War in Ukraine

Klain: Biden Has ‘Managed the Largest Land War in Europe Since Truman’ as Part of Record of Accomplishments

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” outgoing White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain stated that President Joe Biden has had “a record of impressive achievement and accomplishment,” including the fact that he “managed the largest land war in Europe since Truman” and passed “the largest climate change bill” in America’s history.

Klain: Biden Has 'Managed the Largest Land War in Europe Since Truman' as Part of Record of Accomplishments
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Wait a second. Are we saying that not too long ago, an ultra-conservative Floridian took his case to his state supreme court to fight for his right to wear a mask? Yep. Is this fake news? Nope.

So what gives? Why do so many people now philosophically insist that mandatory mask mandates are unconstitutional?

Hey, genius. Wearing a mask is a personal decision. You have the freedom to wear or not wear one. The Florida Supreme court got it partially right, assuming these authors didn't lie.
Russia was not the initial aggressor in this conflict. It is well documented that the U.S. and other European countries were the initial aggressor in all of this going back to 2012 thru 2014. Proof of this has been shared multiple times but many in here refuse to believe it.
No. You have never posted proof. You posted opinion pieces based on completely wrong conspiratorial readings of black and white text. And not even good conspiracies, bad ones.

I have gone through your points and you never have a rebuttal beyond "nu uh". Last time I took you apart so thoroughly you and Ras had to resort to personal attacks on me even though I have never once engaged in that behavior.

Nulands calls had nothing shady in them. 2 of the three never held any power. And the one that did served less than 2 years of his 5 year term. And it was an office he had held under Yanukoych. I had to be the one to provide the actual transcript because you refused knowing it didnt back up your assumptions.

You also based your speech on McCain giving a speech and there being a Nazi, who lost power in the coup btw, on the stage but in the background. I mean that's real convincing, a speech.

The western trade agreement didnt have one single clause requiring solo trade with the west. It didnt even offer any penalties for trading with Russia. And again you cant provide the actual text that would refute this.

Russia was the initial aggressor. They violently seized Crimea before any killing started in the east.
No ... Putin is credibly accused of far more than that. The state-sponsored murder of homosexuals, journalists who are critical of him and political dissidents - even including those who have previously served in the Russian military. It is disgusting to read your tripe.
This sounds exactly like the same exact fearmongering I heard about Trump from democrats when he was in office.

Like I said. It's hard to take you and your fellow democrats seriously.

Also. Why haven't you and others who support our involvement so strongly in this war actually gone and visited a local military recruiter and discuss enlisting?
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No it's not. I've posted proof before now our own leaders even met with the pro neo Nazi Svoboda Party leader and other Ukrainian politicians prior to the coup of Yanukovych. That is why it's often referred to as a Western backed coup.
People meeting doesnt prove anything. You dont even know what they said. Heck you havent even pretended to make up anything they have said.

McCaine has met Putin a number of times. Does that mean the west backed the Russian invasion?

Of fricking course it doesnt. A meeting doesnt prove jack.
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No. You have never posted proof. You posted opinion pieces based on completely wrong conspiratorial readings of black and white text. And not even good conspiracies, bad ones.

I have gone through your points and you never have a rebuttal beyond "nu uh". Last time I took you apart so thoroughly you and Ras had to resort to personal attacks on me even though I have never once engaged in that behavior.

Nulands calls had nothing shady in them. 2 of the three never held any power. And the one that did served less than 2 years of his 5 year term. And it was an office he had held under Yanukoych. I had to be the one to provide the actual transcript because you refused knowing it didnt back up your assumptions.

You also based your speech on McCain giving a speech and there being a Nazi, who lost power in the coup btw, on the stage but in the background. I mean that's real convincing, a speech.

The western trade agreement didnt have one single clause requiring solo trade with the west. It didnt even offer any penalties for trading with Russia. And again you cant provide the actual text that would refute this.

Russia was the initial aggressor. They violently seized Crimea before any killing started in the east.
Lol. You didn't take apart anyone so thoroughly. I can find exactly what you're saying by watching current and old clips of CNN and parroting our politicians such as Lindsay Graham, Christopher Murphy, and Richard Blumenthal and even AOC. The difference between me and you is I actually did research past the official Uniparty narrative. You are repeating only what you've been taught and heard thru what you think is the "official" narrative.

And I've provided plenty of evidence in the past in this thread to refute what you've said. You just refuse to believe any of it. People simply can't handle criticism of the U.S. or western powers when it comes to this conflict.

And yes you have engaged in that behavior as I specifically remember you joking right along about the "stooge" narrative and nicknames. And then you all act bewildered and surprised when people give that behavior right back.

And I've noticed you and others will not bother listening to actual experts on this topic like Robert Parry, Stephen F Cohen or John Mearsheimer. Why is that?
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1. An adversary participating in a coup within a bordering nation in an effort to arm and train a military
2. To attack people that live within a country that identify with your homeland

There are others, of course.
Never took you for woke, Look at you being all LGBTQ%#N, they "identified".

