Vaccine or not?

What makes you small and me big?

Sorry for the inconvenience but the government should have a say when it comes to public transit. It's about as unlibertarian to use public transit as it is to not care about masks on public transit.
How is it unlibertarian? Because my firm pays for my pass? guess you arent libertarian because you use public roads?
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Well let's talk about this. First of all, why does someone need a religious exemption? Can't an atheist object? Secondly, I have yet to see a compelling religious argument for or against vaccination. Even if a religious exemption wins at some point, that doesn't help the others who refuse vaccinations. Shouldn't their objections count too? If this battle is fought on religious grounds, it's a loser either way

What’s the compelling argument in making healthy people who don’t need it or those with natural immunity get it?
Confirming what scientist have been saying.

Vaccination protects against Covid-19 more strongly than previous infection does, CDC study finds

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Among Adults Hospitalized ...

All eligible persons should be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible, including unvaccinated persons previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Covid 19 “like” symptoms and “adjusted odds”. 🤣😂 This isn’t even related to deaths so WGAF.
Do you search this stupid **** out or have you got so much web history from the death cult worship that it just shows up in your inbox?
I've been trying to figure this out. If he/it never leaves his/its house out of fear that would explain it. I hope he/it isn't leaving because according to his/its logic he/it is a threat to kill people all the time with this illness.
What is the justification for vaccinating kids? Kids are the least likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID. Is it to protect the kids or to protect the parents/older folks?

In my opinion there absolutely is no justification for vaccinating kids for a disease that they basically have no chance of dying from. They are pretty much being used as lab rats. Why would any parent In their right mind do this.
American Cancels 1,500 Flights On Halloween Weekend, Denies Any Relation To Vaccine Mandate | ZeroHedge

The spokeswoman said that the problems aren’t related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Capt. Dennis Tajer, a spokesman for the Allied Pilots Association, which represents American pilots, also said the cancellations are not linked to the vaccination requirements. Weather was the catalyst, but management failure also contributed, Tajer told The Epoch Times in an email.

Management is failing at the most fundamental part of running an airline. Connecting crews to the airplane. Our employees are suffering this failure as much as passengers as crews are stuck out into their days off while scrambling to find hotels,” he said.

Good. The managers and CEO need to be let go!
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From a former worker bee at a large company, the vaccine mandate is going to bite them in the ass if they want enough employees to survive. From what I've heard they can't hire enough people to keep production running, so they keep forcing mandatory overtime. Once the Biden mandate kicks in and they are forced to shut down due to lack of employees, they might as well just shut the plant down.
Where's TN's AG?

Attorneys General In 10 States Join Fight Against Biden Admin's Vaccine Mandate | ZeroHedge

The lawsuit, dated Oct. 29, was filed by the attorneys general of Alaska, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. They described (pdf) the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for contractors as a “power grab.”

“If the federal government attempts to unconstitutionally exert its will and force federal contractors to mandate vaccinations, the workforce and businesses could be decimated, further exacerbating the supply chain and workforce crises,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement as the lawsuit was filed.​

The irony of the 92 year old F’er being a Libertarian socialist/ anarchist , now saying people should just remove themselves from society , is rich .

Edit: my bad I didn’t watch the second one where the old anarchist-socialist did indeed say the state should step in and remove them . Lol smh .
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The irony of the 92 year old F’er being a Libertarian socialist/ anarchist , now saying people should just remove themselves from society , is rich .

Edit: my bad I didn’t watch the second one where the old anarchist-socialist did indeed say the state should step in and remove them . Lol smh .

My gosh there are some brainwashed individuals out there. Thats scary stuff to know there are seriously people out there with this mentality.
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Where's TN's AG?

Attorneys General In 10 States Join Fight Against Biden Admin's Vaccine Mandate | ZeroHedge

The lawsuit, dated Oct. 29, was filed by the attorneys general of Alaska, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. They described (pdf) the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for contractors as a “power grab.”

“If the federal government attempts to unconstitutionally exert its will and force federal contractors to mandate vaccinations, the workforce and businesses could be decimated, further exacerbating the supply chain and workforce crises,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement as the lawsuit was filed.​
Really wish people would stop using Zero Hedge as a source. It's a really tilted web site.

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