War in Ukraine

I've always thought the only real difference between communists and Nazis was that with communism the state owned everything, and with the Nazis, people were under the pretense that they still actually owned property as long as they stayed in line ... and weren't of Jewish or a few other origins.

Nationalist vs Internationalist Socialism for the most part. The state also ran the economy in both but with national socialism made teh PRETENSE of having private companies, (so long as they were manned by ideology die hards, and did exactly what the state told them to at all times) Both systems were spawn of Karl Marx's ideas and desire to destroy western civilization and rebuild some organized crime utopia.

In reality there was not even that much difference. The Soviets were never really internationalists that was a lie to sell would be vassel like communist states on the Soviet plan. The reality is the Soviets and Stalin especially were absolutely nationalist, complete with believing they were a genetically superior race, incredible anti-Semitic culture only slightly better then the Nazi's and because of the Intelligence community basically acting like the black market, and mob in the economy it was just as fascist in practice.

Both are not much more then Dark Ages Serfdom, with post industrial catch phrases plastered on. In both you become serfs to the ideological elite, who don't really beleive in the ideology much themselves. The ideology is merely a license to tyrant and a way to divide the people by race or class so you can more easily subjugate them.
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They were trying to get T-72s from Morocco, genius. I guess NATO is desperate for old Soviet/Belarussian junk?

What are T-72B tanks? Morocco supplies Ukraine with upgraded weaponry
Not as desperate as Russia seems to be for boots on the ground.

Moscow to mobilize 500,000 new conscripts, Kyiv military intelligence says

Russia could expand draft age as soon as this spring, lawmaker says

This war has been a colossal and humiliating failure for Vladimir Putin.
I can not recommend this movie enough for 1) Showing the truth and little difference between Communism and Nazism, 2) their original close relationship and 3) the true history of Ukraine and the horrors of the Holomodor. For some reason we have crucifed the Nazi's for the Halocaust (and rightly so) but leftist academia gave the Soviet's and Communists a free pass for the Holodomor. It was Stalins officers and death camp workers in the Holodomor that were sent to TEACH Hitler how to organize death camps for the Holocausts more efficiently. It's the dirty secret leftist try to keep hid.

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And at what point would you entertain the idea that an election won't make a difference anymore because the system is broken? Your vote....in reality at this point most likely means diddly. Criminals have taken our elections...sorta narrows the options for redress.
Oh absolutely. I was just responding to his hypothetical situation.
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Oh absolutely. I was just responding to his hypothetical situation.
I know i'm just black pilled as hell about the sorry state this country has come to. More so by all the sheep that clap like trained seals as their future their children's future, and their grand children's future go down the drain, and for what? What do they throw it all away for? To be seen as reasonable, by not daring to defy the obviously false narrative. Turns out no tanks or airdrops were needed to take the US, just exploitation of people's fragile egos and need to fit into the "group".
Just what I figured. The Kyiv regime will be defeated by the time these alleged tanks arrive from the US. Meanwhile, the Germans allowed themselves to get played again.

Man, that escalated quickly. So now let's see what Scholz is going to do.

Ukraine Says Expedited Talks For F-16 Jets Underway As Germany Counters 'Not An Option' | ZeroHedge

Scholz said in a fresh interview as the jet debate emerges: "I can only advise against entering into a constant competition to outbid each other when it comes to weapons systems."

He insisted that Berlin will not be equipping Ukraine's military with warplanes. "The question of combat aircraft does not arise at all," Scholz stressed according to Politico. The only question that remains as a new round of pressure builds (similar to the way the tank issue played out), is whether Germany will hold out and stick to its (purported) principles this time.
Stop. Just stop. He has openly stated several times that if he were voting in Russia, he wouldn't support Putin, but would vote for the communist party leader.
The Communist Party there is actually more right wing too than what people actually think Communism is.

On another note. I also saw a news article the other day now referring to Glenn Greenwald as a conservative commentator.
It isn't Zelensky IMO. Sending money to a corrupt country because the other country is corrupt too is wrong.
When the choice between the Ukraine and Russia, you choose the Ukraine ... if the choice is between Zelensky and Putin, you choose Zelensky .... doing anything else is drawing a false equivalency.
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Why wouldn't it stop at Ukraine? According to you guys, Russia is losing. Ukraine is mopping the floor with them.
Because Russia is apparently at war with NATO remember?
Nazis exist beyond the Ukrainian borders.
Satanism/alt lifestyles exist beyond Ukraine.
Because the west is so weak and disarming themselves.
The west will also freeze to death and will be ready for the taking.
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Because Russia is apparently at war with NATO remember?
Nazis exist beyond the Ukrainian borders.
Satanism/alt lifestyles exist beyond Ukraine.
Because the west is so weak and disarming themselves.
The west will also freeze to death and will be ready for the taking.
“Western death cult homos” is the new thing.
Why wouldn't it stop at Ukraine? According to you guys, Russia is losing. Ukraine is mopping the floor with them.
Let me clarify ... if this mass invasion was to be successful, it would not be the last act of aggression by Putin.

... but 500,000 conscripts, while having to expand the age limit for their draft, is definitely a bad sign for how things are currently going. There is no way that was in the plans a year ago.
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The Communist Party there is actually more right wing too than what people actually think Communism is.

On another note. I also saw a news article the other day now referring to Glenn Greenwald as a conservative commentator.
Please go to their website and please tell me what is right wing there? I mean they are claiming that Putin is a western plant

Speech by the Representative of the UCP-CPSU at the 22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties in Havana – Communist Party of the Russian Federation

"The CPRF is the only political organization that consistently upholds the rights of working people and the interests of the nation state. The strategic goal of the Party is to build in Russia of renewed socialism, socialism of the 21st century."

"The anti-Soviet forces in our country were inspired by the US and its allies and the Western special services. Under their protection a “fifth column” was created in our country. "

"The CPRF is convinced that the salvation of the Motherland can only come through a revival of the Soviet system and through following the path of socialism. History has again put the peoples of our country before the same choice as in 1917 and 1941: either a great power and socialism or further destruction of the country and its conversion into a colony."

their entire website is one big manifesto.

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