War in Ukraine

Oh I never said the United States had a monopoly on invading countries. LOL

Your country has been bombing countries and innocent people for basically no reason and no objective for 20+ years. You have to admit that. I see nothing wrong with the strategy Russia has, people can condemn the violence and death but better 10s of thousands dead instead of 20-30m like the Germans did to them last time seems like a logical choice.

Its very clear why this happened, their strategy has been known for 30 years. Ukraine is lost, this is on you buddy or your government... you have to admit that.

The Russians are not going to do what you tell them, Ukraine is lost.... and Europe is now on deck. Unless the United States/Europe get the adults back in there... we're all heading to RESET.

Seems pretty clear cut, you can get mad and throw a tantrum... its not going to have any impact on where this is going.

Its almost like the United States should be minding its own business. In the meantime, Russia will probably continue to throw dog crap into the Ukraine and see whether the squeeze happens. This is just logical, you can be mad or angry about the logic but its clearly there.

Where has the United States in all these war zone for 20 years helped anything? Oh, it hasn't.

If this continues, Europe is on deck.... and global RESET is a real possibility... do you know how to grow your own food?

This would have all been over with in April if not for the actions of the United States. Thanks Joe. The Ukraine is meaningless, its another Afghanistan where the United State/Europe can throw money down the money pit.... at the same time the war moves to Europe i.e. economic.
Here is @LSU-SIU calling Ukraine lost. A couple other posts ranting about how Ukraine has been completely destroyed before this. And now he is saying it will be a long fight. Man things changed fast.
@volgr hey Larry you’ve been really concerned about when the Kherson counter offensive was starting so PSA it looks like it has. Don’t worry though TASS has already reported that they have repelled the attack. However sadly for you at least it would appear that announcement is a tad premature right now from other reporting.

You’re welcome!
As much as you love us, I don't think anyone could top Woodsman as your favorite.
Here is @LSU-SIU calling Ukraine lost. A couple other posts ranting about how Ukraine has been completely destroyed before this. And now he is saying it will be a long fight. Man things changed fast.

If Ukraine isn't being destroyed, why worry and why not relax? LOL You seem vested but not so sure about your statements..... doesn't feel like you are confident.

There really isn't a fight, they move here, they move there... just keep bombing i.e. keep the fire going. Nothing really complex about this. You really haven't been paying attention since Vietnam.

You are saying Ukraine isn't being destroy and Russia is losing (or implying), cool, go relax.

I'm sure they (Russians) will be gone by Friday. LOL
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Public school educated I see
I do find it quite hilarious you say that considering you and others in here haven't bothered to educate yourselves outside what you learned in high school and/or university.

Many people in this group really need to study history, sociology and anthropology more in depth.
If Ukraine isn't being destroyed, why worry and why not relax? LOL You seem vested but not so sure about your statements..... doesn't feel like you are confident.

There really isn't a fight, they move here, they move there... just keep bombing i.e. keep the fire going. Nothing really complex about this. You really haven't been paying attention since Vietnam.

You are saying Ukraine isn't being destroy and Russia is losing (or implying), cool, go relax.

I'm sure they (Russians) will be gone by Friday. LOL
Well considering I wasnt born until 89, yeah I wasnt paying attention since vietnam.... you got me there.

And which statements am I not confident in? My statements that Russia is winning, will win? The ones where I am able to quote your contradictions? The ones where I called out people in this thread for thinking Russia is about to collapse? Or the ones where I called the BS on Russia losing like 80k troops? The ones where I said we shouldnt GIVE Ukraine a dime, and they should have to pay for all equipment? The ones where I said no to a US/NATO enforced no fly zone?

I have been the one saying this war will last a long time. With or without the west. I have been the one pointing out that the fighting is concentrated in one corner of the country and not nearly wide spread enough to consider Ukraine half way to destruction.

Or the one where I asked you to show me calling someone names?

I was here for the Ukraine 1 thread. I've known the score and history longer than you have been following zero hedge.
Well considering I wasnt born until 89, yeah I wasnt paying attention since vietnam.... you got me there.

And which statements am I not confident in? My statements that Russia is winning, will win? The ones where I am able to quote your contradictions? The ones where I called out people in this thread for thinking Russia is about to collapse? Or the ones where I called the BS on Russia losing like 80k troops? The ones where I said we shouldnt GIVE Ukraine a dime, and they should have to pay for all equipment? The ones where I said no to a US/NATO enforced no fly zone?

I have been the one saying this war will last a long time. With or without the west. I have been the one pointing out that the fighting is concentrated in one corner of the country and not nearly wide spread enough to consider Ukraine half way to destruction.

Or the one where I asked you to show me calling someone names?

I was here for the Ukraine 1 thread. I've known the score and history longer than you have been following zero hedge.

Well maybe we'll find some common ground. I actually don't think much is going to change in any of this, as previously mentioned.

Best case for Ukraine, Russians decide to leave... the country will be a disaster, heck it was **** hole laundering capital of the world to start with. LOL Basically every major engagement the U.S. has been involved with before your time goes the same or similar way. I said the US would be running to get out of Afghanistan back in 2002 like Vietnam, its just simple observation as to the process. FYI I left the military in the late 90s. This is just rinse and repeat of every major engage even in your time.

