War in Ukraine

NATO, Ukraine autonomy pose diplomatic challenges for Biden | AP News

Administration officials have suggested that the U.S. will press Ukraine to formally cede a measure of autonomy to eastern Ukrainian lands now controlled by Russia-backed separatists who rose up against Kyiv in 2014. An undefined “special status” for those areas was laid out in an ambiguous, European-brokered peace deal in 2015, but it has never taken hold.

Dear god Biden is really going for the whole Chamberlain, “Peace in our Time”, route.
Yet Putin's Russia is the only country that has invaded and annexed the sovereign territory of another country in recent memory...

One benefit of global interdependence and media and the Internet are that it becomes obvious pretty early on that military action against another country is very rarely going to pay off in the end.
One benefit of global interdependence and media and the Internet are that it becomes obvious pretty early on that military action against another country is very rarely going to pay off in the end.

Putin could take all of Ukraine and nobody will do a damn thing about it.
No one will take military action but that doesn't mean there's no cost, or that it's worth it.

However some countries and people only understand and respect force. I don't think Putin has ever been swayed by economic sanctions. He can outlast those. What he can't outlast is Russian mothers seeing their sons come home in body bags by the hundreds and him losing modern military equipment.
No one will take military action but that doesn't mean there's no cost, or that it's worth it.

Genocide in China and the Biden response is laughable if not so serious.
Think about it as the premise of your political beliefs are justice for all, whether be racial, sexual orientation or identification, etc.

There is an actual genocide taking place, and not some feaux party opposition rhetoric and yet...
Yet Putin's Russia is the only country that has invaded and annexed the sovereign territory of another country in recent memory...
They voted in a referendum to join Russia. No one in Crimea is complaining. They're just fine with the present arrangement.
However some countries and people only understand and respect force. I don't think Putin has ever been swayed by economic sanctions. He can outlast those. What he can't outlast is Russian mothers seeing their sons come home in body bags by the hundreds and him losing modern military equipment.
Can the United States mothers stand to see their sons coming home in body bags from Ukraine? A place where we have no strategic interest or benefit to average Americans?
They voted in a referendum to join Russia. No one in Crimea is complaining. They're just fine with the present arrangement.

A referendum AFTER Little Green Men took over Crimea and a referendum conducted under armed occupation. Also do you not find it ironic that a choice in the vote wasn't to remain part of Ukraine? How very convenient for the Russians.
A referendum AFTER Little Green Men took over Crimea and a referendum conducted under armed occupation. Also do you not find it ironic that a choice in the vote wasn't to remain part of Ukraine? How very convenient for the Russians.
Again, no one is complaining. What more needs to be said?

Show me a Tik-Tok video of Crimeans marching in the streets or protesting wanting to reunify with Ukraine.
Again, no one is complaining. What more needs to be said?

Show me a Tik-Tok video of Crimeans marching in the streets or protesting wanting to reunify with Ukraine.

Yes, let's march in the streets when you now live in a country whose leader poisons opposition figures with radioactive material. Look up what's happened to the Crimean Tatars since annexation.

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