War in Ukraine

Russia has needed:
1. Iranian drones
2. North Korean troops
3. Wagner mercenaries that make the CIA’s special operators look like Care Bears. At least until they get on social media and give HIMARS operators their location.

Russia’s failure to “win” rests squarely on the shoulders of one person, Putin. He completely shat the bed when he thought the west would look the other way as he continues to try to get the old CCCP band back together. Russia may not want NATO on its doorstep. But NATO doesn’t want the Soviet Union part deux on its doorstep either.
Those "North Korean" troops...

We'll see. Not that Soledar matters that much strategically, but it and Bakhmut have become terribly symbolic for both sides. Whichever side prevails will have a huge victory for morale.
Then why did they attempt 3 unsuccessful counteroffensives in the past 2 days?
Are military advisors "armed formations"? The key word is "advisors"; they aren't participants.
Letter of the law vs spirit of the law.

The wording may be flawed and leaves the existence of a possible loophole where NATO can have "advisors" and they can say that they are still abiding by the ceasefire agreements. But we all know what the intent is (ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign combatants).
Letter of the law vs spirit of the law.

The wording may be flawed and leaves the existence of a possible loophole where NATO can have "advisors" and they can say that they are still abiding by the ceasefire agreements. But we all know what the intent is (ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign combatants).

I don't see anything stating Russia couldn't provide advisors. Military advisors are generally there at the request of the host country; they are few and not combatants. I used generally because there are almost certainly exceptions where Russia and China are involved.
Meanwhile our ordinance stocks get more depleted. Our infrastructure to wage war/defense gets further decimated. Our economy gets further handicapped which was the only reason we survived the last World Wars. Our logistics for food production continue to get nailed by unexplained arson across the country. Our farmland keeps getting bought up by both our enemies and private parties that have fully admitted to wanting to reduce our production abilities. The military is getting further and further away from sustainable recruitment goals as traditional military families want no part in the "woke" military. Our southern border is being over run, by people unvetted for either contagions, criminal activity, or all out terrorist ties. Our schools push curriculums to undermine patriotic identity. Technology is quitely being laid out in stores, banking, all facets of society to build the invisible jail for any government willing to simply turn off the switch and use social credit scores. If you were planning a long term plan to make the most powerful nation on earth defenseless and ripe for invasion what would you do different than what is being done to America now? If you are too blind to see the careful organization set against us at this point you probably deserve what is coming. It won't matter what "minority" you identify with, what "party" you identify with, or how successful you have been propoganda wise, or how politically correct your social media is when we hit Defcon-2.
I don't see anything stating Russia couldn't provide advisors. Military advisors are generally there at the request of the host country; they are few and not combatants. I used generally because there are almost certainly exceptions where Russia and China are involved.
Why would the US need to have military "advisors" on the ground halfway around the world, in a non-NATO or allied country during a ceasefire?

And stop with this they are not combatants nonsense.
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