War in Ukraine

Sure it would, but it takes two to tango, and they have to be dancing together to the same tune. That didn't fit with Russia's plan to spread communism across the globe. It's one thing to have differing concepts for governing; it's a whole different issue when one of those is an ideology and a plan to spread it across the globe.
Hey Boomer, Russia and China are less communist than the people running this country you moron. Get out of your bunker from 1962 and look at the world around you. The US is moving towards totalitarnarism/fascism.

Again, you damn boomers can't see the enemies right here in your f^^king faces.
Where Most Of The Aid To Ukraine Came From In 2022 | ZeroHedge


We've Reached Peak Zelensky. Now What? | ZeroHedge

Consider some inconvenient facts that the fawning media, which is essentially the public relations arm of the weapons industry, doesn't want you to know.

The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, recently let slip that the Ukrainian army has lost more than 100,000 troops in the eight months since the beginning of the war. Over the nine-year span of the Vietnam War, the U.S. with a population six times that of Ukraine, lost a total of 58,220 men.

In other words, on a per day, per capita basis, Ukraine is losing soldiers at a rate 141 TIMES that of U.S. losses in Vietnam. The U.S. lost the public on Vietnam when middle class white boys began coming home in body bags. Does anybody with half a brain believe such losses in Ukraine are sustainable? Does anybody have another plan to avert such slaughter?

We've Reached Peak Zelensky. Now What? | ZeroHedge

Consider some inconvenient facts that the fawning media, which is essentially the public relations arm of the weapons industry, doesn't want you to know.

The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, recently let slip that the Ukrainian army has lost more than 100,000 troops in the eight months since the beginning of the war. Over the nine-year span of the Vietnam War, the U.S. with a population six times that of Ukraine, lost a total of 58,220 men.

In other words, on a per day, per capita basis, Ukraine is losing soldiers at a rate 141 TIMES that of U.S. losses in Vietnam. The U.S. lost the public on Vietnam when middle class white boys began coming home in body bags. Does anybody with half a brain believe such losses in Ukraine are sustainable? Does anybody have another plan to avert such slaughter?
Posting already debunked info. The 100,000 is casualties, not just war dead.

Ironic twist, its worse for Russia. Your logic makes me think of a midget pointing and laughing at a slightly smaller midget.
That you support Russian militarism in Ukraine. And that you would not, either then or now, accept a diplomatic solution negotiated by the US and/or NATO, particularly one that kept Ukraine whole.
Before the US coup in 2014, this would not have been an issue. Ukraine would be fully intact and living in peace.
Dmitry Rogozin (ex-Russian PM and Chief Putin Asskisser) had a birthday party in Donetsk city a couple weeks back.

Ukraine got tipped off and gave him a timely birthday present (155mm Excalibur shells fired from French Caesar artillery guns).

Rogozin got hit and recovered, but some of his other party-goers went Cargo 200.

Now, Rogozin fired off a letter to the French Ambassador (page 1 below).

The Bizarro-world blame cast by Rogozin on France is priceless. Even our resident Stooges can't top this level of warped drivel.

Honestly, the only thing that will 100% cure this Russian insanity is wiping out their military and Putin dying.

Keep the blood puddles flowing, Zelensky!!!


Wouldn't a better option be diplomacy? Wouldn't a better option be to coexist and try to work mutually with Russia and China on trade, science, energy, etc rather than treating them like a rival or an enemy?

Or is that verboten?
Why cant they be diplomatic too? If the idea is to meet half way that means they have to change too. Look at the Paris accords, the west gave up X, Y, Z while China and India gave up nothing. Is that diplomacy?

What was Russia willing to give up?

Why do you only expect the US to give?

We've Reached Peak Zelensky. Now What? | ZeroHedge

Consider some inconvenient facts that the fawning media, which is essentially the public relations arm of the weapons industry, doesn't want you to know.

The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, recently let slip that the Ukrainian army has lost more than 100,000 troops in the eight months since the beginning of the war. Over the nine-year span of the Vietnam War, the U.S. with a population six times that of Ukraine, lost a total of 58,220 men.

In other words, on a per day, per capita basis, Ukraine is losing soldiers at a rate 141 TIMES that of U.S. losses in Vietnam. The U.S. lost the public on Vietnam when middle class white boys began coming home in body bags. Does anybody with half a brain believe such losses in Ukraine are sustainable? Does anybody have another plan to avert such slaughter?

Repeating lies don't make them true, comrade.

You were already corrected when you posted this back in November.

It's obvious to everyone here that you are just a 100% Russian shill. Facts and reality are meaningless concepts to you.

Seems to be the standard for all Russians these days.

Pity it'll be the end of your armed forces, economy and ruler.... which will leave your country with what... vodka? :cool:

Ursula van der Leyen was quoted today saying that there are 100k Ukrainian military kia.

Resident TASS Misinformation Officer @Rasputin_Vol fails again...

Ursula misspoke. She meant to refer to killed AND wounded Ukrainians, not just KIA.

The EC corrected the error.