Actually those people specifically did not identify with "their homeland" until the Russians got involved. They were identifying as independent. That means specifically not a part of another country, as in NOT RUSSIAN.

Lol, still cant get over Ras using "identify" as justification. So much for saving us all from wokeism. Cant really say I am suprosed with how triggered he gets about names on buildings.
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People meeting doesnt prove anything. You dont even know what they said. Heck you havent even pretended to make up anything they have said.

McCaine has met Putin a number of times. Does that mean the west backed the Russian invasion?

Of fricking course it doesnt. A meeting doesnt prove jack.
Oh it absolutely does prove something. Out of all the politicians that McCain and Biden could have met with one of them just happened to be the leader of the neo Nazi Svoboda Party. Would be interesting to know what exactly they discussed. I believe Nuland even mentioned his name in the famous phone call.

And yes I'm aware who Putin has met with. I think he met with Obama on 5 different occasions. I could be wrong about the number. He met with Bush several times as well. However in his one meeting with Trump I specifically remember the media here being outraged.
People meeting doesnt prove anything. You dont even know what they said. Heck you havent even pretended to make up anything they have said.

McCaine has met Putin a number of times. Does that mean the west backed the Russian invasion?

Of fricking course it doesnt. A meeting doesnt prove jack.
Obama met Putin……
As you were saying, none of that BS matters.
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This sounds exactly like the same exact fearmongering I heard about Trump from democrats when he was in office.

Like I said. It's hard to take you and your fellow democrats seriously.

Also. Why haven't you and others who support our involvement so strongly in this war actually gone and visited a local military recruiter and discuss enlisting?
Are you suggesting that Vladimir Putin hasn't implemented a policy involving the systematic execution of openly gay and lesbian people in Russia and the Chechen Republic?

because if so ....

Putin: Russia must "cleanse" itself of homosexuality - CBS News

Russian LGBTQ activist is killed after being listed on gay-hunting website

Russia: New Anti-Gay Crackdown in Chechnya

Chechnya Is Trying to Exterminate Gay People. Our Silence Only Emboldens Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov.
Pay attention to that last sentence. They knew that Russia wasn't a threat to its neighbors or had any expansionist objectives.

Extending Russia: Competing for Advantageous Ground

Most of the steps covered in this report are in some sense escalatory, and most would likely prompt some Russian counter-escalation. Some of these policies, however, also might prompt adverse reactions from other U.S. adversaries — most notably, China — that could, in turn, stress the United States. Ultimately, this report concludes that the most attractive U.S. policy options to extend Russia — with the greatest benefits, highest likelihood of success, and least risk — are in the economic domain, featuring a combination of boosting U.S. energy production and sanctions, providing the latter are multilateral. In contrast, geopolitical measures to bait Russia into overextending itself and ideological measures to undermine the regime's stability carry significant risks. Finally, many military options — including force posture changes and development of new capabilities — could enhance U.S. deterrence and reassure U.S. allies, but only a few are likely to extend Russia, as Moscow is not seeking parity with the United States in most domains.

View attachment 533754
Lol. A report from 2018 suggesting what the US does in the future proves the US was involved in 2012?

This is why you guys dont post stuff. It doesnt even survive first contact.
He didn't back it up lol. A label from Twitter isn't a reliable source. If he wanted to back up the label he could have provided us what was actually said in the video that was "Russian propaganda" and why. Which he failed to do.
He did back it up. He showed that the man in question had his own show on Russian owned media. It would be like arguing Rachel Madow isnt a shill even though she has a MSNBC show. Neither are known for allowing free thinking.
Not a double standard at all. If anything from here on out is "Russian propaganda " like you all claim then you should have no problem pointing out the minute and second mark in the video and not only explaining but also providing proof as to why it is.

Someone not parroting, repeating what you believe in or that doesn't repeat mainstream media taking points does not make it propaganda.
So are you going to provide the minute and second mark when you denounce western propaganda? Or is that also not a double standard?
If that were true, he would have jumped at the opportunity to annex the Donbas republics in 2014 when they had their first set of referenda.
He wasnt ready to fight then. He had thought he had successfully bought off the Ukrainian president and wasnt prepared. It's why there was 8 years of small fighting in the east to give him a chance to build up for the full invasion.
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So are you going to provide the minute and second mark when you denounce western propaganda? Or is that also not a double standard?
You guys make these non stop, constant claims of Russian propaganda, Russian state media, etc. So yes perhaps you should go back to that Galloway video from his own independent show and let us know what exactly it was that he said that is "Russian propaganda".

By the Galloway doesn't have that show on RT anymore. And perhaps you should look at the Wikipedia page for that show and let us know who produced it.

So was Larry King a Russian propagandist when he had his own show on RT?

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