War in Ukraine

There are no nazis marching to Moscow, donjo.
You're living in lala land.
The nazis considered slavs subhuman. They wanted them gone. They no longer exist as a real political entity. Any Ukrainian waving a swastika = moron who should be a pariah based on their stupidity, let alone any act of violence or desire to harm or kill a fellow slav.

Do you guys even read what people post?
It is nowhere even close to the problem here as it as in Ukraine.

And you guys need to stop deflecting to the "Russian invasion". Unless you're going to also acknowledge the killing of innocent civilians that took place in the Donbass by the Ukrainian military as well.

I'll acknowledge the killing of the civilians in the Donbas as soon as you acknowledge the reason for the fighting was Russian provocation.
this thread is about the russian invasion of ukraine, dopey. you're the deflector
It's title "War in Ukraine". Therefore it's okay to mention what the Ukrainian military has done in the Donbas to civilians as well as talking about the events such as the Western backed coup that eventually lead to this current conflict.
I'll acknowledge the killing of the civilians in the Donbas as soon as you acknowledge the reason for the fighting was Russian provocation.
It was also U.S. and European provocation that lead to this. Me and others have posted plenty of proof to this fact. You all have failed to prove any of it wrong.
It's title "War in Ukraine". Therefore it's okay to mention what the Ukrainian military has done in the Donbas to civilians as well as talking about the events such as the Western backed coup that eventually lead to this current conflict.
the rhetoric of ukronazis has always been a deflection to legitimize the invasion. This whole mess in this thread is because you, and others are incapable of admitting the RF is wrong to invade and kill ukrainians. Thats it. You are the deflector, and you have been the entire time you've participated in this thread. You continually accuse posters who have never once supported the arming of ukraine of being behind the "NATO proxy war'. You do little more than parrot the exact message of the kremlin while awkwardly attempting to mock others with weird pop culture references thrown in. You're a sad pathetic jokе, donjo. You're tolerated by those on the same side of the argument as you, but I'm sure they bite their teeth every time you post another one of your low iq socially inept nuggets of nonsense.
Sorry but you haven't posted any proof of that, just Russian propaganda.
Lol. It's not Russian propaganda you fool. We've posted links from American media outlets, political commentators and even Indian media outlets. Maybe if you actually used your critical thinking skills and watch and read what's being shared you might learn something.
Lol. It's not Russian propaganda you fool. We've posted links from American media outlets, political commentators and even Indian media outlets. Maybe if you actually used your critical thinking skills and watch and read what's being shared you might learn something.

Ok skippy.
You and others keep downplaying or even outright denied that extremist groups and even mass corruption exist in Ukraine. You were wrong. Instead of admitting you are wrong you justify the reason for their existence and their corruption. Or you deflect away from the two topics.

And no the problem hasn't gotten better since Yanukovych. If that was the case then the corruption would have stopped and the neo Nazi and ultranationalist ideology would have slowed down. It didn't slow down as evidenced by the fact of political parties and media outlets being banned, people wanting to put bans on the Russian language. It's rather strange you didn't show this outrage over civilians being killed in the Donbas. You know why you didn't show that outrage? Because the media didn't tell you to be outraged. That's why. Your precious Ukraine isn't innocent in this whole affair either.
Link to me denying Nazis or corruption? This is yet another case of you trying to lump me in with "others" so that you dont have to deal with what I actually say. Because you cant. So you make up stuff about me. I am the one who told you exactly how.many Nazis there were in power after you came in with bs saying they ran the country.

And there are multiple problems with your argument about the problem not getting better.
1. There are multiple sources of corruption. Changing 36 Nazi Rada members was never going to remove ALL the corruption. Still plenty of people who grew up under the Soviets in charge.
2. You are being absolutist. There being fewer Nazis is a good thing. Your argument is that the problem of corruption isnt completely gone, so the improvement wasnt actually an improvement. That's bs. It was an improvement, fewer Nazis in power is a good thing any way you slice it.
3. You are conflating Nazis with corruption. See points 1 and 2. Being a nazi doesnt require corruption. And not all corruption is because of the Nazis. Those are two separate issues, there is definitely some overlap, but that overlap isnt causation.

Ukraine has been invaded by Russia. Russia has stated the goal of changing the Ukrainian government to align more Russian. That will trigger far more nationalism than there otherwise would be. Surely you remember post 9/11 America, now multiply that by at least 10 times the damage and loss of life. Add in their history of suffering under the Russians, and yeah people are going to identify more with Ukrainian nationality than before. It's not some deep WEF conspiracy, its human nature we see in every conflict. The solution would be for the Russians to leave.

The bans only happened after the Russians invaded. The Russians are at war/special military operation with Ukraine. That means Russia is actually the enemy of Ukraine. No government in existence is going to allow active entities within their borded to actively aid their enemy in a time of war. Again the solution to the nationalism you are seeing is to remove the Russians.

