War in Ukraine

I wouldn’t call them harmless but my concern with them is more based off what they might be in the future. Especially if they strengthen their relationship with China

NK will never amount to a significant threat outside of a rogue nuclear attack and I don't see them doing that. The upper echelon of NK knows any attack on it's neighbors means destruction of their country and those guys live pretty damn well, they ain't risking their positions on a hopeless endeavor.

Build a coalition and provide air support to Ukraine forces if Russia invades, air and ground attack aircraft. Should be enough to deter any thoughts of invasion. If not, then let’s see what that PAK fighter has got.
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Build a coalition and provide air support to Ukraine forces is Russia invades, air and ground attack aircraft. Should be enough to deter any thoughts of invasion. If not, then let’s see what that PAK fighter has got.
Let Europe build a European coalition and handle a European problem. Ukraine isn’t in NATO so it’s none of our damn business.
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Nothing but he shouldn't be making empty threats like his former boss did.
I doubt the sanctions are an empty threat, because they probably will pass them if Russia invaded (unlike Obama's Syria red line). It just won't change Russia's behavior.

Russia is not going to invade Ukraine anyway.
Nothing but he shouldn't be making empty threats like his former boss did.

I'm just not sure there is an appetite for any military response by the citizenry here. So if that's not an option not much else left.
Let Europe build a European coalition and handle a European problem. Ukraine isn’t in NATO so it’s none of our damn business.
Even if Ukraine was in NATO, not our concern. NATO should be disbanded anyways. No need to the US to get entangled in an Article 5 debacle just because of some regional conflicts over there. Ridiculous.
Even if Ukraine was in NATO, not our concern. NATO should be disbanded anyways. No need to the US to get entangled in an Article 5 debacle just because of some regional conflicts over there. Ridiculous.
Wait I thought our word was supposed to be worth something Ras? And Article 5 is even written down. You need to be consistent in your Putin man crush water carrying FFS
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I'm just not sure there is an appetite for any military response by the citizenry here. So if that's not an option not much else left.
Sure there is. Call the next German Chancellor and say we’ll since you chose to do this stupid ass gas pipeline you’ve clearly thought about where you are aligned so you Europeans need to handle this. Peace out were done and were not going to play in any of your reindeer games.
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I doubt the sanctions are an empty threat, because they probably will pass them if Russia invaded (unlike Obama's Syria red line). It just won't change Russia's behavior.

Russia is not going to invade Ukraine anyway.
Then they are sure wasting a lot of time moving an invasion force right up against the Ukrainian border!
Wait I thought our word was supposed to be worth something Ras? And Article 5 is even written down. You need to be consistent in your Putin man crush water carrying FFS
They broke their end of the deal and commitment by not paying their dues.

NATO should have been dissolved after 1990 anyways.
If Putin was BFF with Trump, explain to me why it is that Putin feels free only to intervene in Ukraine when Trump is NOT president. Seems like Putin knows he can get away with a whole lot more under Obama and Grandpa Stinky than he ever could under Trump. Strange isn’t it????
I doubt the sanctions are an empty threat, because they probably will pass them if Russia invaded (unlike Obama's Syria red line). It just won't change Russia's behavior.

Russia is not going to invade Ukraine anyway.
That depends on what move Ukraine and The West decide to make. Look out for a provocation or false flag to kick things off. Although having said that, Russia/Putin have shown an extreme amount of patience since 2014/2015 by not taking the bait on some of these provocations.
Then they are sure wasting a lot of time moving an invasion force right up against the Ukrainian border!
Not a waste - it's to apply pressure, see how Europe reacts, reassert his control over Crimea/Eastern Ukraine.

Rightly or wrongly, I'd say he's doing this because he perceives the status quo on the ground might be changing in Eastern Ukraine, and he's rather not have the Ukrainians get confident and think they could take that part of the country back.
Even if Ukraine was in NATO, not our concern. NATO should be disbanded anyways. No need to the US to get entangled in an Article 5 debacle just because of some regional conflicts over there. Ridiculous.
FFS man. You whined and complained ad nauseam about America “keeping its word” with regard to the Warsaw/NATO “agreement”.

Now you want to Sh!t on an actual ally in the above hypothetical.


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