Vaccine Passport

She knew if/when she was fired the American people would only have Trump's son-in-law and the blonde bimbo giving virus advice.

it takes a real leader, a doctor, to understand that and bite their tongue to make sure that doesn't happen.

again we'd be like Brazil right now if she didn't. Brazil with the President who doesn't take the virus seriously and no one to offer any counter opinions. In shambles a year later
If you mean I couldn't lie to millions of people on national tv while hundreds of thousands of people die that I could have saved all along then you're probably right. She didn't just go along, she actually praised the Trump admin response.
You assume that a large number of those lives could have been saved. Nature's gonna nature. It is the height of foolishness to think we can STOP it.
Wasn't about saving lives either since she praised the Trump admin response when she was in it. Maybe she needed to push a few more units of scarves?

She was simply a yes woman to an idiot, not a leader

you are really, really stupid.... SMH. scarves? honestly? okay buddy
you are really, really stupid.... SMH. scarves? honestly? okay buddy
I'm stupid? She praised the Trump admins response when she was a part of it. She now says the response she was a big part of killed hundreds of thousands unnecessarily and you want to hold her up as a leader and hero. If what she says is true then she should be prosecuted
I'm stupid? She praised the Trump admins response when she was a part of it. She now says the response she was a big part of killed hundreds of thousands unnecessarily and you want to hold her up as a leader and hero. If what she says is true then she should be prosecuted

yeah and it was all because she was hawking scarves :rolleyes:o_O
Since you engaged...

Truthfully, I'm fascinated on how as a Jew, that you've not only not taken exception to instances in this thread of the equating of vaccine 'passports' with the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust but affirmativley participated in the 'Nazi' conversation.

Not judging you, I have Jewish friends who are fiercely protective over derisory comparisons to the extermination of their people.

Perhaps I read you wrong, it's just interesting that you felt the need to respond to my post and not others...
The idea of the vaccine passport is straight from the Nazi playbook. And my response was to you.....quoting another poster who said......something, something you voted for a moron something.... and your claim that it was not the “flex” he thought it was.

it absolutely is. Biden is a moron.
Asymptomatic spread when referenced in articles generally includes pre-symptomatic. And there is no evidence on what percentage of spread is contributed to asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. My guess is it's very low otherwise it would run through daycares where many probably kids have it but are showing only mild symptoms. And I'm not sure I even believe in asymptomatic. Even my infant, I could tell there were very mild symptoms primarily because the whole family had it, but symptoms none the less.

All of this is meant to scare and sell clicks.
Are you? You stated there was a "asymptomatic transmission myth."

Can you elaborate?

Nothing to elaborate on. Asymptomatic spread has always been a myth. You tell me how an asymptomatic person generates the viral load needed.
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If there's one positive about illegals who can get a new name, ss number, etc at the drop of a hat, they're already passing fake vaccine cards. $50, includes your name and ss. Of course, the name and ss number will probably be used elsewhere 🤣
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Getting the vaccination and keeping the dated, certification card is a no brainer, but add it to the long list of things some individuals cannot understand.
Nothing to elaborate on. Asymptomatic spread has always been a myth. You tell me how an asymptomatic person generates the viral load needed.

There have been hundreds of easy-to-find clinical studies measuring viral load in asymptomatic patients with Covid. About 20% of asymptomatics carry the same viral load as those who are symptomatic, so they are not asymptomatic because their immune system has stopped viral replication but because of other factors. Mildly symptomatic patients can also carry large viral loads. This is one of those things that is very easy to properly measure so asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic transmission is not remotely in controversy at this point.
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