Vaccine Passport

Warp speed was much later and travel was turned down not stopped. He had the opportunity to lead and abdicated to Fauci/Birx.
Travel was turned down because of the screams from the opposition party. I think.. he might have done more had lefty not gone apoplectic and walked thru Chinatown like Douglas McArthur.
Travel was turned down because of the screams from the opposition party. I think.. he might have done more had lefty not gone apoplectic and walked thru Chinatown like Douglas McArthur.
I don't believe that to be true. However it's not something a strong leader would do anyways. He got spooked because Pelosi walked thru Chinatown?

So he wasn't a dictator?
Is that a claim I've made? Pretty sure I've been consistent that he's much too weak to ever achieve such a level of power
You know all those "liability messages" we see upon entering businesses? Those are laws, not business rules. If I enter and contact COVID, the business is not liable. So a patron is now reponsible for bringing it?
I really want to know how anyone can PROVE where they caught the ChinaFlu.
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I don't believe that to be true. However it's not something a strong leader would do anyways. He got spooked because Pelosi walked thru Chinatown?
Spooked? I doubt that. As to whether or not he would have done more, we'll never know. But he WAS called racist, xenophobic and a bunch of other unkind things by the left and the media. I know you didn't like Trump, but he truly was a man on an island from the moment he rode down the escalator.
Spooked? I doubt that. As to whether or not he would have done more, we'll never know. But he WAS called racist, xenophobic and a bunch of other unkind things by the left and the media. I know you didn't like Trump, but he truly was a man on an island from the moment he rode down the escalator.
You just said he would have done more but he got called "unkind things" by the left and stopped. That's not what a leader does is it? When it came time to get in front and make decisions he abdicated to others with their own agendas

Trump was on an island because that's what he wanted. If he doesn't have an adversary and a fight he creates them. It's not how to create policy and get things done in govt
So let me see if I have this right ... After all the crying and complaining that voter ID is somehow racist and just unAmerican , it’s actually going to be the Dems that come up with and try to implement the platform that without a doubt in its final form , be a voter ID among other things ? That’s going to be priceless . 😂
I don't think lefty will use it for a voter ID because it would paint them into a corner. They would have to choose whether to continue with the China Flu nonsense or require voter ID. I still believe that Dr Fraud is going to miraculously proclaim that by Memorial Day herd immunity will have taken hold and all this is no longer necessary. And our frigid little shrew will come on here and post tweet after tweet of "Thanks Joe". I wouldn't be surprised to see them require vaccine cards for travel and all the things that their base doesn't do however.
You just said he would have done more but he got called "unkind things" by the left and stopped. That's not what a leader does is it? When it came time to get in front and make decisions he abdicated to others with their own agendas

Trump was on an island because that's what he wanted. If he doesn't have an adversary and a fight he creates them. It's not how to create policy and get things done in govt
A good leader takes input when necessary. I am not saying Trump was right on everything. He wasn't. Yes he was a fighter, and that is exactly why he got elected. Those of us that voted for him were and still are tired of slick politicians that promise the world and deliver nothing. Trump fought against his own party. It was refreshing. And he got a lot of things done, but the **** Trump noise from the left drowned out any possibility of them ever being recognized. It really is too bad.
A good leader takes input when necessary. I am not saying Trump was right on everything. He wasn't. Yes he was a fighter, and that is exactly why he got elected. Those of us that voted for him were and still are tired of slick politicians that promise the world and deliver nothing. Trump fought against his own party. It was refreshing. And he got a lot of things done, but the **** Trump noise from the left drowned out any possibility of them ever being recognized. It really is too bad.
That's not taking input, that's cowering behind a tweet when someone called him a mean name. It's easy to lead when things are going well. When it turned and he had a chance to step up he chose not to and allowed people like Fauci and Birx to fill the void. That is really what's too bad. Well that and the fact that people still support him
Is that a claim I've made? Pretty sure I've been consistent that he's much too weak to ever achieve such a level of power
That's a great illustration of the contradiction that Trump suffered from his critics. Had he rammed his plan (whatever it might have been) he is a dictator. Had he sought counsel, he was weak. What exactly should he have done?
The Washington post is now right wing??

That is not what was quoted.

What was quoted was an obvious recasting of the Washington Post story with intentionally misleading spin on it to make it seem like the federal government would make you get the vaccine in order to get a passport and require that in order to go to a restaurant.

Not true. The OP quoted someone making it seem like the requirement was coming from the federal government. Not true.
That's not taking input, that's cowering behind a tweet when someone called him a mean name. It's easy to lead when things are going well. When it turned and he had a chance to step up he chose not to and allowed people like Fauci and Birx to fill the void. That is really what's too bad. Well that and the fact that people still support him
It is too bad. He should have fired the weasels early on. But then he would have been a dictator that injects bleach and eats light bulbs. Oh wait.

He did more for this country than all of the last presidents since Reagan. Certainly more than the idiots we now have in power
That's a great illustration of the contradiction that Trump suffered from his critics. Had he rammed his plan (whatever it might have been) he is a dictator. Had he sought counsel, he was weak. What exactly should he have done?
what illustration? You're signing a claim to me that I've never made

To ram a plan he would first need a plan. He bent over and allowed Fauci to ram that plan
It is too bad. He should have fired the weasels early on. But then he would have been a dictator that injects bleach and eats light bulbs. Oh wait.

He did more for this country than all of the last presidents since Reagan. Certainly more than the idiots we now have in power
He is the potus and can mostly employ who he wishes. He made the decision to allow others to speak for his admin. They spoke on national tv for months at his behest. That's on the guy at the head of the table. All of the handwringing "they would have called him mean names" is laughable given what we now see from the right.

In the end he did very little for this country and left it in semi lockdown and very divided. It's what happens when you put a person like him in a position he is not prepared to hold.
That is not what was quoted.

What was quoted was an obvious recasting of the Washington Post story with intentionally misleading spin on it to make it seem like the federal government would make you get the vaccine in order to get a passport and require that in order to go to a restaurant.

Not true. The OP quoted someone making it seem like the requirement was coming from the federal government. Not true.
Is the NIH and CDC the federal gov? If not we’ve been needlessly following mandates which are not laws.
Many of those quotes were from the Washington post article which goes even further into the discussion on how the federal government intends to restrict travel both domestically and internationally until you prove you’ve had the vaccine. The article contains quotes from several federal Gov. employees about how they are going to go through the process and make it another mandate. Did you miss that in reading the article?
He is the potus and can mostly employ who he wishes. He made the decision to allow others to speak for his admin. They spoke on national tv for months at his behest. That's on the guy at the head of the table. All of the handwringing "they would have called him mean names" is laughable given what we now see from the right.

In the end he did very little for this country and left it in semi lockdown and very divided. It's what happens when you put a person like him in a position he is not prepared to hold.
I disagree with most of that.
That is required when you continue to support him. Facts are optional in team sports. No different than the left team
Except that you find that most of those that supported Trump will also be critical. Find that from the left when speaking of Xiden or the whore.
You just said he would have done more but he got called "unkind things" by the left and stopped. That's not what a leader does is it? When it came time to get in front and make decisions he abdicated to others with their own agendas

Trump was on an island because that's what he wanted. If he doesn't have an adversary and a fight he creates them. It's not how to create policy and get things done in govt

They are in a tough spot with their worship of Trump.

On one hand he is this tough maverick type but on the other hand when trump fails its because of mean things said about him. Which as everyone knows is contradictory.

sometimes ya just gotta laugh at these trump worshippers

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