- early findings suggest that vaccine efficacy may be only 50% or lower vs Omicron (not surprising given the mutations in the spike protein)
- unclear how naturally-acquired immunity will be affected
- the rapid rate of transmission will make this the predominant strain in basically all of the developed world within days to weeks (far too quickly for a new vaccine formulation to be in play)
- the vast majority of "cases" are mild to asymptomatic (does that even count as a case?)
- most of the monoclonal antibody treatments will not work vs O
1. How will prior infection and antibodies to other CV targets protect against O?
2. How will infection with O protect against other variants?
3. Will there still be a protective effect of vaccines vs severe illness/hospitalization?
4. How will vaccinated and infected patients fare vs unvaccinated or previously-infected? (Maybe the first chance to really look for ADE)
5. Given the above "knowns," what -- IF ANY -- protective measures are warranted, and have we learned anything from our prior attempts to control the virus?