War in Ukraine

OK. Let's presume you're right... there are Nazis in Ukraine. So what? How does that legitimize Russia invading sovereign Ukraine?

More importantly, we have the American Nazi Party right here in the US. They're public and out in the open.

Would you ban Nazis here in the US?

Also, since we openly have Nazis here in the US, does that legitimize Canada and Mexico invading us militarily?

The invasion had nothing to do with just Nazis in Ukraine…but everything to do with their stance and actions against ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

We get it. As long as they’re aligned with the US…you guys will obviously cheer for anybody.
Nuland's phone call where they name dropped a Nazj who is not in power today. How does that fit your narrative? In fact none of the three they directly discussed in the phone call ever gained a new seat of power. IiRC two already held various jobs, and kept them in 2014, but lost them in 2019.

I have provided proof multiple times that the number of actual nazis are decreasing and you guys refuse to acknowledge it.

Zelensky was attacked, the people he banned were helping the attackers. What system of government would allow entities aligned with their active enemy to operate within their borders?

You guys refuse to acknowledge that.

Heck Putin has banned political parties, it's one of his stated goals for invading. So not just a fascist, but one looking to violently spread his ideology to other countries. Putin has locked away media members who dont 100% align with the narrative. Putin has banned movement of his own people, and seized foreign assets.

Everything you hate Ukraine/Zelensky for Russia and Putin are the exact same. But we never once here you turn on the Russian fascism. If you guys were actually neutral or unbiased you would be able to acknowledge this.

What you refuse to acknowledge is that’s who we enlisted and put in power…until the stain, the corruption and the incompetence were out in the open and couldn’t be ignored anymore. Regardless of whether Poroshenko or Zelensky has polished that image on the surface…the interior remains the same..
The invasion had nothing to do with just Nazis in Ukraine…but everything to do with their stance and actions against ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

We get it. As long as they’re aligned with the US…you guys will obviously cheer for anybody.

You don't get off that easy chump.

Let's start with your lies: Putin 100% used "denazification" of Ukraine as his justification for the invading sovereign state.

No need to post quotes here. You know it's the truth.

Putin using false 'Nazi' narrative to justify Russia's attack on Ukraine, experts say

Next... you claim Russia's invasion of Ukraine had "everything to do with their stance and actions against ethnic Russians in Ukraine".

Curious. Tell me... if Mexicans are mean to Americans in Cancun - we then have the right... no... OBLIGATION... to invade Mexico to "save" our ethnic Americans from the "stance and actions" of Mexicans against our American citizens?

Looking forward to your amazingly lame ass response.
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You don't get off that easy chump.

Let's start with your lies: Putin 100% used "denazification" of Ukraine as his justification for the invading sovereign state.

No need to post quotes here. You know it's the truth.

Given you're exposed lies about "denazification" you (once again) shift gears and now say Russia's war had everything to do with "their stance and actions against ethnic Russians in Ukraine".


Seriously. You're so pathetic.

Take your lame lies and Russian football, and just tuck tail back to your lame ass bullsh*t wherever it is you have your lame life.

Total. Crap.

What lie is that, Harry? Yes, he said denazification…because what I explained. There’s Nazis in every European and North American country in the world…just one openly at war against ethnic Russians…since 2014.

Calm down Harry…don’t go kick the dog or nothing.

And I got your chump…
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The invasion had nothing to do with just Nazis in Ukraine…but everything to do with their stance and actions against ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

We get it. As long as they’re aligned with the US…you guys will obviously cheer for anybody.
Russia created a bunch of rebels and then pretend to get angry when those rebels get shot up in an armed conflict Russia started.

And they werent targetting ethnic Russian, they were targetting rebels. Those areas were still a majority of ethnic Ukrainians. Unless you think Ukraine had some super duper smart artillery and guns that only hurt ethnic Russians I have no idea how you believe they were specifically targetting Russians only.
What you refuse to acknowledge is that’s who we enlisted and put in power…until the stain, the corruption and the incompetence were out in the open and couldn’t be ignored anymore. Regardless of whether Poroshenko or Zelensky has polished that image on the surface…the interior remains the same..
Corrupt and incompetent sure. Now one is holding up Ukraine as some paragon of virtues. That's just another straw man you are creating.

Except we didnt put them in power. Your Russian boy Yanukoych put them in power. That's why there were more under Yanukoych than there were under, what you believe to be, our puppets.

The facts just dont line up for you. 37 under the Russian stooge Yanukoych, 6 after "the west kicks out" Yanukoych, 1 with "the uber Nazi" Zelensky in power.

The problem is getting better, and it got better AFTER the Russian puppet was kicked out. That's what the facts say. You just dodge, dip, duck, and dodge those facts to avoid dealing with a truth you dont have an answer for.
Russia created a bunch of rebels and then pretend to get angry when those rebels get shot up in an armed conflict Russia started.

And they werent targetting ethnic Russian, they were targetting rebels. Those areas were still a majority of ethnic Ukrainians. Unless you think Ukraine had some super duper smart artillery and guns that only hurt ethnic Russians I have no idea how you believe they were specifically targetting Russians only.
They didn't create a bunch of rebels and you know it. U.S, U.K and EU involvement as well as Western corporate imperialism caused tensions between people in the Western and Eastern parts of Ukraine. Both regions have been historically different from the other for centuries. And once Yanukovych was ousted in the U.S. backed coup tensions flared up even more.

So what happened is people in Donetsk and Luhansk rose up to the tyranny of the Ukrainian government and western imperialism.
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How did any of this benefit Europe? Or Ukraine for that matter? Just following behind the US and destroying themselves for what?

