Venezuela's Triumphant Socialist Paradise

I think you miss the point. Putin was invited. Whether that is a good decision for Putin to get involved is his mistake to make, but we have seen far too often that whenever the US engages ourselves in these internal matters, things never work as desired.
Putin was invited by the former leader. The current leader per their own constitution has shown no interest in continuing that relationship best I can tell.

Problem is with the Russians they’re like that ass hole buddy at your party that won’t frigging leave once the party has wound down.
Does this seem like a valid election to you? Because that's pretty much what happened in Venezuela after the last "election" which is why Guaidó was Constitutionally responsible to take power. It's a gray area for certain, but there is legal backing to his claim of Interim President.

I hadn't paid close attention. I thought the sin was a corruption of the election tallies, but this sounds even worse.
I think you miss the point. Putin was invited. Whether that is a good decision for Putin to get involved is his mistake to make, but we have seen far too often that whenever the US engages ourselves in these internal matters, things never work as desired.

I'm pretty sure you missed Louder's point as well. Putin picked a side. A side that was and continues to be an illegitimate regime. Yet, that's just all hunky-dory in your world because Putin can't do anything wrong.

Your outrage in the matter is duly noted. Your ignorance in the matter is duly noted. Guaidó, by Venezuelan law, took his rightful place as President until elections can be held. Of course, they won't be held until Maduro is out of power since he has decided to abolish the opposition's parties.

This is fair in your world? Outlawing the opposition then having an "election" to claim victory?

Constitutionally, Guaidó has every right to do what he did. The United States has every right to recognize his claim. Trump has every right to allow a new ambassador. The DC Metro SWAT or whomever it was had every right to evict those squatters from the premises as that's what the legally appointed Ambassador from Venezuela asked for. However, you come in here half cocked making ignorant claims about Vienna Convention violations and omitting half the facts because it won't fit your narrative.

Seriously, relax.
I'm pretty sure you missed Louder's point as well. Putin picked a side. A side that was and continues to be an illegitimate regime. Yet, that's just all hunky-dory in your world because Putin can't do anything wrong.

Your outrage in the matter is duly noted. Your ignorance in the matter is duly noted. Guaidó, by Venezuelan law, took his rightful place as President until elections can be held. Of course, they won't be held until Maduro is out of power since he has decided to abolish the opposition's parties.

This is fair in your world? Outlawing the opposition then having an "election" to claim victory?

Constitutionally, Guaidó has every right to do what he did. The United States has every right to recognize his claim. Trump has every right to allow a new ambassador. The DC Metro SWAT or whomever it was had every right to evict those squatters from the premises as that's what the legally appointed Ambassador from Venezuela asked for. However, you come in here half cocked making ignorant claims about Vienna Convention violations and omitting half the facts because it won't fit your narrative.

Seriously, relax.
I'm pretty sure you missed Louder's point as well. Putin picked a side. A side that was and continues to be an illegitimate regime. Yet, that's just all hunky-dory in your world because Putin can't do anything wrong.

Your outrage in the matter is duly noted. Your ignorance in the matter is duly noted. Guaidó, by Venezuelan law, took his rightful place as President until elections can be held. Of course, they won't be held until Maduro is out of power since he has decided to abolish the opposition's parties.

This is fair in your world? Outlawing the opposition then having an "election" to claim victory?

Constitutionally, Guaidó has every right to do what he did. The United States has every right to recognize his claim. Trump has every right to allow a new ambassador. The DC Metro SWAT or whomever it was had every right to evict those squatters from the premises as that's what the legally appointed Ambassador from Venezuela asked for. However, you come in here half cocked making ignorant claims about Vienna Convention violations and omitting half the facts because it won't fit your narrative.

Seriously, relax.
Ras either has me ignored or just ignored my post the old fashioned way. I poke way too many holes in his points for him to engage. Stems from the Ukraine thread days where the sources he used contradicted him, each other, and his beloved Putin. I enjoy pointing out such inconsistencies so it's a one sided conversation.
Putin was invited by the former leader. The current leader per their own constitution has shown no interest in continuing that relationship best I can tell.

Problem is with the Russians they’re like that ass hole buddy at your party that won’t frigging leave once the party has wound down.
This fascination with wanting to uphold the Venezuelan constitution while you same people do nothing as our own Constitution is violated is bothersome.
This fascination with wanting to uphold the Venezuelan constitution while you same people do nothing as our own Constitution is violated is bothersome.

You're starting to move goal posts. That's what Luther does. You're better than that. Either do better research before you fire a volley; pick your battles more selectively; or learn how to admit when you are wrong. This started out as a "violation of the Vienna Convention", which it likely is not. Now we're down to whether we defend the Venezuelan Constitution better than we do our own.

You drew the line, Ras. Stop moving it.
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You're starting to move goal posts. That's what Luther does. You're better than that. Either do better research before you fire a volley; pick your battles more selectively; or learn how to admit when you are wrong. This started out as a "violation of the Vienna Convention", which it likely is not. Now we're down to whether we defend the Venezuelan Constitution better than we do our own.

You drew the line, Ras. Stop moving it.
How did I move the goal posts? I'm not the one that said we need to uphold the Venezuelan Constitution. Most of you all are saying that. That is how you all responded to my original comment about the Vienna Convention.

