Vaccine or not?

Seems like a pretty straightforward question. How about, do you believe in conservation? Some might argue that maybe we should let viruses do what they are intended to do, thin the human population. We are no different than any other animal species on the planet in that overpopulation has wreaked havoc on our habitat. It seems that's the one factor most "environmentalists" choose to ignore, that most of our "climate crisis" is the result of the ever increasing human population. That's science.

Jonathan Swift could probably write an interesting tale about it if he lived in this day and age.

And no, I'm not advocating for mass death. I'm merely putting forth a satirical POV. If you and your loved ones are vaccinated, then you're protected. Right? People should be able to freely choose whether or not they want to be vaccinated. They assume the risk through the decision they make. If vaccinated people are protected, then it's "hooey" to assume the unvaccinated are putting anyone but themselves at risk.

I see. No, I believe that God made the environment for man, not man for the environment. I don't believe we're experiencing a crisis of overpopulation; in fact, I believe quite the opposite (and for the record, I'm a father of four). I believe that we should exercise responsible stewardship of the earth that God has given us, but that this stewardship should be for the service of man and the glorification of God, not for the preservation of the natural environment for its own sake.

As for the second part of what you wrote, not all vulnerable persons have been eligible for vaccination. Others are immunocompromised and are helped little or not at all by the vaccines. For still others, the current vaccines are medically contraindicated. There's a great deal of real estate between the proposition that the government should compel all persons under its jurisdiction to be vaccinated against COVID and the proposition that the government should enforce no measures of any kind to check the spread of COVID. I'm not sure why you assume that I hold the first position (especially given that I stated explicitly above that I do not).
There are no established reference ranges, which is pretty stupid, at this point. If anyone wanted, it would quite easy to recruit patients (with $) and draw serial titers to establish a range.

I do have the research titers from the authorization of the existing vaccines (it helps to know people...)
Unfortunately, the people I know aren’t really interested in that large portion of society that is probably naturally immune. They only care vaccination status.
Those reward programs are often done via a third party. So the employer doesn't have access to the direct information.

I've not heard of any company refusing to hire smokers or terminate if caught smoking off duty. That's news to me.

Tobacco is a legal substance. ... However, many states do not have these laws, so employers are free to fire smokers, even if their tobacco use is solely outside the workplace. As with hiring, employers may terminate employment due to an employee's smoking habit, if smoking infringes on a valid job requirement.

Smokers Need Not Apply: Fairness Of No-Nicotine Hiring Policies Questioned
You all better start getting worried about medical supplies.

Here's some inside baseball: large medical supply warehouses and producers that are being forced to implement mandates are expecting more than a 30% loss in staff and no good way to refill those spaces.
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You all better start getting worried about medical supplies.

Here's some inside baseball: large medical supply warehouses and producers that are being forced to implement mandates are expecting more than a 30% loss in staff and no good way to refill those spaces.

I've been told to expect shortages in pharmaceuticals and pharmacies to cut hours for the same reason.
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I've been told to expect shortages in pharmaceuticals and pharmacies to cut hours for the same reason.
I don't think my post was even clear enough.

It's going out about two degrees in the supply chain from the agency. There are a handful of contracting and SES-level bureaucrats overstepping their bounds and threatening contract termination by labeling suppliers inappropriately. Each of these companies isn't doing business with the feds alone- the feds are only part of their business.
Vikings vaccinated guard Dakota Dozier hospitalized with COVID-19, in stable condition: reports

Mike Zimmer said dozens of players and staff are being tested after being deemed a close contact

Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman Dakota Dozier, who is vaccinated, was hospitalized on Tuesday night after contacting COVID-19, reports say.

Vikings vaccinated guard Dakota Dozier hospitalized with COVID-19, in stable condition: reports
Interesting. I don't remember hearing about any other professional athletes being hospitalized. Remember that anyone suggesting concern for ADE has been told to shut up.
So you would only require unvaccinated employees to test weekly? What if they are showing no symptoms? How long would the testing last? And why not just require all employees to test weekly since people who are vaccinated can catch it and spread it as well.
As long as I feel like it. You and I differ on the vaccine. I don't think its foolproof, but I do believe that it lowers the severity of infection and makes it less likely to be transmitted based on what I've read and conversations with people who know more than I do about these things.
What's funny is these supposed libertarian, moderate, and centrist types on here who say they are against any government mandate. But are okay with private businesses being involved in people's personal health decisions.
Not really. Government doesnt involve personal choice, and is largely unavoidable. Private businesses decisions are made by individuals who also have the same right to personal choice. And no business is omnipotent enough where their mandates are unavoidable, which means people can maintain their own personal choices outside of the private businesses personal choices.

You might as well be arguing that because Space X wont send me to the moon on demand they are just like Stalin.
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Exactly how can a corporation force anyone to do anything? Employers coerce employees all the time. Haven't you heard of companies rewarding people for quitting tobacco or losing weight. Heck some companies have banned tobacco altogether and won't hire smokers or will terminate if caught smoking off duty.
You are correct. They can't 'force' you. They can place you under duress however to 'encourage' you to get these 'vaccines'. That is wrong and unAmerican.
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You are correct. They can't 'force' you. They can place you under duress however to 'encourage' you to get these 'vaccines'. That is wrong and unAmerican.

The worst thing a a business can do to you is fire you/not serve you. Yeah I get it that doing either could put a person under duress but it's not unAmerican.

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