The best way to save the lives of troops is to not send them into harms way, genius. Obviously, the US GAF about US lives far less than even you want to admit.
Russia is fighting an existential threat on their border. The Obama State Department overthrew the democratically elected leader there in 2014 and established a govt in Kyiv that would be friendly to allowing NATO troops on Russia's doorsteps... not to mention the 8 years of Kyiv attacks on the people of Donbas. I wouldn't expect the US to sit idly by and allow Cuba or Mexico to join a military alliance with Russia or China, so why in the hell do you think Russia would allow the same on their border? And the US wouldn't stand for Americans living in Mexico to be attacked for 8 years, so why are you criticizing the Russians for doing the same?
I'm not sure if some of you take these hypocritical positions because you're just plain stupid or if you just have a visceral hatred of Russia/Russian people. And as I think about it, by you guys supporting Ukrainians being used as cannon fodder, I'm not so sure if you GAF about Ukrainians.