Vaccine Passport

Imagine if I was some 1960s homemaker and I didn't get my son the Polio vaccine. I decided I wanted him to get exposed to the disease so I could "increase my families immunity" ...

would I be a negligent mother?

Imagine if Covid was Polio .
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Imagine if I was some 1960s homemaker and I didn't get my son the Polio vaccine. I decided I wanted him to get exposed to the disease so I could "increase my families immunity" ...

would I be a negligent mother?
Not if you wanted your child to become President.
you are wrong about a lot of things but I know when someone's argument sucks when they resort to personal sidetracking :)
I'm not sidetracked as anyone who has watched a daycare or preschool call see it happen. Introduce a kid to pre-k who spent no time in preschool and they'll be out many days while the immunity builds. It also happens as many kids come back to the classroom after being locked in their house for the first half on the year (or even since last March)

If you aren't exposed to anything for a year how do you think your immune system keeps up?
Lol, you just called me a wacko conspiracists.

I did not. I said your argument sounded like one. You might be a normal dude, Idk, I dont know anything about you. You aren't a doctor and neither am I. That makes us both susceptible to misinformation about this virus which may be what you have been reading :)
What has been happening since the dawn of man is doctors treating diseases. God gave us natural immunities but God also gave us big brains to develop the means to protect ourselves. Both are natural and both are great things
But when politics get interjected......
Imagine if I was some 1960s homemaker and I didn't get my son the Polio vaccine. I decided I wanted him to get exposed to the disease so I could "increase my families immunity" ...

would I be a negligent mother?
You likely would be since kids were at huge risk and otherwise healthy ones were dying or being severely disabled all over the place
So we’re going to try to interfere with what has been happening since the Dawn of man and you want to slap a cute little judgy label on it? Retarded is my word for the day. You are logically retarded about how nature works and man’s relationship with nature.
It is the basis of immunity to be exposed and produce an immune response naturally. This happens every day to everyone. 5000 years later tatertot decided its negligence because of a fundamental lack of understanding of all things immunity. Bravo man bravo.

bitch slap.gif
I did not. I said your argument sounded like one. You might be a normal dude, Idk, I dont know anything about you. You aren't a doctor and neither am I. That makes us both susceptible to misinformation about this virus which may be what you have been reading :)

Did your parents keep you inside all the time and away from dirty , germs and bacteria or did they let you go out and be exposed ? Ask @kiddiedoc which one he recommends as a children’s Dr.
I'm not sidetracked as anyone who has watched a daycare or preschool call see it happen. Introduce a kid to pre-k who spent no time in preschool and they'll be out many days while the immunity builds. It also happens as many kids come back to the classroom after being locked in their house for the first half on the year (or even since last March)

If you aren't exposed to anything for a year how do you think your immune system keeps up?

Oh I see. The argument made was at the macro level, about human beings in general having our immune systems "set back" because of a single year of protecting ourselves. 5000 years of evolution disrupted in 2020, too funny. :)

Yah, little Tommy at the preschool will get the cold again whenever kids go back to school, but that was not the argument being made
Imagine if I was some 1960s homemaker and I didn't get my son the Polio vaccine. I decided I wanted him to get exposed to the disease so I could "increase my families immunity" ...

would I be a negligent mother?
Polio is not chicken pox. Please don’t start with the pulling the children sympathy chain, that crap argument gets old.
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Did your parents keep you inside all the time and away from dirty , germs and bacteria or did they let you go out and be exposed ? Ask @kiddiedoc which one he recommends as a children’s Dr.

My parents were good parents, they weren't negligent.

they protected me from polio, measles, mumps, rubella I could go on and on... and if there was a global pandemic I'm sure they woulda followed doctors' advice and practiced social distancing and mask wearing.
Imagine if I was some 1960s homemaker and I didn't get my son the Polio vaccine. I decided I wanted him to get exposed to the disease so I could "increase my families immunity" ...

would I be a negligent mother?
Is this while they were still testing the vaccine or after it had been proven for decades? Weee bit of difference there.

You are basing your beliefs in the Covid vaccines based on the worst case scenario for Covid and best case scenario for the vaccine, without having the science on either.

I dont believe parents who dont get their children the flu vaccine are negligent. Unless there is a specific, to the child, concern.
My parents were good parents, they weren't negligent.

they protected me from polio, measles, mumps, rubella I could go on and on... and if there was a global pandemic I'm sure they woulda followed doctors' advice and practiced social distancing and mask wearing.

You sidestepped the question completely. 😉
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Ah, a science denier gets lucky. I hope you don't have to deal with the situation. I know several that have. Nobody that has died, but several that are still dealing with pretty severe complications. You are the selfish one, my friend. Lucky, but selfish
I have had family members die of the flu. I still dont get the flu shot. Is society being negligent to my family members who died?
What has been happening since the dawn of man is doctors treating diseases. God gave us natural immunities but God also gave us big brains to develop the means to protect ourselves. Both are natural and both are great things
Creationism from a lib? Now I have seen everything.

Blood letting is back on the menu boys!
Restricting travel and rights based on a required data set. Isn’t that how it all started?
I'm willing to bet you're okay with plenty of other travel restrictions. Unless, of course, you think all borders should be open and no documentation should be required to travel where you please.

It's not like immunization being required for travel is a new thing.
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Creationism from a lib? Now I have seen everything.

Blood letting is back on the menu boys!

I’ll bet George Washington wishes he didn’t have all that help from his Drs. That killed him ... errr I mean helped him die , ummm tried to save him .
I did not. I said your argument sounded like one. You might be a normal dude, Idk, I dont know anything about you. You aren't a doctor and neither am I. That makes us both susceptible to misinformation about this virus which may be what you have been reading :)
From our own doctors and nurses on this board?

Seriously where did you read that our immune systems dont build up due to human contact? Everything I have ever heard in basic medical talk has only said that one thing. I didnt even think it was an argument, but then i figured satellites in space solved the whole flat earth thing but here we are.
From our own doctors and nurses on this board?

Seriously where did you read that our immune systems dont build up due to human contact? Everything I have ever heard in basic medical talk has only said that one thing. I didnt even think it was an argument, but then i figured satellites in space solved the whole flat earth thing but here we are.

I never once made the claim that our immune systems don't build up due to human contact.

Tucker Carlson does that on his TV show. He puts false words in the mouths of counter debaters in order to make their argument look stupid and his look better. But this is real life and I never said that hun ;)
What has been happening since the dawn of man is doctors treating diseases. God gave us natural immunities but God also gave us big brains to develop the means to protect ourselves. Both are natural and both are great things
Immunizations are not natural immunity they are acquired. If you knew what was in the process of making vaccines I think you’d think twice.

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