War in Ukraine

It's not likely that China will invade and get stuck in the tar baby of trying to govern the ungovernable. They can probably get the resources they want with their version of aid and trade.
The issue is actually getting to the resources. They have to be mined. To do that the chinese first have to get to the area. That means infrastructure and maintaining it. Then they have to build the mining facilities and operate them for however long is needed for them to strip mine.

They have one of their impossible loans in place with Afghanistan. They will end up legally owning the resources, but I still think accessing them will be the issue.

And that will require a good bit of tar pit
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The Budapest Memorandum was violated when the democratically elected Yanukovich was overthrown by the Obama State Department coup. The US circumvented and corrupted the Budapest Memorandum.
Even if the coup is true the Memorandum was about the borders of Ukraine, not their governance. And considering that the russians were already interfering in Ukrainian elections it's not like the alledged coup would have been the first breaking of that non existant clause.
WTF does veto power have to do with it? And a UN ceasefire would have been just as worthless as the Minsk agreements in retrospect because it is obvious that it was the West/NATO that wanted this war and bloodshed... not Russia.
Right. That's why NATO backed Ukraine invaded Russia.....oh wait.
There's zero evidence that the US government was responsible for the Ukrainian Rada voting 328-0 to impeach Yanukovych after he absconded to Russia.
And remember there is also no proof that the US made Yanukovych sign the agreement to have a new election.

Their argument is so tired.

How dare the Ukrainians follow their own established laws and protocols and remove the president the Russians bought off.
Well, that’s because the Kyiv regime’s genocide in Donbas was imaginary.
Less than .1% of the population killed, "genocide". And that was over 8 years of fighting.

It's weird that the Ukrainians were only committing "genocide" in the territory they DIDN'T fully control. And not going after all/any of the ethnic Russians in the territory they still control. That makes so much sense.
And remember there is also no proof that the US made Yanukovych sign the agreement to have a new election.

Their argument is so tired.

How dare the Ukrainians follow their own established laws and protocols and remove the president the Russians bought off.

What I always find hilarious is when they keep trotting out the Nuland call as if it's some sort to 'smoking gun' of the "coup", when she was literally discussing an offer from Yanukovych to appoint a PM from the opposition.

Such a bizarre reach.
Ukraine’s embattled president offers PM post to opposition
What I always find hilarious is when they keep trotting out the Nuland call as if it's some sort to 'smoking gun' of the "coup", when she was literally discussing an offer from Yanukovych to appoint a PM from the opposition.

Such a bizarre reach.
Ukraine’s embattled president offers PM post to opposition
Yup. And the only guy mentioned on the call that served only served 2 of the 5 year term....

Clearly we were the real power behind it all....
There's zero evidence that the US government was responsible for the Ukrainian Rada voting 328-0 to impeach Yanukovych after he absconded to Russia.
The phone call with Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt is as clear evidence that the US State Department was coordinating the next leadership and Nuland also admitted 2 months before that US had spent $5 billion in their Ukraine project. So it is clear to anyone that isn't either a Ukrainiac or has a sub-85 IQ or is just a Russophobe that the United States has been heavily involved in using Ukraine as a proxy and a staging ground for a future confrontation between NATO and Russia since the 1990s.
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They have veto power. Just like Russia, China and France. Again, if your hero truly wanted a diplomatic solution, he would have appealed to the world body to help broker that solution. Instead, he chose a route he knew neither side would honor. Putin wanted bloodshed.
Here are McCain and Lindsey Graham in 2016 violating the Minsk Ceasefire Agreements. And just like Petro Poroshenko, Angela Merkel and Hollande have admitted, Minsk in their minds was a stalling tactic and a way to buy time to arm Ukraine. They negotiated in bad faith with Russia and are really the ones that were looking for bloodshed.