Pepe Escobar is a known Russian propogandist documented with the State Dept and on NSA radars. That post read like it was right out of the script of an Ancient Aliens episode.
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How did any of this benefit Europe? Or Ukraine for that matter? Just following behind the US and destroying themselves for what?

I was actually listening to an interview of Condoleeza Rice that took place in 2014. In that interview she mentioned how it was a bad idea for Europe to depend on Russia for their energy needs and that the U.S. could fill this need for them.

Then you also have Ted Cruz - who I liked at one time. He has gone on the attack over the years regarding the Nordstream pipeline and how it was dangerous for Europe to depend on Russia for its energy needs as well.

So this isn't really about fighting Russian aggression like many of these trolls in here have been led to believe and want people to believe. It's also about getting Europe to rely more on the U.S. for its energy needs. And it's been led by the almighty Uniparty that exists in DC still to this day. And this is also another case of Western Corporate Imperialism at its finest.
I was actually listening to an interview of Condoleeza Rice that took place in 2014. In that interview she mentioned how it was a bad idea for Europe to depend on Russia for their energy needs and that the U.S. could fill this need for them.

Then you also have Ted Cruz - who I liked at one time. He has gone on the attack over the years regarding the Nordstream pipeline and how it was dangerous for Europe to depend on Russia for its energy needs as well.

So this isn't really about fighting Russian aggression like many of these trolls in here have been led to believe and want people to believe. It's also about getting Europe to rely more on the U.S. for its energy needs. And it's been led by the almighty Uniparty that exists in DC still to this day. And this is also another case of Western Corporate Imperialism at its finest.
I can't believe the leaders in Europe were dumb enough to believe that US LNG would be cheaper and more reliable than pipeline gas coming from Russia. Its like Macron and Scholz are surprised that they are having to pay 4X for far less volume. Plus, they don't even have enough LNG port facilities or LNG tankers to replace Russian gas right now. Just dumb.
Do you even read the 💩 you post anymore Moe? The article literally said the invading Vatniks are running out of ammo and going to decades old stock piles. As others with prior military experience have already said in this thread this isn’t the stuff you go to war with, this is the stuff you burn off in bulk on the training range where inconsistencies don’t hurt you and in fact aid in training on how to deal with them
They didn't create a bunch of rebels and you know it. U.S, U.K and EU involvement as well as Western corporate imperialism caused tensions between people in the Western and Eastern parts of Ukraine. Both regions have been historically different from the other for centuries. And once Yanukovych was ousted in the U.S. backed coup tensions flared up even more.

So what happened is people in Donetsk and Luhansk rose up to the tyranny of the Ukrainian government and western imperialism.
Tyranny, what tyranny?

Following their own laws, and the agreement Yanukoych signed?

The only tensions that were flared were the actual Russians. Which is why they kicked out the local elected officials from Dontesk and Luhansk. You would think those local officials would share the same sentiments as their consistutients and fellow eastern Ukrainians, and would stay to welcome the Russians. But they didnt. They got rounded up and kicked out by men in Russian military gear.

The Russians were never as supported, and/or the anti-Kiev sentiment was overblown by the Russian media from the start. Which is why you didnt see mass support for the Russian invasion in Ukraine, which is why their offensive failed. Another fact that you cant accept.

The next leap of logic you guys make, read that as ignoring facts, is that for some reason the only place there was even a bit of talk about independence was where the Russians showed up. No where else in Ukraine were there even whispers of independence after the alledged coup. Even in Dontesk and Luhansk there wasnt any build up. A few protests that were peaceful, and then just BOOM straight up independence. That doesnt pass the smell test. Look at any rebellion or independence movement. There is always some build up, always some non-local support. No one goes from "I am upset enough to peacefully protest", to "I am grabbing my new, AK102s, t92s, and 2S19s out of the iron mine and overthrowing my government" the next day.

Look at the US. Even all our our wackos reaction to Bidens "Coup" took multiple steps. formal complaints thru elected officials, formal and peaceful protests, mass demonstrations, and then whatever you want to call 1/6. And it had been going on for months. The Maidan protests took a similar path. Formal complaints, peaceful protests for months, with mass demonstrations, that eventually turned bloody, that lead to a formal agreement from BOTH sides, to the president fleeing to Russia. China/Hong Kong is similar.

That's the natural evolution of a major political unrest. Dontesk was something completely different. The new elections, that Yanukoych signed off on, hadnt even happened yet that was in May. They didnt even wait to see what was going to happen from the last act of the guy they were so tied too they revolted. They went from a 3 to an 11, that's too big of a step to be natural.
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I can't believe the leaders in Europe were dumb enough to believe that US LNG would be cheaper and more reliable than pipeline gas coming from Russia. Its like Macron and Scholz are surprised that they are having to pay 4X for far less volume. Plus, they don't even have enough LNG port facilities or LNG tankers to replace Russian gas right now. Just dumb.
So not only are the Ukrainians being used for our Military Industrial Complex but also for the U.S. and Western global corporate complex that exists.

And I've noticed we got quite a few Dublin Destroyers and Iron Mike Sharpes in this thread on the Ukrainiac side lol.
Russia created a bunch of rebels and then pretend to get angry when those rebels get shot up in an armed conflict Russia started.

And they werent targetting ethnic Russian, they were targetting rebels. Those areas were still a majority of ethnic Ukrainians. Unless you think Ukraine had some super duper smart artillery and guns that only hurt ethnic Russians I have no idea how you believe they were specifically targetting Russians only.

“Created” a bunch of rebels? Lol. No, those were created by the coup and the ensuing anti-Russian rhetoric and programs being pushed throughout Ukraine.

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