War in Ukraine

Putin knows how the Western Death Cult operates, it's going to be interesting to see his Ukraine endgame.

Ukraine is at least willing to use what we send to fight - a lot better choice than all the losers we've been supporting.
And this is where we fundamentally disagree.

you're not wrong about the rest, but your Ukrain-a-philia is overlooking that the grass isn't greener in that country. They are every bit the dark hearted ex KGB run nation as Russia, the main difference is they are all in for the EC/WEF great reset, where as Putin has reservations. They are all too willing to be part of the 4th Gaian Reich that gives Schwab and Soros tingling up their legs. They all for supporting their love of trafficking etc as well. This war makes no sense on so many levels UNLESS it's sole purpose is to yet catch western nation and the United States in one more quagmire so that we can never recoup or be ready for a conflict with China. Why come we mostly see con scripts and cold war era equipment. Even Russia has much more modern armor, and much better trained troops. In any case the Ukraine government doesn't give a damn about it's people much more then Putin does for his. before this war they were every bit as preditory on their own people as the rest of Eastern European governments, and worse then most of them. They Ukrainian people deserve our compassion they are pawns, but they will only suffer more from escalation. Both countries share the same history. Unlike the end of ww2 there was no de-nazification like program. The most blackhearted of the Soviet intelligence services took over Russia, Ukraine, and arguably Germany as well. Only the countries that had REAL resistance and uprisings (Poland, Romania and etc), managed any sort of real change in government.
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Difference is..those are "American" commies. Gotta believe there is hope for them.
There is no hope for commies of any nationality they are a cancer to their people always and everywhere. Until people get a grip on that they're damning their children and their children's children to a nightmare.
Well for 1 once WWlll starts all our equipment will already be over there

Exactly.....which might prove troublesome when the tanks/armor come from China on our western seaboard. And we blew our wad and all our wire guided ordinance on cold war scraps in Ukraine. China currently doesn't even have to invade. As Canada has already more or less given them keys to their western ports. And Trudeau is absolutely in love with Chinese Communism.


Can you just imagine for a moment. I know it sounds crazy and far fetched. But imagine a situation where our Administration and much of our military is compromised by Chinese intelligence and bribes. We realize to late the trap is laid, and while Americans who are patriotic might retake our military back, by that time we have the largest military in the world with armor every bit as advanced as ours rolling down interstates and all our older arsenal of AT infantry devices were long since sent to Ukraine.....I know crazy right? Someone's playing Chess, and someone's playing checkers, and Biden can't manage tick tack toe.

Might those that wish to take down the largest super power in the world, wish to take a few decades to deplete it's ordinance and compromise it's military as MUCH as possible before springing their trap? Might they also seek to undermine the logistics and manufacturing as much as possible to make replacement harder? Now consider the last two decades of mid east shenanigan's, and Ukraine with that in mind.
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Exactly.....which might prove troublesome when the tanks/armor come from China on our western seaboard. And we blew our wad and all our wire guided ordinance on cold war scraps in Ukraine. China currently doesn't even have to invade. As Canada has already more or less given them keys to their western ports. And Trudeau is absolutely in love with Chinese Communism.


Can you just imagine for a moment. I know it sounds crazy and far fetched. But imagine a situation where our Administration and much of our military is compromised by Chinese intelligence and bribes. We realize to late the trap is laid, and while Americans who are patriotic might retake our military back, by that time we have the largest military in the world with armor every bit as advanced as ours rolling down interstates and all our older arsenal of AT infantry devices were long since sent to Ukraine.....I know crazy right? Someone's playing Chess, and someone's playing checkers, and Biden can't manage tick tack toe.

Don't forget the Chinese run the Panama Canal these days and have a base strategically close to the Suez Canal. Of course all it takes to block the Suez (and maybe the Panama Canal) is a big Chinese container ship stuck crossways.
Wake me when we see Russia sending T-14s and GRU through out Ukraine instead of conscripts and scrap heaps.
GRU are there. There aren't enough t14s to matter. You've been speaking with incredible conviction about pure conjecture, fanciful at that
US gonna foot the bill for training Ukrainian troops to operate the Abrams? Think the school is 6 months too.

