Oh I never said the United States had a monopoly on invading countries. LOL
Your country has been bombing countries and innocent people for basically no reason and no objective for 20+ years. You have to admit that. I see nothing wrong with the strategy Russia has, people can condemn the violence and death but better 10s of thousands dead instead of 20-30m like the Germans did to them last time seems like a logical choice.
Its very clear why this happened, their strategy has been known for 30 years. Ukraine is lost, this is on you buddy or your government... you have to admit that.
The Russians are not going to do what you tell them, Ukraine is lost.... and Europe is now on deck. Unless the United States/Europe get the adults back in there... we're all heading to RESET.
Seems pretty clear cut, you can get mad and throw a tantrum... its not going to have any impact on where this is going.
Its almost like the United States should be minding its own business. In the meantime, Russia will probably continue to throw dog crap into the Ukraine and see whether the squeeze happens. This is just logical, you can be mad or angry about the logic but its clearly there.
Where has the United States in all these war zone for 20 years helped anything? Oh, it hasn't.
If this continues, Europe is on deck.... and global RESET is a real possibility... do you know how to grow your own food?
This would have all been over with in April if not for the actions of the United States. Thanks Joe. The Ukraine is meaningless, its another Afghanistan where the United State/Europe can throw money down the money pit.... at the same time the war moves to Europe i.e. economic.