I spent years in this forum talking about what was happening in ukraine, that's about as outraged as I get about anything. I was here pointing out the Russians part in killing civilians in the Donbas too. Remember that 14k was both sides. Over 8 years. You have shown absolutely zero outrage over at least 250k dead in less than one year. You know why? Because your media told you not to be. You justify it with all this bs, but you refuse to see that all the parties that you want to blame arent the ones suffering.

If Russia wanted to hurt NATO, why are they attacking a non NATO nation?
If Russia wanted to get rid of the Nazis, why did their guy support the Nazis, why did they do prisoner exchanges of Nazis, and why are they killing non Nazis?

You have no answers so you will deflect with your tl;dr and just make false assumptions about my argument to avoid dealing with things you cant even attempt to address.
Whataboutistm. Amirite?
In a thread about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, talking about Russia will never be whataboutism. It's kinda the whole purpose of this thread.

Sorry you dont have an argument and have to make up bs to avoid dealing with the inadequacies of your arguments.
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the rhetoric of ukronazis has always been a deflection to legitimize the invasion. This whole mess in this thread is because you, and others are incapable of admitting the RF is wrong to invade and kill ukrainians. Thats it. You are the deflector, and you have been the entire time you've participated in this thread. You continually accuse posters who have never once supported the arming of ukraine of being behind the "NATO proxy war'. You do little more than parrot the exact message of the kremlin while awkwardly attempting to mock others with weird pop culture references thrown in. You're a sad pathetic jokе, donjo. You're tolerated by those on the same side of the argument as you, but I'm sure they bite their teeth every time you post another one of your low iq socially inept nuggets of nonsense.
And once you again you are showing your low IQ by resorting to mocking and insulting others when your avenue to try and prove someone wrong has failed. That's the typical go to strategy of you and others in here.

And it was you guys that started with the lame name calling and references to the Three Stooges and Russian stereotypes. You and others don't like it when your own behavior is given right back to you. You want people to act and conduct themselves in a certain manner then maybe start practicing what your preaching first. And find a mirror to look into as well if you're going to start with the criticisms

And you all get mocked for one because you all started it first. Plus you all have been wrong several times and share anything you hear about this conflict that is anti Russia or pro Ukraine as if it's the gospel.
It is nowhere even close to the problem here as it as in Ukraine.

And you guys need to stop deflecting to the "Russian invasion". Unless you're going to also acknowledge the killing of innocent civilians that took place in the Donbass by the Ukrainian military as well.
But you wont acknowledge the Russian killings of civilians in Donbas. That's a two sided argument, and you wont admit the cuts you are giving yourself.
In a thread about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, talking about Russia will never be whataboutism. It's kinda the whole purpose of this thread.

Sorry you dont have an argument and have to make up bs to avoid dealing with the inadequacies of your arguments.
The title of the thread is "War in Ukraine". Not "Russian Invasion of Ukraine". So how about you guys quit deflecting when facts are brought up about Ukraine and other factors such as involvement from the West that lead to this conflict.
And once you again you are showing your low IQ by resorting to mocking and insulting others when your avenue to try and prove someone wrong has failed. That's the typical go to strategy of you and others in here.

And it was you guys that started with the lame name calling and references to the Three Stooges and Russian stereotypes. You and others don't like it when your own behavior is given right back to you. You want people to act and conduct themselves in a certain manner then maybe start practicing what your preaching first. And find a mirror to look into as well if you're going to start with the criticisms

And you all get mocked for one because you all started it first. Plus you all have been wrong several times and share anything you hear about this conflict that is anti Russia or pro Ukraine as if it's the gospel.
There really isnt anything you've said that hasnt been addressed from a dozen different angles. You got upset because a couple posters mocked you and youve done nothing but name call anyone who isn't ok with the invasion ever since. This isn't some message board war of the NATO buds against the righteous christian conservative coalition youve dreamed up in your head. A couple people saw you babbling like a tankie and mocked you for it. You've behaved like a rabid groundhog ever since.
There really isnt anything you've said that hasnt been addressed from a dozen different angles. You got upset because a couple posters mocked you and youve done nothing but name call anyone who isn't ok with the invasion ever since. This isn't some message board war of the NATO buds against the righteous christian conservative coalition youve dreamed up in your head. A couple people saw you babbling like a tankie and mocked you for it. You've behaved like a rabid groundhog ever since.
Lol. No what happens is you and some of your pals in here and can't stand any form of disagreement for this proxy war. Which is exactly what this is. So instead of conducting yourself in a civil manner you all resort to name calling and insults. If you'd like I am willing to go back in this thread and show you where the name calling and insults started first. It was from the likes of you and your pals.

What's even funnier is the post before this one you want to lecture me on behavior that you've displayed yourself. So stop projecting.
Lol. No what happens is you and some of your pals in here and can't stand any form of disagreement for this proxy war. Which is exactly what this is. So instead of conducting yourself in a civil manner you all resort to name calling and insults. If you'd like I am willing to go back in this thread and show you where the name calling and insults started first. It was from the likes of you and your pals.

What's even funnier is the post before this one you want to lecture me on behavior that you've displayed yourself. So stop projecting.
you sound like a child, donjo

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