War in Ukraine

I knew it would only be a matter of time before the truth came out...


What epiphany are you referring to here Moe? Has Russia finally admitted to losing hundreds of troops because of their own OPSEC stupidity?
Who knew disassembling one of your top geopolitical opponents by proxy without ever putting a U.S. service member in harms way was going to be in the discount aisle at ForeignWarsrUs for pennies on the dollar of what we’ve spent since 1945 preparing to fight these vodka soaked incompetent morons. Ukraine wants to beat their asses. Europe is tired of their BS. Kick some money in and make it happen.

That being said we’ve already spent quite a bit and need to sit tight and burn this down. I’ve said that multiple times. This is the best money we’ll ever spend on foreign aid but we need to curb our enthusiasm quite a bit.

Europe is tired of their BS and yet we're the primary financier of this war that is in their backyard. Just seems like we're being played for fools.
Europe is tired of their BS and yet we're the primary financier of this war that is in their backyard. Makes me wonder.
Go check out Poland’s contribution as a percentage of GDP. They hate the Russians more than anyone.

No single country can come close to the raw size of our GDP. Not even the combined EU is bigger.
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Go check out Poland’s contribution as a percentage of GDP. They hate the Russians more than anyone.

No single country can come close to the raw size of our GDP. Not even the combined EU is bigger.

Which country has sent the most money to Ukraine?

Idc about the number compared to gdp. This is in the EU's backyard so I believe it's reasonable to expect them to contribute the lion's share of money to the effort.
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You’re not really helping your case Curly but by all means keep explaining to everyone what your idiotic list is really about. Be as specific as you like! 🤡
LMAO. Oh you know exactly what the list is for Proctor. Which is why you threw your tantrums in the past and why you're still talking about it now.
Having a tool and using it are two different things. Joe is a complete idiot and totally incompetent, but he hasn't invaded Canada, and he sure as hell hasn't invaded Mexico. Half of congress won't go after joe. Half of congress went after Trump a couple of times and couldn't make it stick. That's the effect of something called negative feedback - in political terms it tends to keep people from being able to do stupid stuff just because they can ... maybe unfortunately. Congress is a pretty untrustworthy body of clowns needing some serious adult oversight.
No, he is allowing an invasion from our Mexican border and he is attacking Americans. That's what you Cold War boomers fail to grasp. Our biggest enemies are not some external threat from Russia or China. The people giving us hell right now are right here.
You mentioned earlier that China is our enemy; I agree. I've seen China as our real enemy well before it became fashionable. The disturbing point is how counties like China become the real problems, and that gets back to not dealing with problems before they become significant problems ... because we believe it's always wrong to initiate and wage conflicts or otherwise force concessions. People correctly analyzed Russia as a post WW2 threat, and left the threat to develop - which it did. Russia helped foster China, and then the world faced two threats.
The US created China. This entire paragraph is a bunch of nonsense. Nixon and Kissinger and Bill Clinton. If you want to point a finger at someone, don't feed me this nonsense about Russia helping to foster China. That is simply untrue up until very recently after Biden forced them to move closer together.

If you stick solely with conventional weapons and threats, the West has pretty much bankrupted Russia, and then bankrolled China into a more serious threat ... ironically through commerce - a silly, stupid blunder you can attribute to corporate and political "leaders". Ironically we can believe in preventive and predictive measures in many fields such as industry and health, but it's absolutely a verboten topic with respect to military matters.

WTF? To be clear, are you saying that the US should engage in pre-emptive military actions? And LOL at you saying the idea of taking pre-emptive action is verboten. We have people that think just like you crawling all over the place in DC right now, There is no peace movement or peace party right now. That appears to be the only thing you can get both sides to agree on... more war.

I think you and several others disagree from a cost standpoint; that's fine. I happen to think conservatism is dead, and we would simply waste what we are spending on Ukraine in different ways and accomplish less with the spending. I tend to see one aspect of supporting Ukraine as a down payment toward neutralizing Russia - almost 80 years too late and without real thought, but the blind squirrel stumbles across an acorn from time to time.

We are not neutralizing Russia. If we make it out of this alive without it going nuclear, it is clear that Russia is going to win this conventional conflict, and in the process, you have de-industrialized Europe and pushed China, Iran, KSA, India and Turkiye closer to Russia... and you are helping to further bankrupt America.

Diplomacy is not in our toolbox. All we know how to do is warmonger and create chaos all over the place.
Don't be surprised if India, Pakistan and Indonesia join sides with Russia and China as well. Seems to be heading towards that direction.
Oh God. This again.

Trade deals, sure. Nothing we havent seen before.

Actual military alliance able to function together? No. India and Pakistan hate each other. They kill a bunch of soldiers every once and a while to keep things spicy. But you believe they are going to make friends and work together? They are going to need a better reason than biting the hand that feeds them to start working together.

