His talking points are exactly the same as yours, verbatim. You repeat his sayings and slogans because you obviously follow him on Twitter and agree with him.
Very few inside America thought the US military would lose in Afghanistan. I knew we'd lose. I didn't buy into the conspiracy theory that the Taliban did 9/11 or agree with the theory that the US military would win in Afghanistan if we just dropped enough pallets of $100 bills to pay the Taliban to not fire on our convoys. I knew the Taliban grew up in drastically harder conditions than we did, would be tough enough to outlast us the same way the Vietnamese did, and would still be in power after the war ended and after a lot of American money and lives were wasted.
I was also one of the few Americans who didn't buy into the WMDs in Iraq conspiracy theory. You did, because you're a conspiracy theorist. And you'll fall for anything. I didn't want all of those American flag-draped coffins to come home from Iraq by the thousands, but you got what you wanted so you can feel gratification about all those dead Americans. They're on you, bro. Between the two of us, one of us seems to want what's actually best for the USA, and it's obviously not you.
And now you're putting a foreign government ahead of your own family. You'll never see me ever say the USA should send even one cent, let alone tens of billions of dollars to a foreign government, because I'm an America Firster. I see Americans posting on facebook, talking about shortages and high gas prices in the USA and saying things like, "These are the sacrifices our families have to make for Volodymyr Zelensky." That's such a pathetic, beta attitude. That it's the prevailing sentiment in the USA doesn't make it any less pathetic.