to take away that right by forcing everyone to get a vaccine.
Also, from today's hospital communication:

"The most recent drops in statewide numbers is staggering (now 20,000 fewer cases statewide in 8 days) and a larger drop than any similar period throughout the pandemic."

Fudging of the numbers is what this sounds like. One way or the other.
That's simply not true. The unvaccinated do not have the knowledge or right to make decisions about the possibility that they might infect others or take up hospital space because they were careless and unthinking. Item #2 is an Unamerican act.
Get off your high horse. I can tell you’re the typical elitist Democrat. Who gets to judge who has enough knowledge? It certainly isn’t you. Guess what? I had the virus so I don’t need your vaccine and neither do my kids. You got it so you should be good. If you don’t think you are then keep your ass at home.
They are saving countless 89 year old lives.
Article was sparse on details. Age, any other strikes against her beyond vaccine. I know transplant committees are picky as all get out, but I dont know if a direct donor situation circumvents the committee or not.
It looks like our hospital systems are doing a slightly better job of keeping people alive during the current surge compare to the one at the beginning of the year.

Of course you can’t tell how many bullet to the dome victims are included in the stats.
EXCLUSIVE: In CA, Otherwise Healthy 15-Year Old Dies Two Days After Second Pfizer Shot


Over the 18 months of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, data and studies worldwide concerning children and COVID-19 have shown the chances of contracting and spreading COVID-19 are minimal compared to the adult population. Some have warned that forcing children to take a minimally tested vaccine would have its consequences. Even the World Health Organization recommends a measured process and further study before mandating the vaccination of children:
Why the need to proceed with caution? One reason is illustrated by what happened in Sonoma County, CA when an otherwise healthy 15-year-old teenager was found dead by his mother. The teenager had received his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine two days prior.

From the Death Investigation Synopsis Report, courtesy of Reopen California Schools:
The decedent was found unresponsive in his bedroom after his mother was checking on his welfare long after he was supposed to wake in the morning. The decedent was pronounced dead at the scene due to obvious death. The decedent had been in good health with no medical history and had received his second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination approximately two days before his death.​
EXCLUSIVE: In CA, Otherwise Healthy 15-Year Old Dies Two Days After Second Pfizer Shot
Obviously, this is rare. But so are serious complications from COVID for basically anyone that’s healthy and under 60. I bet that mother isn’t feeling very good about the decision today and I feel so bad for her as I couldn’t imagine not only losing a child but knowing that your decision might’ve caused it. I wonder what’s going to happen when vaccines are mandated by schools, companies, etc. I’ve already seen plenty of Work Comp claims due to adverse vaccine reactions. What happens when a couple days off work turns into death or a long hospital stay? If someone was forced to do it the surviving family will absolutely sue.
If they have a donor why does the hospital care?

I imagine it's not their doctor/surgeon saying no. But some administrator.
If the doctor/surgeon have agreed to abide by hospital policy then they are saying no. If I needed a kidney I'd just take the one shot vaccine and collect my kidney. Viola
If the doctor/surgeon have agreed to abide by hospital policy then they are saying no. If I needed a kidney I'd just take the one shot vaccine and collect my kidney. Viola
Speaking as a non medical professional, but if my place of employment got between me and my ethics, Hypocratic oath in this case, I would find a new place of employment.
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The headline blames the hospital but this is as much about the patient's and donor's own choices about getting vaccinated...or not.
What else could we apply this logic for....we are not as far removed from the days of Nazi Germany and Segregated America as we like to imagine. We are still the same people that can be turned on each other on a 0.1% chance of dying from a bad cold.
If they have a donor lined up, what's the issue?
The issue is not just about putting in a new kidney. In order to prevent the body from rejecting the transplant the recipient will need to be placed on immunosuppressant drugs indefinately. These drugs increase risk of death if you contract any infection such as covid with the article reporting 20-30% risk of death. The surgeons are afraid that by placing her on these drugs they may hasten her death if she contracts covid. All transplant centers require patients to be fully immunized with any acip recommended vaccine prior to transplant and this policy is not new.
Also if she can’t get a transplant then she will just get dialysis 3 days a week or peritoneal dialysis daily and survive. It’s amazing that she is okay with sticking someone else’s organ in her body but not a vaccine.
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The issue is not just about putting in a new kidney. In order to prevent the body from rejecting the transplant the recipient will need to be placed on immunosuppressant drugs indefinately. These drugs increase risk of death if you contract any infection such as covid with the article reporting 20-30% risk of death. The surgeons are afraid that by placing her on these drugs they may hasten her death if she contracts covid. All transplant centers require patients to be fully immunized with any acip recommended vaccine prior to transplant and this policy is not new.
Also if she can’t get a transplant then she will just get dialysis 3 days a week or peritoneal dialysis daily and survive. It’s amazing that she is okay with sticking someone else’s organ in her body but not a vaccine.
Has the vaccine been studied for transplant conditions? I legit dont know. I know my uncle just gave a kidney to his sister but they both had the same vaccines. But "cross pollonization" especially on a compromised system seems worth study.

If she is willing to take the risk, why not? I get the standard for cases of random assignment of organs. Those are precious and need to be protected. But this is a one to one. And the Covid vaccine isnt a guarentee, even when compared to other vacs.

To me there is way more assumption on the Covid vaccine than the data backs up. Yes it works, but does it really work well enough to deny life changing care?
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Am doubting we will ever see an autopsy on this teen. Where are all the autopsy reports for the vaccinated that have died? Any physician would have a strong case for ordering one given age, proximity of covid treatment and no comorbidities.
We have a 29 year old that just had a heart attack post 2nd vaccination 3 days. He has multiple infarcts in his brain, liver damage and acute kidney injury. I’m more confident now than ever I will never receive this shot.

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