Vaccine Passport

Hopefully you guys are wearing at least 2 masks? Super spreaders like you are why some of my neighbors aren't sending their kids to school full time and I have to put up with the the little farts playing basketball and walking up an down the street every day of the week.
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Let's test your consistency.

Governor DeSantis just announced an executive order which states that no business in Fla. can require a vaccine passport.

So here we have government telling businesses what to do.

What say ye ?
Let's test your consistency.

Governor DeSantis just announced an executive order which states that no business in Fla. can require a vaccine passport.

So here we have government telling businesses what to do.

What say ye ?

Can you clear this up into something resembling a coherent comment so we don't have to interpret it?
Let's test your consistency.

Governor DeSantis just announced an executive order which states that no business in Fla. can require a vaccine passport.

So here we have government telling businesses what to do.

What say ye ?
Seems it should already be covered by medical info privacy laws

It's also only for local governments and state businesses
Seems it should already be covered by medical info privacy laws

It's just for show. Political and meaningless gesture.

But the irony is pretty rich. The thread is premised on the notion that the government would demand vaccines to enter businesses and travel. And of course that turned out to be a complete fabrication.

And then to top it all off you now have a rising Republican star telling businesses what they can and can't do.

Crickets from the Volnation peanut gallery.
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It's just for show. Political and meaningless gesture.

But the irony is pretty rich. The thread is premised on the notion that the government would demand vaccines to enter businesses and travel. And of course that turned out to be a complete fabrication.

And then to top it all off you now have a rising Republican star telling businesses what they can and can't do.

Crickets from the Volnation peanut gallery.
He's telling govt what they can do. Big difference in that and private businesses

"No Florida government entity, or its subdivisions, agents, or assigns, shall be permitted to issue vaccine passports, vaccine passes, or other standardized documentation for the purpose of certifying an individual's COVID-19 vaccination status to a third party, or otherwise publish or share any individual's COVID-19 vaccination record or similar health information," the order states.
Let's test your consistency.

Governor DeSantis just announced an executive order which states that no business in Fla. can require a vaccine passport.

So here we have government telling businesses what to do.

What say ye ?
But the irony is pretty rich. The post is premised on the notion that the government would demand that businesses cannot require vaccinations. And of course that turned out to be a complete BS.
well the FL govt can't produce them so the rest is irrelevant unless you think the feds will make one now.

And the punishment is...

As a method of enforcement, businesses that don’t comply with the order would not be eligible for state grants or state-funded contracts.
so it's a govt thing

As I said before

“Individual COVID-19 vaccination records are private health information which should not be shared by mandate,” DeSantis wrote. “... so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports reduce individual freedom and will harm patient privacy; and ... would create two classes of citizens based on vaccination.”
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Let's test your consistency.

Governor DeSantis just announced an executive order which states that no business in Fla. can require a vaccine passport.

So here we have government telling businesses what to do.

What say ye ?

I say once again you are a bald faced liar. Which due to your profession we expect nothing less.

The order says.

The order says government entities in Florida are prohibited from issuing "vaccine passports ... or other standardized documentation for the purpose of certifying an individual's COVID-19 vaccination status to a third party."


Taking effect immediately, it also bans businesses from requiring customers to provide documentation verifying a Covid-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery in order to gain access or service from the business.

^^Which I don’t agree with BUT how is this any different than a business requiring documentation of being HIV negative?
I say once again you are a bald faced liar. Which due to your profession we expect nothing less.

The order says.


^^Which I don’t agree with BUT how is this any different than a business requiring documentation of being HIV negative?

Government is telling business what it cannot do.

You can't get around it.

That's a Republican governor doing that.
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Government is telling business what it cannot do.

You can't get around it.

That's a Republican governor doing that.

If you read my post you would see that I disagree with your governor on that. However that doesn’t change the fact that your original post was nothing bit a lie.
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Let's test your consistency.

Governor DeSantis just announced an executive order which states that no business in Fla. can require a vaccine passport.

So here we have government telling businesses what to do.

What say ye ?

Seems like that is in line with HIPPA.
It's just for show. Political and meaningless gesture.

But the irony is pretty rich. The thread is premised on the notion that the government would demand vaccines to enter businesses and travel. And of course that turned out to be a complete fabrication.

And then to top it all off you now have a rising Republican star telling businesses what they can and can't do.

Crickets from the Volnation peanut gallery.
Would a link kill you? You seriously never provide a link.
Spooked? I doubt that. As to whether or not he would have done more, we'll never know. But he WAS called racist, xenophobic and a bunch of other unkind things by the left and the media. I know you didn't like Trump, but he truly was a man on an island from the moment he rode down the escalator.
Poor Trump
So my office is examining requiring people to come back to work now that vaccines are readily available. I have been coming into the office, sans vaccine, but following the other guidelines. I was asked informally if I was getting the vaccine, said no. they said thats fine for now, but they may require it in the future, but they were still working things out.

knowing how my office works, even though they asked yesterday, they are probably going to make the requirements known here in the next two weeks. I would say next week but spring break.

So anyway, I sent this email to my boss:

Boss Lady,

After our talk about *Louder's employer* potential upcoming changes with regards to coming into the office I wanted to share my reasoning.

As I stated I have not, and have no immediate plans, to get the vaccine. The FDA has still only approved the vaccines under emergency conditions. I do not plan on getting the vaccine, until it receives full approval. Once a vaccine receives full approval, I will get it, I have no preference on which. My age and group is not at risk and as such I don’t believe there is any way to construe that I am facing an emergency that justifies taking an unproven vaccine.

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics
6000 total deaths

COVID-19 Stats: COVID-19 Incidence, by Age Group...
This says 250 cases of covid per 100,000 in my age group (25-44). Applying the cases there have been 825,000 covid cases in my age. That assumes all of the cases have been caught, which according to the CDC is not the case. But going off those numbers Covid kills less than 1% (.7%) of my age group who get Covid, again assuming all cases are caught. In reality that number is even lower.

As such, I say again I don’t believe my situation justifies an emergency.

We have also seen the CDC’s guidelines in regards to Covid shift over time. We have seen a number of changes in their stances on masks, social distancing, schools, offices, restaurants, etc change. So, I don’t believe this is a relatively settled science. In fact states that are not following guidelines have not seen marked increases in cases. Georgia has never had a state wide mask mandate nor many of the other measures in the CDC guidelines. Other states like Texas have seen similar patterns. COVID Data Tracker Based on the CDC’s own data, not following their guidelines has not shown any statistical negative differences. Based on the ever changing nature of the guidelines, and real world examples, I don’t believe I am causing undue harm or risk to anyone if I don’t vaccinate and work around those who are, or aren’t.

I am personally willing to work in the office, I come in two days a week already. I would be comfortable working in the office full time. I am fine with people knowing that I am not vaccinated. I would actually prefer that my coworkers know that so they can make their own decisions regarding their interactions with me. That being said I respect *LouderVols Employer's* right to dictate the conditions in the office. I have abided by the mask and social distancing rules, as well as maintaining my own personal hygiene, and taking precautions outside of the office. I will continue to do so in the future as necessary. As *LouderVol's employers* leadership makes decisions about the future of the office I feel it is important to let my stance be known, I am comfortable with this email being shared and having further conversations about my stance as needed.
^^Louder will be looking for job....
I am fine with that. me being vaccinated was not part of the agreement when I was hired. they are changing their standards, if that means I can no longer work there, so be it.

and I am not even above/below getting the vaccine to get a new job, just as long as that is a stated requirement when I am hired.

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