No need to put arguments in your mouth. You do a fine job.
As for "not moving the goal posts", looking back to your original post where you said it was a violation of the Vienna Convention and "nothing good will come of this" (#1429), you've abandoned the Vienna Convention angle (1435); made reference to Putin in the Ukraine, and Libya (1455); said we should mind our own business (1456, 7); said we took sides (which we did) (1461, 2); went back to talking about Maduro and Putin (1473, 4); then finally talked about how we pay more attention to the Venezuelan Consitution than our own (1482, 3).
But you're right. You didn't move the goal posts, you transported them cross-country. Your original statement is so far behind you now that it's not even being discussed in the thread anymore.
My response to your original comment made no reference at all to the Venezuelan Constitution. Go look.
While I agree with you on some points regarding US involvement in foreign politics, your never-ending and often unfounded or misinformed criticism of the government lacks the critical foundation of logical thought and unbiased research. Stop letting Twitter tell you what to think. There's plenty of ammo out there. Don't waste your time on a non-event involving squatters and the DC media.
Hell, you give me fits in the "To Serve and Protect" thread. Here, it's like playing pull my finger with my grandson.