VP debate 2024

I'd like to have seen Vance admit Biden won in 2020, but realistically anyone associated with the Trump campaign will never admit that, at least not publicly.
My response would have been a football analogy. It’s like where you know the ref missed an obvious penalty on the last play that decided the game. You feel like your team won but whet the scoreboard says is all that matters.
So yeah, I think Trump won but once Biden is sworn in; he IS the President and you live with that fact.
Tennessee fans remember the infamous Gaffney “Catch” at the end of the 2000 Florida game. We feel we actually won that game but history and the record books record it differently. Same thing here for Republicans
Republicans can ask for a review of the play and even file a protest with the league; but in the end the refs call decides the issue. In the election the courts were the referee. You accept the official result but for the next 20 years you still find yourself sitting down over a beer with your friends all saying how you really won that game.
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Walz is a lowlife moron and that was on full display last night, he’s probably the worst of any of the four on the two tickets, and how bad do you have to suck to own that distinction? Trump/Vance or Harris/Walz? What an absolute shat show.this country has faced itself with.
If Harris cannot choose a competent VP, how can she be expected to assemble a capable Cabinet?
I'd like to have seen Vance admit Biden won in 2020, but realistically anyone associated with the Trump campaign will never admit that, at least not publicly.
We will get them to say that when. The DNC leadership comes out and admits Russia gate, the laptop, and the impeachments were fraudulent.
Historically the VP is a non factor in gaining votes for the ticket.

Are yall thinking it is different this year?

I think it barely moves the needle for decided voters. I think for practical undecided voters concerned about substantive common sense solutions Vance gave you that.
Still a mistake. JD is far from a small government conservative.
But he is able to connect with a much larger audience that most Republicans. I think Vance will be the best communicator the Republicans have had since Reagan. Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
You may feel the coach started the wrong QB in the big game; but when you win at the end; you no longer find it important

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