War in Ukraine

How is that not true? Had the US minded its own business, Ukraine would still be intact. That is an undeniable fact.
They completely ignore this fact. The timeline and facts show that once our politicians got involved is when the tensions started. Around 2012 is when things really started to happen. Prior to that you rarely heard anything about Ukraine. The MIC eventually needed something they could sell to the American people.
And I'm sure you have had a great deal more dealings with Americans than any other nationality.
You are right I have. As I'm sure most people in this thread have as well. But I can say with certainty white-skinned Americans lie more than any group I've dealt with.
They completely ignore this fact. The timeline and facts show that once our politicians got involved is when the tensions started. Around 2012 is when things really started to happen. Prior to that you rarely heard anything about Ukraine. The MIC eventually needed something they could sell to the American people.
This was the start of it...

How is that not true? Had the US minded its own business, Ukraine would still be intact. That is an undeniable fact.
No it's not. Russia has divided up other nations without a made up US coup response.

And if there hadnt been your fairy tale coup there would have been even more Nazis in power for Putin to invade over.
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Perhaps your side didn't live up to the deal either. I'm just saying from my personal experience I've been lied to and screwed over by more Americans than any other group.
Probably because that is the vast majority of who you deal with. Try branching out some. You might find put that America and Americans arent all that bad relatively.
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Dmitry Rogozin (ex-Russian PM and Chief Putin Asskisser) had a birthday party in Donetsk city a couple weeks back.

Ukraine got tipped off and gave him a timely birthday present (155mm Excalibur shells fired from French Caesar artillery guns).

Rogozin got hit and recovered, but some of his other party-goers went Cargo 200.

Now, Rogozin fired off a letter to the French Ambassador (page 1 below).

The Bizarro-world blame cast by Rogozin on France is priceless. Even our resident Stooges can't top this level of warped drivel.

Honestly, the only thing that will 100% cure this Russian insanity is wiping out their military and Putin dying.

Keep the blood puddles flowing, Zelensky!!!

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Makes you think, "If Russia just stayed home and minded its own business ..."
Probably because that is the vast majority of who you deal with. Try branching out some. You might find put that America and Americans arent all that bad relatively.
Lol. I have branched out plenty. Out of my top 10 close friends less than half are white. I'm white myself.

I also served in the Marine Corps. Hardly anyone in this thread has served a day in the U.S. military yet have no problem playing armchair private in this group. But nice try with the juvenile insults.
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Why cant they be diplomatic too? If the idea is to meet half way that means they have to change too. Look at the Paris accords, the west gave up X, Y, Z while China and India gave up nothing. Is that diplomacy?

What was Russia willing to give up?

Why do you only expect the US to give?

This was like your neighbor wants part of your yard, and you say nope. Apparently some people here think that's a lack of diplomacy - somehow sometime in the past before the land was settled and divided the boundaries hadn't been defined, so you should negotiate with your neighbor (in the name of diplomacy) and give up a portion of your land. The lingering question is what happens the next time the neighbor shows up and wants another piece of your property.
I am not sure why this made me laugh.
Lol. Well Louder was the one who mentioned branching out some.

These guys never cease to amaze me. We've had the Enron scandal, Bernie Madoff and broke treaties with Native Americans among other things and these guys act like we are gold standard in the world when it comes to honor and keeping our word.

And of course we can talk about what happened to possibly someone who could have been a great NFL QB - Art Schlicter.
How many Chinese have you worked with? Like actual Chinese representing Chinese interests, government, business or otherwise?

Because the actual Chinese will 100% screw you over and ignore whatever agreement you have to get what they want. Spent 8 years working with them on one project. Worked on at least two other projects with them to completion.

All you have to do is read some history about dealings with the Chinese; everything I've ever read fits 100% with what you experienced. Basically the historic concept of trade with China has been. "We'll maybe agree to trade with you, but we will own you in return. And we reserve the right to screw you over at every turn." When Okinawa sought to trade with China, China sent missions to Okinawa and required Okinawa to seek Chinese approval of new kings when the previous one died. That's how the Chinese lay claim to all those vast stretches of S China Sea and the reefs and shoals they've made into fortified military bases ... even if they lay within the territorial boundaries of the Philippines and Vietnam. Probably historically the most arrogant and corrupt people on the face of the earth.
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Hey Boomer, Russia and China are less communist than the people running this country you moron. Get out of your bunker from 1962 and look at the world around you. The US is moving towards totalitarnarism/fascism.

Again, you damn boomers can't see the enemies right here in your f^^king faces.