Don't put words or arguments in my mouth.
You just proved his point Ras 🙄
What point is that? I'm an American and am concerned about America getting entangled in yet another one of these meaningless wars.

If Russia/Putin choose to waste blood and treasure in the same manner, that is their problem.

I am consistent in my position that we should have non-interventionist foreign policy. Commerce with all, but alliances with none.
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What point is that? I'm an American and am concerned about America getting entangled in yet another one of these meaningless wars.

If Russia/Putin choose to waste blood and treasure in the same manner, that is their problem.

I am consistent in my position that we should have non-interventionist foreign policy. Commerce with all, but alliances with none.
Knock off the disingenuous deflection Ras. You screech about US intervention at the drop of a hat while always and I mean ALWAYS ignore the same actions of our competitors, specifically Russia. Your bromance with Putin is plain for all to see. And you’ll come running to the rescue of Iran and China just as fast. At least be honest with yourself if you won’t own it here.
Knock off the disingenuous deflection Ras. You screech about US intervention at the drop of a hat while always and I mean ALWAYS ignore the same actions of our competitors, specifically Russia. Your bromance with Putin is plain for all to see. And you’ll come running to the rescue of Iran and China just as fast. At least be honest with yourself if you won’t own it here.

Russia gets "invited." Oddly America never gets invited.
How did I move the goal posts? I'm not the one that said we need to uphold the Venezuelan Constitution. Most of you all are saying that. That is how you all responded to my original comment about the Vienna Convention.

Don't put words or arguments in my mouth.

No need to put arguments in your mouth. You do a fine job.

As for "not moving the goal posts", looking back to your original post where you said it was a violation of the Vienna Convention and "nothing good will come of this" (#1429), you've abandoned the Vienna Convention angle (1435); made reference to Putin in the Ukraine, and Libya (1455); said we should mind our own business (1456, 7); said we took sides (which we did) (1461, 2); went back to talking about Maduro and Putin (1473, 4); then finally talked about how we pay more attention to the Venezuelan Consitution than our own (1482, 3).

But you're right. You didn't move the goal posts, you transported them cross-country. Your original statement is so far behind you now that it's not even being discussed in the thread anymore.

My response to your original comment made no reference at all to the Venezuelan Constitution. Go look.

While I agree with you on some points regarding US involvement in foreign politics, your never-ending and often unfounded or misinformed criticism of the government lacks the critical foundation of logical thought and unbiased research. Stop letting Twitter tell you what to think. There's plenty of ammo out there. Don't waste your time on a non-event involving squatters and the DC media.

Hell, you give me fits in the "To Serve and Protect" thread. Here, it's like playing pull my finger with my grandson.

Knock off the disingenuous deflection Ras. You screech about US intervention at the drop of a hat while always and I mean ALWAYS ignore the same actions of our competitors, specifically Russia. Your bromance with Putin is plain for all to see. And you’ll come running to the rescue of Iran and China just as fast. At least be honest with yourself if you won’t own it here.

I think I just admitted that I don't comment on them, so there is no deflection. What they do is their business, I just don't think we need to be going around the globe trying to put out fires (or start fires) when we have plenty of things here at home to concern ourselves with.
I think I just admitted that I don't comment on them, so there is no deflection. What they do is their business, I just don't think we need to be going around the globe trying to put out fires (or start fires) when we have plenty of things here at home to concern ourselves with.
No need to put arguments in your mouth. You do a fine job.

As for "not moving the goal posts", looking back to your original post where you said it was a violation of the Vienna Convention and "nothing good will come of this" (#1429), you've abandoned the Vienna Convention angle (1435); made reference to Putin in the Ukraine, and Libya (1455); said we should mind our own business (1456, 7); said we took sides (which we did) (1461, 2); went back to talking about Maduro and Putin (1473, 4); then finally talked about how we pay more attention to the Venezuelan Consitution than our own (1482, 3).

The responses to my original post caused the conversation to drift... not your assertion that I'm just throwing scat on the wall to see what sticks. Again, I am not the one that used the argument of calling Guaido the "recognized" leader of Venezuela based on the Venezuelan Constitution.

And of course, no comment with regards to a SWAT team being used to breach a foreign embassy.
No need to put arguments in your mouth. You do a fine job.

As for "not moving the goal posts", looking back to your original post where you said it was a violation of the Vienna Convention and "nothing good will come of this" (#1429), you've abandoned the Vienna Convention angle (1435); made reference to Putin in the Ukraine, and Libya (1455); said we should mind our own business (1456, 7); said we took sides (which we did) (1461, 2); went back to talking about Maduro and Putin (1473, 4); then finally talked about how we pay more attention to the Venezuelan Consitution than our own (1482, 3).

But you're right. You didn't move the goal posts, you transported them cross-country. Your original statement is so far behind you now that it's not even being discussed in the thread anymore.

My response to your original comment made no reference at all to the Venezuelan Constitution. Go look.

While I agree with you on some points regarding US involvement in foreign politics, your never-ending and often unfounded or misinformed criticism of the government lacks the critical foundation of logical thought and unbiased research. Stop letting Twitter tell you what to think. There's plenty of ammo out there. Don't waste your time on a non-event involving squatters and the DC media.

Hell, you give me fits in the "To Serve and Protect" thread. Here, it's like playing pull my finger with my grandson.


@GreyWolf1129 you should be a detective

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