War in Ukraine

Even the lying azz BBC can't bring themselves to come up with 20,000 KIAs. Compare that number for Russia to the number of KIAs Ursula van der Leyen leaked of 100k Ukrainians. That is anywhere from a 5:1 to 8:1 kill ratio advantage.

Hate to burst your bubble but it wasn't KIA's, it was casualties. There is a huge difference there comrade.

Also....you don't recruit prisoners to fight for you when you are only losing a few hundred a month....
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The BBC didn't say 60 percent more max, that image alone indicates it's a conservative estimate. That account literally just lied about the image it quoted, and you were silly enough to cite it.

Here's the actual BBC article in Russian indicating 24,000 is the most conservative estimate and total casualties probably exceed 110,000.

Без тренировки - на фронт: что известно о потерях России в Украине за 11 месяцев войны - BBC News Русская служба

You're going to have to do better than that.
I've seen more than 20,000 dead Russians on reddit alone.
Russia's military continues to exhibit itself as extraordinarily pathetic.

Based on what I've seen, it's #1 target (Bhakmut) has been subjected to wave after wave of simple infantry assaults.

No tanks.

No IVFs.

No armored troop carriers.

No armor at all, in fact.

NOTHING but foot soldiers.

Better yet - they're NOT EVEN ACTUALLY SOLDIERS. They're moronic PRISONERS who naively believed that they actually had a route to freedom by "fighting for Mother Russia". Yeah, they had a route out alright... in a body bag.

Similarly, the Russians appear completely incapable of even jamming simple, over-the-counter drones. Every day, they loses dozens of troops because of this.


And Putin is so desperate for victory... ANY VICTORY... that he gladly sacrifices his countrymen to a buzzsaw woodchipper that kills and maims hundreds upon hundreds every day.

Hats off to Vlad! Enjoy your remaining days on this planet.
The US MIC/war policy is the biggest existential threat to mankind right now.

Yeah. It's definitely not the guy who invaded a sovereign country, destabilizing Europe, attempting to weaponize energy and threatening nukes when he doesn't get his way.

Russia's military continues to exhibit itself as extraordinarily pathetic.

Based on what I've seen, it's #1 target (Bhakmut) has been subjected to wave after wave of simple infantry assaults.

No tanks.

No IVFs.

No armored troop carriers.

No armor at all, in fact.

NOTHING but foot soldiers.

Better yet - they're NOT EVEN ACTUALLY SOLDIERS. They're moronic PRISONERS who naively believed that they actually had a route to freedom by "fighting for Mother Russia". Yeah, they had a route out alright... in a body bag.

Similarly, the Russians appear completely incapable of even jamming simple, over-the-counter drones. Every day, they loses dozens of troops because of this.


And Putin is so desperate for victory... ANY VICTORY... that he gladly sacrifices his countrymen to a buzzsaw woodchipper that kills and maims hundreds upon hundreds every day.

Hats off to Vlad! Enjoy your remaining days on this planet.

How cold is it over there? Hat's off to you for getting your ass in the grass.
No, actually they led to him, falsified reports and refused orders. Biden should have fired and had all involved courts martialed when it came out.
Some but he also allowed them to talk him into more time, keeping small units, etc. If you want to withdraw then order it and tell the American people. If it's not done tell them again

One of the biggest issues with him was getting rid of anyone who knew anything and having no competent advisors he would listen to. It's too much to try and do alone or with a small group who don't know what they're doing either
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Some but he also allowed them to talk him into more time, keeping small units, etc. If you want to withdraw then order it and tell the American people. If it's not done tell them again

One of the biggest issues with him was getting rid of anyone who knew anything and having no competent advisors he would listen to. It's too much to try and do alone or with a small group who don't know what they're doing either

He did order a reduction which was public knowledge, his Generals lied to him and falsified reports about troop movements. They didn't reduce the amount of troops as ordered. This has been admitted to and nothing was done to them. Yes they were keeping some spec-ops in theater but that doesn't negate the fact that we had flag grade officers lying to the CiC.
Lol. A truce? No I'll continue to disagree with people. All I said was I'll stop making fun/ mocking/ insulting you guys for 2 weeks. Is that something you are capable of as well?
You really have to have standing before you can insult someone.
Russia's military continues to exhibit itself as extraordinarily pathetic.

Based on what I've seen, it's #1 target (Bhakmut) has been subjected to wave after wave of simple infantry assaults.

No tanks.

No IVFs.

No armored troop carriers.

No armor at all, in fact.

NOTHING but foot soldiers.

Better yet - they're NOT EVEN ACTUALLY SOLDIERS. They're moronic PRISONERS who naively believed that they actually had a route to freedom by "fighting for Mother Russia". Yeah, they had a route out alright... in a body bag.

Similarly, the Russians appear completely incapable of even jamming simple, over-the-counter drones. Every day, they loses dozens of troops because of this.


And Putin is so desperate for victory... ANY VICTORY... that he gladly sacrifices his countrymen to a buzzsaw woodchipper that kills and maims hundreds upon hundreds every day.

Hats off to Vlad! Enjoy your remaining days on this planet.
Reminds me of the paid Rusky trolls here drooling over the deployment of the T14 by Russia. Sadly they only get like 9 even made and their autoloaders don't even work.
Reminds me of the paid Rusky trolls here drooling over the deployment of the T14 by Russia. Sadly they only get like 9 even made and their autoloaders don't even work.

You see the new M1-X? Lighter by like 12 tons. New 120mm gun.
I did not realize the M1A2 has gotten to be 73T.
The title of the thread is "War in Ukraine". Not "Russian Invasion of Ukraine". So how about you guys quit deflecting when facts are brought up about Ukraine and other factors such as involvement from the West that lead to this conflict.

Come one guys, I'm talking about Clark Kent, not Superman! Two different things.
so to our resident "totally neutral supporters of all things freedom if it aligns with Russia" what do yall think about Nagorno Karabakh?

are we going with deep western color revolution? Is Russia going to support their independence? are the Armenians or the Azerbaijans the western stooge and bad guy here?
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so to our resident "totally neutral supporters of all things freedom if it aligns with Russia" what do yall think about Nagorno Karabakh?

are we going with deep western color revolution? Is Russia going to support their independence? are the Armenians or the Azerbaijans the western stooge and bad guy here?
this is why I think we should have stayed out of ukraine completely. After failing to secure a quick victory, central asia has become destabilized. Whatever you think about russia, theyve held the region together for a long time and I'd rather they do it than us. Yes, they should have never gone into ukraine, but its nonsense to think they wouldn't. That piece of land just means too much to too many russians, and if you pay attention at all, beneath the veneer of brotherhood, there has long been bigotry in russia against ukrainians.
this is why I think we should have stayed out of ukraine completely. After failing to secure a quick victory, central asia has become destabilized. Whatever you think about russia, theyve held the region together for a long time and I'd rather they do it than us. Yes, they should have never gone into ukraine, but its nonsense to think they wouldn't. That piece of land just means too much to too many russians, and if you pay attention at all, beneath the veneer of brotherhood, there has long been bigotry in russia against ukrainians.
on the last I agree. and its why Russia had to act when it did. they are bullies. they don't like it when others stand up to them. They saw the rising Ukrainian power and knew they had to strike before they were prepared. They can't stand the idea of one of their perceived lessers being able to tell them no.

my question would be, when would you have ended our support? never given them anything back in 2014? or maybe reshaped how we equipped them, like my make-them-buy-it plan? Or should we have just cut off aid in Feb 2022?
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