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The phone call with Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt is as clear evidence that the US State Department was coordinating the next leadership and Nuland also admitted 2 months before that US had spent $5 billion in their Ukraine project. So it is clear to anyone that isn't either a Ukrainiac or has a sub-85 IQ or is just a Russophobe that the United States has been heavily involved in using Ukraine as a proxy and a staging ground for a future confrontation between NATO and Russia since the 1990s.
Oh FFS as you have been pummeled on here multiple times the Nuland call was not as nefarious as you always exaggerate that it was and nobody other than your fellow Pootin nut huggers take your histrionics over that call seriously.
The phone call with Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt is as clear evidence that the US State Department was coordinating the next leadership and Nuland also admitted 2 months before that US had spent $5 billion in their Ukraine project. So it is clear to anyone that isn't either a Ukrainiac or has a sub-85 IQ or is just a Russophobe that the United States has been heavily involved in using Ukraine as a proxy and a staging ground for a future confrontation between NATO and Russia since the 1990s.

Lol, just like clockwork.

What I always find hilarious is when they keep trotting out the Nuland call as if it's some sort to 'smoking gun' of the "coup", when she was literally discussing an offer from Yanukovych to appoint a PM from the opposition.

Such a bizarre reach.
Ukraine’s embattled president offers PM post to opposition
Here are McCain and Lindsey Graham in 2016 violating the Minsk Ceasefire Agreements. And just like Petro Poroshenko, Angela Merkel and Hollande have admitted, Minsk in their minds was a stalling tactic and a way to buy time to arm Ukraine. They negotiated in bad faith with Russia and are really the ones that were looking for bloodshed.

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Here are McCain and Lindsey Graham in 2016 violating the Minsk Ceasefire Agreements. And just like Petro Poroshenko, Angela Merkel and Hollande have admitted, Minsk in their minds was a stalling tactic and a way to buy time to arm Ukraine. They negotiated in bad faith with Russia and are really the ones that were looking for bloodshed.

Have you actually Read the Minsk agreements?

At what point did Russia ever withdraw it's soldiers and weapons from Ukraine, in compliance with Article 10?

The phone call with Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt is as clear evidence that the US State Department was coordinating the next leadership and Nuland also admitted 2 months before that US had spent $5 billion in their Ukraine project. So it is clear to anyone that isn't either a Ukrainiac or has a sub-85 IQ or is just a Russophobe that the United States has been heavily involved in using Ukraine as a proxy and a staging ground for a future confrontation between NATO and Russia since the 1990s.
Lol. Coordinating for one guy to replaced before he even served half his term. The rest never served any new role. Real nefarious.

Do they break down this Ukrainian project?

We spend billions everywhere. Including Russia. 11.2 billion in 1998 alone. Aid to Russia - Institute for Policy Studies

By this same argument Putin is an American plant. 11.2 billion in 1998 led to a new president in 1999....

Careful what stones you start throwing...
Here are McCain and Lindsey Graham in 2016 violating the Minsk Ceasefire Agreements. And just like Petro Poroshenko, Angela Merkel and Hollande have admitted, Minsk in their minds was a stalling tactic and a way to buy time to arm Ukraine. They negotiated in bad faith with Russia and are really the ones that were looking for bloodshed.

Lol wut. How is a speech violating a ceasefire? Jesus those Russians are as sensitive as the worst liberal.
I just saw a commercial tonight for a new House Party movie coming out tomorrow.

Hollywood ran out of ideas 20 years ago. Just sequels of action hero movies and remixed movies/TV shows from the past (Ghostbusters, Dukes of Hazzard, Charlie's Angels, etc)
There were actually 2 movies I found recently on Tubi. Both made in 2022. All Eyes and Arctic Void. Enjoyed the originality of them both. Going to watch Serpico tonight.
There would be no sitting back and watching. That's not how we work. You know we'd be supporting our new friends those brave freedom loving patriots fighting against the invading hordes, like we did in the 80's.

You are probably right, but a Stinger here and there makes things so much more interesting.
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