Vaccine Passport

I'm willing to bet you're okay with plenty of other travel restrictions. Unless, of course, you think all borders should be open and no documentation should be required to travel where you please.

It's not like immunization being required for travel is a new thing.

Wait we went from forcing papers on US citizens in order to be able to travel inside their country to open borders for non US citizens ? You may have just won the stretch of the day ... but it’s still early , can you top it ?
I am very religious. You republicans try to steal the flag and try to steal God but you are wrong in both battles. Neither belong to you

Also this time you clearly insulted me. I am not, nor have I ever been, a republican. And i find any such insinuation to be insulting both on a personal level and to my overall intelligence.
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I never once made the claim that our immune systems don't build up due to human contact.

Tucker Carlson does that on his TV show. He puts false words in the mouths of counter debaters in order to make their argument look stupid and his look better. But this is real life and I never said that hun ;)
That's been the entire basis of my argument! Human contact builds the immune response. A year long furlough set us back. I even followed up and said it didnt set us back far, just that it was a set back.
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That's been the entire basis of my argument! Human contact builds the immune response. A year long furlough set us back. I even followed up and said it didnt set us back far, just that it was a set back.

Ok, so it didn't set us back far at all. Ok I agree with that. That's why I think its a silly argument
I was under the impression that if that was what companies wanted to require, then so be it. Been told that on this forum for a long time now.

Also pretty sure no one actually read this article.
If companies want proof then so be it.
A federal passport gets a big F you from me.
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Ok, so it didn't set us back far at all. Ok I agree with that. That's why I think its a silly argument
A set back is a set back. And during a global pandemic it seems doubly dumb, especially with the natural immunity many people had. Far more people had that than died from it
I think everyone needs it. It should be mandated by the government in order to leave your house even.
I'm willing to bet you're okay with plenty of other travel restrictions. Unless, of course, you think all borders should be open and no documentation should be required to travel where you please.

It's not like immunization being required for travel is a new thing.
You aren’t drawing a distinction between identity and health records.
This is a health record issue which any travel would be contingent on. My private health info is none of the .govs business.
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We’re already hedging chinaesk policies from Biden. Sarcasm noted 👏

No sarcasm. It's for safety.

I think we should have a national ID as well that's color coded for political affiliation. That way businesses can turn away conservatives far more easily.
Wait we went from forcing papers on US citizens in order to be able to travel inside their country to open borders for non US citizens ? You may have just won the stretch of the day ... but it’s still early , can you top it ?
If you think that's a stretch, you certainly missed a doozy yesterday.

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