So maybe Russia isn't communist these days ... according to definition because Russia appears to be a mix of totalitarianism mixed with anarchy. Something like Chicago in the mob days but with government supervision and backing as long as the bosses pay their dues to the Pootin gang.
All you have to do is read some history about dealings with the Chinese; everything I've ever read fits 100% with what you experienced. Basically the historic concept of trade with China has been. "We'll maybe agree to trade with you, but we will own you in return. And we reserve the right to screw you over at every turn." When Okinawa sought to trade with China, China sent missions to Okinawa and required Okinawa to seek Chinese approval of new kings when the previous one died. That's how the Chinese lay claim to all those vast stretches of S China Sea and the reefs and shoals they've made into fortified military bases ... even if they lay within the territorial boundaries of the Philippines and Vietnam. Probably historically the most arrogant and corrupt people on the face of the earth.
You mean kind of how the president of Ukraine and other countries need the approval of the U.S. before they gain power. Or in some cases we have demanded a prosecutor be fired before we give aid. Does that ring a bell?

Everything you said about China can be applied to the U.S. as well.
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All you have to do is read some history about dealings with the Chinese; everything I've ever read fits 100% with what you experienced. Basically the historic concept of trade with China has been. "We'll maybe agree to trade with you, but we will own you in return. And we reserve the right to screw you over at every turn." When Okinawa sought to trade with China, China sent missions to Okinawa and required Okinawa to seek Chinese approval of new kings when the previous one died. That's how the Chinese lay claim to all those vast stretches of S China Sea and the reefs and shoals they've made into fortified military bases ... even if they lay within the territorial boundaries of the Philippines and Vietnam. Probably historically the most arrogant and corrupt people on the face of the earth.
Here is a little reminder of how our politicians here do business

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Lol. I have branched out plenty. Out of my top 10 close friends less than half are white. I'm white myself.

I also served in the Marine Corps. Hardly anyone in this thread has served a day in the U.S. military yet have no problem playing armchair private in this group. But nice try with the juvenile insults.
Where was the insult? "Try branching out some."????
If that's what triggers you its no wonder you side with macho man Putin.

You insulted me more in that one response than I ever have to you. Called me a moron and a juvenile.
So maybe Russia isn't communist these days ... according to definition because Russia appears to be a mix of totalitarianism mixed with anarchy. Something like Chicago in the mob days but with government supervision and backing as long as the bosses pay their dues to the Pootin gang.
You are describing the United States.
This was like your neighbor wants part of your yard, and you say nope. Apparently some people here think that's a lack of diplomacy - somehow sometime in the past before the land was settled and divided the boundaries hadn't been defined, so you should negotiate with your neighbor (in the name of diplomacy) and give up a portion of your land. The lingering question is what happens the next time the neighbor shows up and wants another piece of your property.
Poor analogy. Its more along the lines of you and your brother live on two adjoining properties that your grandmother gave you all (Catherine the Great). You built a garage/barn on your property, but then for some reason you decide to give the area around that barn to your brother (Crimea). Years later, a bitter divorce by your brother (2014 coup) results in that property and the piece of property with the barn potentially going over to the Karen wife (United States). You then go in and immediately reclaim your land with the barn on it. Then, you proceed to reclaim the rest of the land that your ancestors had from the evil Karen.

That is a better analogy than the dog sh^t you posted.
All you have to do is read some history about dealings with the Chinese; everything I've ever read fits 100% with what you experienced. Basically the historic concept of trade with China has been. "We'll maybe agree to trade with you, but we will own you in return. And we reserve the right to screw you over at every turn." When Okinawa sought to trade with China, China sent missions to Okinawa and required Okinawa to seek Chinese approval of new kings when the previous one died. That's how the Chinese lay claim to all those vast stretches of S China Sea and the reefs and shoals they've made into fortified military bases ... even if they lay within the territorial boundaries of the Philippines and Vietnam. Probably historically the most arrogant and corrupt people on the face of the earth.
Where is your outrage about the US in NE Syria and fellow NATO member Turkiye in NE Cyprus? And you are clutching pearls over a few atolls and sandbars in the South China Sea...
Poor analogy. Its more along the lines of you and your brother live on two adjoining properties that your grandmother gave you all (Catherine the Great). You built a garage/barn on your property, but then for some reason you decide to give the area around that barn to your brother (Crimea). Years later, a bitter divorce by your brother (2014 coup) results in that property and the piece of property with the barn potentially going over to the Karen wife (United States). You then go in and immediately reclaim your land with the barn on it. Then, you proceed to reclaim the rest of the land that your ancestors had from the evil Karen.

That is a better analogy than the dog sh^t you posted.
Except in this case you, your brother, and Karen signed an agreement saying that your brothers land would be protected as it stood when the land was divided between you two. And you went in before the divorce was over and occupied the barn and some other land you wanted while kicking out your brother, not his ex Karen.

You also promised that you would kick out all your brother's Nazi friends that Karen was getting rid of in the divorce process, and in doing so destroy your brothers land, not just around the barn, or the other area you took.

And oh yeah it wasnt a divorce between your brother and Karen. It was between the two brothers, and now the supplies Karen gave your brother are the only things keeping you from killing your brother. You arent going after your Karen at all. You are taking it all out on your brother, which is very telling of how you view your brother even before your fight.

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