Hyams...boy oh boy. The easiest thing to do is go along with the Hyams "always get's it wrong" or "always late to the ball game". That might be correct, 'cept for the late part.
The one thing that has to be figured out is this...Is Dave Serrano in Knoxville ready and waiting to do an interview? Hyams says he is. Josh at Scout says he is. Kendall Rogers says he's not, PERIOD.
The timing of this tweet by Hyams has/had me baffled, and after biting the bullet for an SC paysite, it has them "perplexed" as well.
My theory is that Hyams was told what he tweeted or a very close approximation to what he was told. Once he let it out into the world, whoever told him was in a rough spot. Everyone shut it down, denied it...that Serrano was here AND more importantly that there is a "scheduled announcement to name the baseball coach on tuesday." That's important because of Holbrooks time table. I'll do my best to back it up later, but that's the theory.