War in Ukraine

1% of our US budget is too much to spend on Ukraine eh? Heh.

Yes, when 167% of our budget is dedicated to other things, 1% more to anything is too much. I'm not against helping Ukraine. I think it's one of the okayest things we can do with our $, but we've put ourselves in a position where it's not responsible to help them.

Being 40, you missed out on most of the Cold War. USSR where we spent ummm... umpteen bazillion over 40+ year WITH THE SOLE PURPOSE OF DEFEATING RUSSIA.

Our finances were in a much better situation, and even still, we didn't need to spend like we did to beat the soviets. Communism is doomed to failure whether or not we get roped into an arms race/space race/farm race. We are still paying for that ****.
Also the history buffs should be familiar with Ike's speech. Ukraine is simply making money for the mic. It's essentially testing in production for these systems. The celebrating in this forum of reluctant soldiers being slaughtered is pretty sick
I mentioned this very same thing about Ike's speech months back in this thread and how this and many other previous conflicts have specifically benefited the military industrial complex. At this point I seriously believe these Ukrainian trolls and cheerleaders know this and simply don't care.
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Ukraine reclaims more territory, reports capturing many POWs

The Russian Defense Ministry acknowledged the setback in a map that showed its troops pressed back along a narrow patch of land on the border with Russia — a tacit admission of big Ukrainian gains.

Reports of chaos abounded as Russian troops pulled out.

“The Russians were here in the morning. Then at noon, they suddenly started shouting wildly and began to run away, charging off in tanks and armored vehicles,” Dmytro Hrushchenko, a resident of recently liberated Zaliznychne, a small town near the eastern front line, told Sky News.

Fighting has escalated again between Armenia/Azerbaijan with Azerbaijan striking locations within Armenia proper. If I were Armenia, Russia would be the last party I'd ask military assistance from.

Fighting has escalated again between Armenia/Azerbaijan with Azerbaijan striking locations within Armenia proper. If I were Armenia, Russia would be the last party I'd ask military assistance from.

What has worked out by asking Americans or Europeans for help in the last 20+ years? Not much.
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Fighting has escalated again between Armenia/Azerbaijan with Azerbaijan striking locations within Armenia proper. If I were Armenia, Russia would be the last party I'd ask military assistance from.

NATO may let turkey do anything they want as long as they don't touch greece
Its in the United States interest to keep itself at the top, a war with Ukraine serves two purposes... 1.) physical war against Russia in theory weakens Russia and 2.) economic war between Russia and Germany (Europe) splits any alliance they would have had going forward and weakens both i.e. continuous support from the United States is needed by Europe.

Remind them why they need us.

This was spoken about even prior to the war ie split up any dependence of Germany and Russia in particular. All of this works for the United States unless it causes collapse or a full collapse of Europe, and it probably helps the UK or could.

I would say we're all going down the path of RESET, meaning potential.
You bring up an interesting point. It would be unfavorable for the West (particularly the US and UK), for whatever reason, to have Russia and Germany cooperating with each other.

"Keep America in. Keep Russia out. Keep Germany down..."

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