War in Ukraine

China is in a tough spot in a way. They want to take Taiwan, and they want the technology that Taiwan has. The only problem with that is they will have to destroy Taiwan and the technology they want to take Taiwan. That really neuters China with respect to the nuclear threat. They still screwed up with short term thinking because the sabre rattling bought them an embargo on IC technology and manufacturing China needs.
Part of me thinks Taiwan is like pur southern border. More useful as an issue than it is a problem that needs solving. It gives them a constant enemy, which green lights military expenditure and control in the face of an enemy. It's not like Hong Kong that was on the mainland giving foreigners direct access. It's as much a hindrance to attack from as it is to attack.
I noticed that you once again criticized western and Ukrainian media, but refused to say a word about Russian media.
The Russian media engages in propganda just like any other. But to compare the level and degrees of Russian propaganda to the amount of BS we get served here is not a competition. The Western/MSM would make Goebbels and Edward Bernays blush.

You also avoided answering any of my questions. Says everything and proves my point 👍
I addressed everything that was worth addressing. If there was anything I left out, it was likely a bunch of nonsense.
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No mediaiThe Russian media engages in propganda just like any other. But to compare the level and degrees of Russian propaganda to the amount of BS we get served here is not a competition. The Western/MSM would make Goebbels and Edward Bernays blush.

I addressed everything that was worth addressing. If there was anything I left out, it was likely a bunch of nonsense.

You’re getting all mixed up, the posts you quoted were to donjo
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And on the other hand, you were all for handing out all kinds of weapons to random citizens in Ukraine back in February, yet you support removing guns/weapons from law abiding American citizens.

Massie having guns is a Constitutionally protected right.
Massie and the US govt paying for arms to Ukraine is not.
You probably don’t share Ukrainian media either, but that hasn’t stopped you from chiming in and calling bs on it every time. Just answer the question, is Russian media reliable and trustworthy?
Like I said. I don't share Russian media. But I would believe RT before I would CNN. Now if you have an issue with that you should contact CNN and tell them to start actually reporting the news.

Now are you saying outlets like CNN and MSNBC are reliable? What about Ukrinform?
No mediaiThe Russian media engages in propganda just like any other. But to compare the level and degrees of Russian propaganda to the amount of BS we get served here is not a competition. The Western/MSM would make Goebbels and Edward Bernays blush.

I addressed everything that was worth addressing. If there was anything I left out, it was likely a bunch of nonsense.
Did you forget to change accounts Moe/Curly? 😂
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Lancaster and Ritter for starters.
Lancaster's channel is on YouTube. It's not backed by Russia. Him and others are simply reporting on the side that exists in Eastern Ukraine. You just don't like what's being reported. And I don't recall ever sharing Ritter. Perhaps you should point me to the post where I did.
Like I said. I don't share Russian media. But I would believe RT before I would CNN. Now if you have an issue with that you should contact CNN and tell them to start actually reporting the news.

Now are you saying outlets like CNN and MSNBC are reliable? What about Ukrinform?
Hilarious as hell. CNN is indeed a willlfull biased source. That reflects on the quality of their work. RT is literally Russia controlled media. It’s a direct mouthpiece for their Foreign Ministry. And absolutely nobody is shocked you swallow it whole
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Is the United States at war with Russia?
You realize the opposite implication of this is that Russia is also at war with the US.

I havent seen Russia get aggressive with us, so clearly they dont think they are at war with us. Or that their war with the US falls somewhere below a special military operation. So maybe just a mikitary operation, dropping the "special". But there is no mikitary involvement, so it's now just an Operation against the US.

Doesnt sound like war to me.
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Lancaster's channel is on YouTube. It's not backed by Russia. Him and others are simply reporting on the side that exists in Eastern Ukraine. You just don't like what's being reported. And I don't recall ever sharing Ritter. Perhaps you should point me to the post where I did.
Lancaster has had his work published on RT I know for sure. They don’t do it for free. Yea he’s a paid shill. Yes you’ve pushed Ritter also. As well as Berletic. Prove me wrong 🤡
I have no doubt that Russia still hasn't given up on the idea of taking enough Ukrainian territory to establish another land corridor to Transnistria.
One of the few times where I agree with your analysis.