China and India have also killed each other to a lesser degree as well. No in built animosity like with Pakistan.

But it's a smaller scale military actions to the 2014-2021 Donbas. Cease fires that are never honored. Shelling on both sides. Moving troops around some loosely defined borders. Hard to pinpoint who is to blame.
Oh God. This again.

Trade deals, sure. Nothing we havent seen before.

Actual military alliance able to function together? No. India and Pakistan hate each other. They kill a bunch of soldiers every once and a while to keep things spicy. But you believe they are going to make friends and work together? They are going to need a better reason than biting the hand that feeds them to start working together.

China and India have also killed each other to a lesser degree as well. No in built animosity like with Pakistan.

But it's a smaller scale military actions to the 2014-2021 Donbas. Cease fires that are never honored. Shelling on both sides. Moving troops around some loosely defined borders. Hard to pinpoint who is to blame.
Shut down the call centers and India implodes.
The US created China. This entire paragraph is a bunch of nonsense. Nixon and Kissinger and Bill Clinton. If you want to point a finger at someone, don't feed me this nonsense about Russia helping to foster China. That is simply untrue up until very recently after Biden forced them to move closer together.
The US did not create the PRC. We built them up AFTER The Stalnism/Maoism communist split became too big of a gap. Before that the Russians/Soviets absolutely built up China after their civil war more or less stopped. Maoism failed hard and the Soviets propped them up, especially after their big programs like the 4 Pests, and the Great Leap Backwards. It wasnt until the late 60s and 70s that the west STARTED moving in. That's at least 30-40 years of Soviets creating China.

Maybe ironically, one of the big splits was that the Chinese found the Russians/Soviets too imperialistic. They correctly pointed out how the Russians were using communism as a new tool of colonizing towards imperialism. Also had problems with their frozen conflicts.
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Which country has sent the most money to Ukraine?

Idc about the number compared to gdp. This is in the EU's backyard so I believe it's reasonable to expect them to contribute the lion's share of money to the effort.
We are obligated to provide aid by the 1994 agreement we signed. I don’t want to see us sending straight up money that’s asking for trouble based on what we know about their issues. But again you’re trying to force a comparison that isn’t an accurate measure. If someone has $100 and donates $1 that’s a drop in the bucket to another that has $10 and donated the same $1. But again I don’t want to see us send any hard currency. And rebuilding Ukraine is absolutely an EU problem and we shouldn’t be providing any further support at that point, we’d have met our obligations.
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Nope. It appears it wasn't the 600 or so killed as the Kyiv regime is saying, more like a tenth of that.
You should probably get onto StoogeNet and get the latest talking points on the casualties to Girkin then Moe

A Single Ukrainian Rocket Volley Killed Or Wounded Hundreds Of Russian Troops As They Celebrated The New Year

Sixty-three deaths could be an undercount. The wounded could number several times that, if you believe Igor Girkin, a former Russian army officer who played a key role in Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. “The number of dead and wounded goes to many hundreds,” Girkin wrote on social media.

Here is Girkin’s post in your native language.

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And the video I posted from the Ukrainian Defense Twitter account didn't give a number. They just had a video of the (a?) HIMARS launch.
Don't be slick about it. You know the Kyiv narrative that you or whoever else was in here pumping was saying 400-600. Stop the cap.
Lol. It's stuff you and your crew have said. Much of it has turned out false. So by all means keep posting nonsense Proctor. We'll keep mocking the stupidity.
“Much of it had turned out false” is your idiocy starting to absorb just how much of “the list” is factual Russian incompetence you clueless stooge. You’re almost there Curly! 🤡
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The US did not create the PRC. We built them up AFTER The Stalnism/Maoism communist split became too big of a gap. Before that the Russians/Soviets absolutely built up China after their civil war more or less stopped. Maoism failed hard and the Soviets propped them up, especially after their big programs like the 4 Pests, and the Great Leap Backwards. It wasnt until the late 60s and 70s that the west STARTED moving in. That's at least 30-40 years of Soviets creating China.

Maybe ironically, one of the big splits was that the Chinese found the Russians/Soviets too imperialistic. They correctly pointed out how the Russians were using communism as a new tool of colonizing towards imperialism. Also had problems with their frozen conflicts.
You are also ignoring the Japanese atrocities that occurred in China before and during WW2. Which also lead to the rise of Communism in China.
Don't be slick about it. You know the Kyiv narrative that you or whoever else was in here pumping was saying 400-600. Stop the cap.
I don't know the actual number. You don't either. I don't think anyone in their right mind believes it's just 60-ish. Even the pro-Russian warhawks (you excluded, I guess) have said it's in the hundreds.
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