War in Ukraine

No doubt. But Putin is 8 chess moves ahead of anything the idiot in chief could possibly come up with and Europe knows it and most likely will be thinking what to do on their own. You know that second conference call today was the Europeans thinking Dear Lord what has that idiot Biden done now with Putin.
Then that just proves that Brandon needs to walk away from the chessboard.
No one is making that argument. The argument is that NATO is attempting to provoke Russia into making moves. Russia will do what it has to do to defend itself. NATO assets on its border is provocative. You clowns would s^^t in the bed if we had missiles in Cuba or Juarez...
There are thousands of pieces of Russian military hardware parked on the Ukraine border because Russia plans on using them to invade Ukraine is the obvious reason as, correct, nobody believes they are for self defense of Russia because nobody believes Ukraine will invade Russia.

But I can’t wait to hear you pontificate on that’s exactly why they are there 😂
No one is making that argument. The argument is that NATO is attempting to provoke Russia into making moves. Russia will do what it has to do to defend itself. NATO assets on its border is provocative. You clowns would s^^t in the bed if we had missiles in Cuba or Juarez...

I gotta say Ras..I actually agree with you on some points. But as far as we know there is a hostile sub boat parked 300 miles off DC right now. This aint 1963.
Then that just proves that Brandon needs to walk away from the chessboard.
I see nobody expressing a desire to do otherwise. Ok I see one but nevermind.

However that doesn’t justify Putin’s expansionist plans to clearly overrun Ukraine. Stop being a hypocrite
I’d doubt that extends to territorial expansion and is just economical. Putin knows Xi won’t put up with any 💩 and visa versa. And both know the European and US leaders are spineless cucks

Well territorial expansion has always been economical for resources.
There are thousands of pieces of Russian military hardware parked on the Ukraine border because Russia plans on using them to invade Ukraine is the obvious reason as, correct, nobody believes they are for self defense of Russia because nobody believes Ukraine will invade Russia.

But I can’t wait to hear you pontificate on that’s exactly why they are there 😂
Why is Russia having to do this? It goes back to NATO provocation.
I gotta say Ras..I actually agree with you on some points. But as far as we know there is a hostile sub boat parked 300 miles off DC right now. This aint 1963.
And for every sub near DC, we have how many missiles within 10 minute strike distance of Moscow?

Hell, people forget we had missiles in Turkey at the time the Soviets moved missiles to Cuba. If you don't start none, it won't be none.
Just like the Chicoms in the South China Sea right now
That's more for control of naval and shipping lanes. They are the world's largest importer and exporter. They can't stand a blockade of the Mallaca Straits or any disruptions in South China Sea.
And for ever sub near DC, we have how many missiles within 10 minute strike distance of Moscow?

Hell, people forget we had missiles in Turkey at the time the Soviets moved missiles to Cuba. If you don't start none, it won't be none.
I’m going to go play XBox this is useless. We agree on most things… except Russia. I don’t really disagree on the Persians getting a nuke I view that as Israel’s problem.

But when Israel blows their asses away don’t scream about it and when Russia finally overruns Ukraine don’t come here claiming it was just.
That's more for control of naval and shipping lanes. They are the world's largest importer and exporter. They can't stand a blockade of the Mallaca Straits or any disruptions in South China Sea.
No it isn’t. They already had freedom of navigation you’re FOS on that claim. It’s purely a resource grab. Off to XBox now.
I’m going to go play XBox this is useless. We agree on most things… except Russia. I don’t really disagree on the Persians getting a nuke I view that as Israel’s problem.

Bit when Israel blows their asses away don’t scream about it and when Russia finally overruns Ukraine don’t come here claiming it was just.
I wish we would wash our hands of both situations. Israel and Ukraine are none of our concern. We got major problems going on right here on our own soil by homegrown troublemakers. I don't go to bed at night scared of what an Iranian or Russian is going to do to me. Russians and Iranians weren't over here shutting down businesses, locking down society, going after gunowners and parents or destroying cities last summer.

You're focusing on the wrong s^^t. Your closest enemy is likely going to be another American.
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No it isn’t. They already had freedom of navigation you’re FOS on that claim. It’s purely a resource grab. Off to XBox now.
Freedom of navigation... for now. But all it takes is to get on the US's bad side and next thing you know sanctions and embargoes.
I agree..by an exponential factor. But we all have seen the alliance build for 15 years now. Enemy of my enemy is my friend stuff.
It's about business. Russia serves China's energy needs. Plus, they have a shared antagonist in the US. But the Far East of Russia is still just one of many points of contention with those two. They are friends with benefits for the time being.
I wish we would wash our hands of both situations. Israel and Ukraine are none of our concern. We got major problems going on right here on our own soil by homegrown troublemakers. I don't go to bed at night scared of what an Iranian or Russian is going to do to me. Russians and Iranians weren't over here shutting down businesses, locking down society, going after gunowners and parents or destroying cities last summer.

You're focusing on the wrong s^^t. Your closest enemy is likely going to be another American.
I don’t disagree that we have bigger problems at home and screw Europe. Off to XBox
You need to worry about that and let Ukraine and Russia deal with their own problems.

Entangled alliances in a world of global reliance..what could go wrong? A NWO orchestrated to remove nationalism and prevent another WW gone terribly wrong. Enjoy the benefits of Pax America, or turn into a shell. Certainly no easy answers. Diminished credibility by way of hyperbolic polictal statements is a heck of a way to go, whether Taiwan or Ukraine, as seen by the Line in the Sand by Obama and such. Best to keep your adversaries truly guessing

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