Now as far as Russia going all the way to Galicia/Lviv? Right now that is 50/50, imo. I say that because that area is staunchly pro-Western and would have an insurgency that would be hard to manage and govern. A drain on resources if they do take it. Putin has hinted at thinking that he doesn't really consider that area part of "Russkiy mir". There is an argument that could be made that they may offer tacit permission for Poland to handle it or for that to be part of some greater de-militarized buffer zone for NATO/EU to worry about.

But then again, the other side of that argument would be to just go all the way to the Polish border and just make sure you control as much as possible. That would be at a great expense and would be more of a headache, however, for the reasons I mentioned above.
It's a bi-partisan effort in Washington and our NATO allies to assist Ukraine from Russias aggression.

I have a hard time believing the right would be as supportive as they are knowing that the "truth" would destroy Hunter and Joe.
The Uni-party in DC cares more about the MIC and grift than they really do the best interest of Main Street Americans. It should be obvious after what we have seen the past year.
Lancaster has had his work published on RT I know for sure. They don’t do it for free. Yea he’s a paid shill. Yes you’ve pushed Ritter also. As well as Berletic. Prove me wrong 🤡
Larry King had a show on RT towards the end of his career. Does that mean we now dismiss any previous work he did because he found an opportunity to continue his show? Was he a paid Russian shill?

The difference between me and you is that I can thoroughly and effectively pick apart any of the pro Ukrainian/Democrat Party/neocon propaganda or anything I disagree with. You and others prefer the attack the messenger method. It's much easier for you to do that than debate the actual message being shared.
Larry King had a show on RT towards the end of his career. Does that mean we now dismiss any previous work he did because he found an opportunity to continue his show? Was he a paid Russian shill?

The difference between me and you is that I can thoroughly and effectively pick apart any of the pro Ukrainian/Democrat Party/neocon propaganda or anything I disagree with. You and others prefer the attack the messenger method. It's much easier for you to do that than debate the actual message being shared.
He sure did. And that was stupid as far as I’m concerned. But here is his answer on that. Can you find a similar answer for Lancaster or Ritter?

Politicking with Larry King - Wikipedia

The show received criticism due to the fact that it airs on the RT America network, which has frequently been described as "pro-Russian",[4][5] with allegations that it has been used as a "Kremlin's propaganda tool".[6] King addressed such claims by saying: "I don't work for RT. It's a deal made between the companies. They just license our shows,"[4] and also adding that "to [his] knowledge" the network has never altered any interviews that he has done, "If they took something out, I would never do it. It would be bad if they tried to edit out things. I wouldn’t put up with it."[5]

This is the kind of propaganda and nonsense we've been talking about.
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Israel is considering giving Ukraine the Iron Dome air defense system. Anyone stopped to ponder what happens if Russia breaches this air defense system? What does Israel do when they realize their air defense system isnt as robust as they were led to believe? What does Iran do? Pandora's Box.
Hard Drinking and Murky Finances: How an American Veterans Group Imploded in Ukraine


Members of the Mozart Group trying to convince residents of Soledar, in eastern Ukraine, to evacuate during intense shelling last summer. Credit...Jim Huylebroek for The New York Times


Axel Vilhelmsen, a medic with the Mozart Group, treated a woman who refused to leave her house in the frontline village of Marinka in eastern Ukraine. Credit...Laura Boushnak for The New York Times
Israel is considering giving Ukraine the Iron Dome air defense system. Anyone stopped to ponder what happens if Russia breaches this air defense system? What does Israel do when they realize their air defense system isnt as robust as they were led to believe? What does Iran do? Pandora's Box.
Ah we see Iron Dome has now made the Russia propaganda talking points. Pootin must be sweating a more fortified Ukraine air defense network.
One of the few times where I agree with your analysis.

Now as far as Russia going all the way to Galicia/Lviv? Right now that is 50/50, imo. I say that because that area is staunchly pro-Western and would have an insurgency that would be hard to manage and govern. A drain on resources if they do take it. Putin has hinted at thinking that he doesn't really consider that area part of "Russkiy mir". There is an argument that could be made that they may offer tacit permission for Poland to handle it or for that to be part of some greater de-militarized buffer zone for NATO/EU to worry about.

But then again, the other side of that argument would be to just go all the way to the Polish border and just make sure you control as much as possible. That would be at a great expense and would be more of a headache, however, for the reasons I mentioned above.

Why would he push up all the way to the borders of NATO countries when he wants a buffer zone from NATO? Which is why I never really understood why they attempted to take the Kyiv. They should have focused on their forces and resources in the Donbas from the start instead of attempting 3 or 4 (or whatever it was) advances.
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