My brother followed anti-vax so-called information. When I told him that I had taken the first two shots, he reacted as if I were doomed to suffer debilitating consequences from bad science of nefarious forces. I told him that I had researched the mRNA vaccines and then discussed the answers to concerns I had about them. The short of it was that I did not entirely trust the vaccines being 100% safe, but the odds of consequential side effects appeared to be far less than the effects of Covid in unvaccinated persons. My belief was that I was much safer with the vaccination than without the vaccination. He remained concerned for me and also interested in my reporting the future health problems which he expected me to suffer from the vaccine. Today, my brother is fighting for his life against Covid, which he got by caring for his girlfriend until she was finally diagnosed with Covid and hospitalized. His denial led to high exposure to the virus. I don't know if he will live or die. If he survives, there might be serious, long term effects. In the mean time, my other brother and I are struggling to work out a plan to provide care without exposing ourselves as he exposed himself, while caring for his girlfriend. It seems impossible to do. Covid hospitalizations wipe out life savings, but even if that weren't the case, his distrust of the medical profession would still prevent his seeking medical care. I just want to say something to all of the ignorant and defiant individuals who spread this disease by refusing to wear masks and take the vaccinations, but I am not going to say what I'm thinking about you. I want to. I really want to, but I'm not going to say what I think about you. It's that bad.