Or put Americans in the seat wearing Ukrainian forces unis? It’s a proxy war anyway so what the heck.
GRU are there. There aren't enough t14s to matter. You've been speaking with incredible conviction about pure conjecture, fanciful at that

I have spoken to people I trust who know a great deal more then I on the matter, and have experience invading countries. Both with planning and being first in From the start their points were it was weird to see the ancient hardware and not elite tier units being thrown in, and that it was clear to them Russia was not comitting it's best or even sub best units. They also questioned the targets, and the reasons why the power grid and other customary targets were not being targeted. Some of that might have been just been the difference between their goals and ours when going in. But they're people I trust, and they have experience I trust. Some of them know far more about the Soviet states and players then most people the news bills as "experts". Now that's just my word on that, and my take, you don't have to take it, but it's more then enough for me to be suspicious about what we're being told vs what is happening. It's not so much my conviction as it is my trust and experience with those individuals.
US gonna foot the bill for training Ukrainian troops to operate the Abrams? Think the school is 6 months too.

Or put Americans in the seat wearing Ukrainian forces unis? It’s a proxy war anyway so what the heck.
Thats what we call..a Cheat Code..

US gonna foot the bill for training Ukrainian troops to operate the Abrams? Think the school is 6 months too.

Or put Americans in the seat wearing Ukrainian forces unis? It’s a proxy war anyway so what the heck.

How much training do you need if the real object is to destroy the hardware?
I have spoken to people I trust who know a great deal more then I on the matter, and have experience invading countries. Both with planning and being first in From the start their points were it was weird to see the ancient hardware and not elite tier units being thrown in, and that it was clear to them Russia was not comitting it's best or even sub best units. They also questioned the targets, and the reasons why the power grid and other customary targets were not being targeted. Some of that might have been just been the difference between their goals and ours when going in. But they're people I trust, and they have experience I trust. Some of them know far more about the Soviet states and players then most people the news bills as "experts". Now that's just my word on that, and my take, you don't have to take it, but it's more then enough for me to be suspicious about what we're being told vs what is happening. It's not so much my conviction as it is my trust and experience with those individuals.

Russia doesn’t have “elite“ units.
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I have spoken to people I trust who know a great deal more then I on the matter, and have experience invading countries. Both with planning and being first in From the start their points were it was weird to see the ancient hardware and not elite tier units being thrown in, and that it was clear to them Russia was not comitting it's best or even sub best units. They also questioned the targets, and the reasons why the power grid and other customary targets were not being targeted. Some of that might have been just been the difference between their goals and ours when going in. But they're people I trust, and they have experience I trust. Some of them know far more about the Soviet states and players then most people the news bills as "experts". Now that's just my word on that, and my take, you don't have to take it, but it's more then enough for me to be suspicious about what we're being told vs what is happening. It's not so much my conviction as it is my trust and experience with those individuals.
T72s make up the bulk of russian tanks. Theyve also used quite a few t80s and t90s in this conflict. They really dont have that many armatas, and opted to refit older tanks. It would be like seeing f15s over Iraq years ago and asking why we weren't sending waves on waves of raptors.
By the end of this war thats all Russia will have since the rest of their tanks will be oxidizing in Ukrainian mud. But that is assuming Russia can actually finish the R&D on the 14s.

I was using T14 not specifically, or literally but emblematic of their newer hardware. Not even sure that model is doing well, as I read China and India have little interest. But the point being they do have hardware newer then 40-50 yr old cold war armor. And at least in the outset they were not really using it. Maybe that has changed. I think given how long we spent in the middle east now would be a good time to stock up and replenish our arsenal....not go spending it on a country that's the EC/EUS aka WEF pet. If we're going to spend money and hardware and training I'd far prefer to spend it on Poland, Romania, and regional allies that actually like America.
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