BTW, I liked your statement.
This sh** easily goes both ways.
1. Pretend you are winning
2. Drag out 60 year old tanks and bribe prisoners to go fight for you even though you’re “winning” so easily
3. Kyiv will fall in 3 days.
4. When the Russians fall back from Kyiv, it was a “feint”. They never really wanted it.
5. Ignore all video, photographic, and audio admissions/evidence of rape, torture, and murder of innocent civilians. It’s all fake.
6. The sanctions are doing nothing, the Russian economy is doing better than ever.
7. The 3 day special military operation is now in its 7th or 8th month.

Ukraine isn’t “winning” this war. But Russia has already lost. Russia has been exposed as a paper tiger. Their military is poorly trained, unmotivated, and clearly has terrible leadership. Their armor/technology/weaponry is being exposed on the battlefield. It’s honestly far below western weapons. They have nukes and a ******* nutcase who might be crazy enough to use them eventually, that’s it. I don’t agree with us sending money and arms to Ukraine on our expense. If anything, sell the sh**. But the Russians are the ones in the wrong here. They’re taking huge losses both to manpower and equipment. I hope they keep killing as many of these Russian invaders as possible. Hopefully the Russian people get sick of burying their kids over putins dreams of bringing back the old days and put the noose to his neck.
Russia could spend the next 10 years in Ukraine and it still wouldn't compare to the debacles of 20 years in Afghanistan that ended with the Taliban back in power and "Mission Accomplished" allegedly after 30 days in Iraq which is now unraveling in front of our eyes 19+ years later.

The US has no room to be giggling about any military timelines.
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Russia could spend the next 10 years in Ukraine and it still wouldn't compare to the debacles of 20 years in Afghanistan that ended with the Taliban back in power and "Mission Accomplished" allegedly after 30 days which is now unraveling in front of our eyes 19+ years later.

The US has no room to be giggling about any military timelines.
Welcome back to the thread Moe! We finally have the Kherson counter offensive to look forward too!

How many victories does our superior force have under their belts since WWII?

Most of the military engagements (whether directly or indirectly) ended up failures, people can sugar coat a pig but its still a pig. The best imo is Hillary selling weapons to ISIS and than selling weapons to Saudi Arabi to fight ISIS. All the parties were using US equipment and Hillary was taking millions from Saudi through the Clinton Foundation. LOL

Technically, the US successfully invaded Panama to kidnap their President. LOL I would say Gulf I was successful, but the pretext to that was Panama. LOL
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Actually 6 months ago our DOD thought Kyiv would be Russian in 3 days.
Actually I was right there with them too. It appeared to be the obvious conclusion. Who could have imagined that the decades of corruption in Moscow would have crippled the Russian military so badly. After all an authoritarian regime requires a proficient military to keep the plebes in order.
How many victories does our superior force have under their belts since WWII?

We have won the VAST majority of tactical victories for sure. No one can best us on the battlefield. How often have you seen U.S. forces in full retreat due to battle field defeats since? Now if you want to argue long term, then fine. The problem with this is that we aren't vicious enough, and until we change tactics we can wipe out army after army....because no military can best us on the battlefield.....but in the end, if they want to keep coming we simply will not do what is needed to put them down for good. It's an old school way of thinking. Thinking when you take a place over then the war is over for good. If you want it to really be over you have to be very cruel and put the fear of God into your enemy for generations to come. The days of the enemy surrendering honorably and submitting because they have been defeated on the battle field are over.
We have won the VAST majority of tactical victories for sure. No one can best us on the battlefield. How often have you seen U.S. forces in full retreat due to battle field defeats since? Now if you want to argue long term, then fine. The problem with this is that we aren't vicious enough, and until we change tactics we can wipe out army after army....because no military can best us on the battlefield.....but in the end, if they want to keep coming we simply will not do what is needed to put them down for good. It's an old school way of thinking. Thinking when you take a place over then the war is over for good. If you want it to really be over you have to be very cruel and put the fear of God into your enemy for generations to come. The days of the enemy surrendering honorably and submitting because they have been defeated on the battle field are over.
Military might has never been our issue. We just can’t send a Seal Team in to take out an ideology which is what we stupidly spend too much time fighting.
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We have won the VAST majority of tactical victories for sure. No one can best us on the battlefield. How often have you seen U.S. forces in full retreat due to battle field defeats since? Now if you want to argue long term, then fine. The problem with this is that we aren't vicious enough, and until we change tactics we can wipe out army after army....because no military can best us on the battlefield.....but in the end, if they want to keep coming we simply will not do what is needed to put them down for good. It's an old school way of thinking. Thinking when you take a place over then the war is over for good. If you want it to really be over you have to be very cruel and put the fear of God into your enemy for generations to come. The days of the enemy surrendering honorably and submitting because they have been defeated on the battle field are over.

Its the wrong question, whether you win a given battle is meaningless. You don't fight the enemy to their strengths but to their weakness. Its a very subjective word "win" when it comes to war, I would say generally the United States has looked foolish at best. The middle east was a disaster and remains a disaster because of the United States actions.

At the end of the day, a bunch of cave dwellers ran the remaining U.S. soldiers out of Afghanistan at the airport basically like or even worse than Vietnam. All those people in Afghanistan were our friends. :D

This hasn't really ended well for 50+ years.

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