Japanese and Chinese society are not known for being as crooked as people in our society. You are more likely to get screwed over and lied to by another American than you are someone from Japan or China.
How many Chinese have you worked with? Like actual Chinese representing Chinese interests, government, business or otherwise?

Because the actual Chinese will 100% screw you over and ignore whatever agreement you have to get what they want. Spent 8 years working with them on one project. Worked on at least two other projects with them to completion.
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Hey Boomer, Russia and China are less communist than the people running this country you moron. Get out of your bunker from 1962 and look at the world around you. The US is moving towards totalitarnarism/fascism.

Again, you damn boomers can't see the enemies right here in your f^^king faces.
Russia maybe.
China, no way. This is why you cant be taken seriously, you just jump off the deep end with your blind hatred.

Covid lockdowns in china just ended. Way more totalitarian.
The government owns about 1/3 of their industry, and pass laws dictating what the rest have to produce, even to the point of losing money. Far more communist.
Completely subsidized lives. Far more communist than us.
Complete family control plan. Far more communist/totalitarian than us.
One party, the literal Communist party. With one single Pooh Bear in charge. I mean you cant get more communist than actual communism, what a freaking dumb take by you.
Their treatment of Hong Kong is far worse than anything we have done since maybe Waco. And that's just the stuff we hear about. Combination communism and totalitarian.
Why dont we hear more? Because of a complete control of the media and internet. Where our social media/media ends up working with the government is where the Chinese start. Combination communism and totalitarianism.

Seriously, what an objectively bad take to make that the US is more communististic than the Peoples Republic of China and their ruling Chinese Communist Party. Now if you mean real China in Taiwan you may have an argument.
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We've Reached Peak Zelensky. Now What? | ZeroHedge

Consider some inconvenient facts that the fawning media, which is essentially the public relations arm of the weapons industry, doesn't want you to know.

The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, recently let slip that the Ukrainian army has lost more than 100,000 troops in the eight months since the beginning of the war. Over the nine-year span of the Vietnam War, the U.S. with a population six times that of Ukraine, lost a total of 58,220 men.

In other words, on a per day, per capita basis, Ukraine is losing soldiers at a rate 141 TIMES that of U.S. losses in Vietnam. The U.S. lost the public on Vietnam when middle class white boys began coming home in body bags. Does anybody with half a brain believe such losses in Ukraine are sustainable? Does anybody have another plan to avert such slaughter?
Lol. This same bs from before and cant even get the quote right.

She said they had lost 100k OFFICERS. Why change that? Uhmm, maybe because it makes it clear she was wrong in what she said. But the facts dont fit your narrative, or Zero Hedges, and so you change them despite that we have posted her actual quotes on here multiple times and broken down what she ACTUALLY said.

Also your per capita is off by about a third. They are using the modern US population for the Vietnam losses, not 1970s. Still a really big difference, but it shows once again that you dont care about the truth, you just want to make Russia's take look better.

And it also ignores that Russia has taken similar losses. Considering Russias pop is 3.3 times Ukraines that means Russia is taking a per day loss rate 47 times worse than the US's Vietnam loss rate.

Also I am betting they are comparing dead from Vietnam, to casaulties, including wounded, in Ukraine.

And this doesnt even get into looking at the actually argument. Ukraine is the defender fighting a bigger enemy. Which would mean the comparison should be to Vietnam, not the US in the Vietnam war reference. For the record the vietnamese claimed in 1995 they lost 1,100,000 soldiers from the North during the war with the Americans alone.

Modern day Ukraine, 43 million people. 100k losses, 10 months. .00000775 a day (5 zeroes)
Modern day Russia, 143 million, 100k losses, 10 months, I get .00000233 a day (5zeroes)
1970 vietnam, 41 million, 1,100,000 losses, 10 years. I get .00000102 a day. (5 zeroes)
1970 US, 200 million, 58k dead, 10 years. I get .0000000794. (7 zeroes)

Hopefully I am doing my math right.

Point is all 3, Russia, Ukraine, and Vietnam were/are willing to accept loss rates more than 100 times worse than America during Vietnam. And the chief reason we quit was because the people back home didnt have any reason to accept those losses. Vietnam as the defender did, Ukraine as the defender does, Russia as the aggressor.....?
How is that not true? Had the US minded its own business, Ukraine would still be intact. That is an undeniable fact.

Had we listened to Patton we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Had the Russian Czars not been complete inbred douchenozzles we wouldn't be having this discussion.
If Lenin had been executed when his brother was or following his other arrests we wouldn't be having this discussion.
How many Chinese have you worked with? Like actual Chinese representing Chinese interests, government, business or otherwise?

Because the actual Chinese will 100% screw you over and ignore whatever agreement you have to get what they want. Spent 8 years working with them on one project. Worked on at least two other projects with them to completion.
Perhaps your side didn't live up to the deal either. I'm just saying from my personal experience I've been lied to and screwed over by more Americans than any other group.
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Perhaps your side didn't live up to the deal either. I'm just saying from my personal experience I've been lied to and screwed over by more Americans than any other group.

And I'm sure you have had a great deal more dealings with Americans than any other nationality.
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