War in Ukraine

Where is your outrage about the US in NE Syria and fellow NATO member Turkiye in NE Cyprus? And you are clutching pearls over a few atolls and sandbars in the South China Sea...
In the Syrian thread. Take your whataboutisms to those other threads if those actions actually bother you. That way you can have a productive discussion about those instances of our foul play. And that would also let this thread be far more productive without you dragging in every US skeleton while Russia is currently stacking up it's own and you ignore them.
In the Syrian thread. Take your whataboutisms to those other threads if those actions actually bother you. That way you can have a productive discussion about those instances of our foul play. And that would also let this thread be far more productive without you dragging in every US skeleton while Russia is currently stacking up it's own and you ignore them.
Hey dumb dumb, I was responding to a post about China in the Ukraine thread. Tell the guy posting BS about China to stick to the subject or leave me alone.
Hey dumb dumb, I was responding to a post about China in the Ukraine thread. Tell the guy posting BS about China to stick to the subject or leave me alone.
You were asking where the outrage about Syria was. I answered. This is what I love about you guys. So thin skinned you have to respond with direct insults when you get direct answers you cant weasle around.

If you want take the natural progression of the conversation, Ukraine and Russia, to Russia, to the US vs China vs Russia, and jump the shark to Syria. That's on you. The issue is we were talking about the governments of Russia, US, and China. And you brought up the Syrian war. So not only did you add in a nation, which could be progression of the debate, but you also added in the war element to debate in communism. That's not a natural progression. Hence the whataboutism.

Feel free to ignore and deflect as you usually do.
You were asking where the outrage about Syria was. I answered. This is what I love about you guys. So thin skinned you have to respond with direct insults when you get direct answers you cant weasle around.

If you want take the natural progression of the conversation, Ukraine and Russia, to Russia, to the US vs China vs Russia, and jump the shark to Syria. That's on you. The issue is we were talking about the governments of Russia, US, and China. And you brought up the Syrian war. So not only did you add in a nation, which could be progression of the debate, but you also added in the war element to debate in communism. That's not a natural progression. Hence the whataboutism.

Feel free to ignore and deflect as you usually do.

That's the only play in his book. Its got hundreds of pages, but it's the same play.
Except in this case you, your brother, and Karen signed an agreement saying that your brothers land would be protected as it stood when the land was divided between you two. And you went in before the divorce was over and occupied the barn and some other land you wanted while kicking out your brother, not his ex Karen.

You also promised that you would kick out all your brother's Nazi friends that Karen was getting rid of in the divorce process, and in doing so destroy your brothers land, not just around the barn, or the other area you took.

And oh yeah it wasnt a divorce between your brother and Karen. It was between the two brothers, and now the supplies Karen gave your brother are the only things keeping you from killing your brother. You arent going after your Karen at all. You are taking it all out on your brother, which is very telling of how you view your brother even before your fight.
Lol awesome reply Louder 😂
More sads for our Putinistas

The war ends with the russians choose to leave. I dont think the individual instance reports/videos/pictures are very telling, or paint a fair picture so I tend to avoid them. Or placing any real importance on them.

Its can also get a good bit micro-ing into the blood shed while missing the larger picture.

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