War in Ukraine

And how does this tweet prove there wasn't a coup in 2014?

Wrong question.
How many elections are required after a revolution to make a government legitimate?
Does the response of the Ukrainian people indicate that they support their elected government or that they want Putin to install his lackey?
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I don’t gaf what Wikipedia says..

Moscow, Tennessee - Wikipedia

Only 556 Muscovites still left...

Seriously, I never knew there was an iota of Russian heritage here?!

Curious... when you referenced Wikipedia in the past, did you also not GAF?

Also, your 2015 post... seems you're of Russian descent.

Shocked I am.
Wrong question.
How many elections are required after a revolution to make a government legitimate?
Does the response of the Ukrainian people indicate that they support their elected government or that they want Putin to install his lackey?
Yanukovych was the democratically elected president. He was overthrown in an actual coup. The response that Velo gave in the form of the same junk tweets that are always posted and had nothing to do with the video I posted. If you want to watch the whole video then discuss like adults please let me know.

Those are staggering losses for any military. Nearly 100K men, 3K tanks, almost 6K APCs and MIFVs, and early 300 attack aircraft. Those numbers would put a huge hole in even the US military. It's easy to see how destroyed the russian military is.

If this keeps up, they may not even be able to blindly fire artillery into civilian areas, let alone precision attack schools and hospitals.
'A plotline straight out of The Americans': Suburban New Hampshire husband - who ran popular online craft store with wife and 'blended' into their neighborhood - indicted for 'smuggling nuclear and quantum computing tech to Russia'

An unassuming New Hampshire husband who runs an online craft store with his wife has been charged over a conspiracy to supply Russia with high-tech equipment used in nuclear weapons development.

In an elaborate conspiracy likened to the plot of TV spy drama The Americans, Alexey Brayman and his accomplices allegedly operated an international ring that smuggled sensitive technologies into Russia via Europe.

Brayman and his wife, Daria, share a quaint suburban home in Merrimack, New Hampshire, where they run an Etsy craft store and night lights business.

That home is the clearing house where Brayman trafficked 'advanced electronics and sophisticated testing equipment used in quantum computing, hypersonic and nuclear weapons development and other military and space-based military applications', prosecutors allege.

Suburban craft store owner 'smuggled nuclear tech to Russia': Case evokes TV spy drama The Americans | Daily Mail Online
Yanukovych was the democratically elected president. He was overthrown in an actual coup. The response that Velo gave in the form of the same junk tweets that are always posted and had nothing to do with the video I posted. If you want to watch the whole video then discuss like adults please let me know.

None of this matters. Russia invaded Ukraine. I am no Mr Z fan, but Pootin sent thousands of Russian troops over the Ukrainian border and now tens of thousands have died on both sides...many more will follow. Seems totally worth it at this point.
Well this seems dumb. Why not Poland? Russia will bomb the factory in Ukraine. They wouldn't touch a NATO country.

It would be staggering if it were true on the Russian side. But as Ursula von der Leyen said last week, it is actually the Ukrainians that have 100k KIA.

How is it that you swallow anything russian bot farms churn out.

Just for clarification….are the 95k+ personnel losses on the Russian side KIA or total casualties?

Probably total casualties. Staggering numbers.
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How is it that you swallow anything russian bot farms churn out.

Probably total casualties. Staggering numbers.

The other thing is that when you look at the correction to the Ukrainian casualties, it seems to be a total count - both military and civilian. "Russia's brutality" is the key part of the statement.
The estimation used, from external sources, should have referred to casualties, i.e. both killed and injured, and was meant to show Russia‘s brutality.

Keep in mind Russia was targeting Ukrainian homes and businesses on a regular basis. Ukraine was targeting Russian troops. With the Russian drone, bomb, missile, and artillery strikes in Ukrainian cities, then you'd expect a high civilian count - pure terrorism from the Russian side. Then there were the killings, rapes, and tortures of innocents by Russian troops when they invaded,
Sounds like things are getting dicey in Bakhmut

I don’t doubt it. russia is desperate for any perceived victory, so they are throwing the kitchen sink at them. Killing massive numbers of civilians in the process, but that’s just the repugnant nature of the culture in the russian military. Very very brave against an outnumbered force or civilians. Cowards otherwise.
Keep in mind Russia was targeting Ukrainian homes and businesses on a regular basis. Ukraine was targeting Russian troops. With the Russian drone, bomb, missile, and artillery strikes in Ukrainian cities, then you'd expect a high civilian count - pure terrorism from the Russian side. Then there were the killings, rapes, and tortures of innocents by Russian troops when they invaded,

Cowards, rapists, and murderers. Pretty much sums up the russian military.

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