War in Ukraine

Then why destroy it? Hardly the same..

There’s a reason why Biden/government are protecting Ukraine at all costs..

It's a bi-partisan effort in Washington and our NATO allies to assist Ukraine from Russias aggression.

I have a hard time believing the right would be as supportive as they are knowing that the "truth" would destroy Hunter and Joe.
Of course you can post what you’d like, so can everyone else. Why are you acting as if I’ve tried to stop you from posting? You have this constant victim mentality in here, always complaining about being attacked even when you’re not.
On another note, you seem to care an awful lot about anything posted from the Ukrainian or western side. Always call it fake news no matter what. Yet you never have anything to say with obvious bs from the Russian side. A few days ago I posted in here that both sides fluff the casualty numbers, and you responded to me criticizing the Ukrainian side but wouldn’t acknowledge the Russian side. Why is it that you can’t acknowledge the Russian bullsh** as well? Answer this, is Russian media reliable and trustworthy? When the Russians claimed they weren’t retreating from battles in December, but rather “strategically regrouping”, do you buy into garbage like that or is it bs?
Calling out people's own behavior when they have tried giving lectures to other people on their behavior isn't victim mentality. Keep in mind those people giving their silly lectures are notorious for resorting to insults and name calling first. They simply don't like it when their behavior is given right back to them, when you don't agree with them, and point out the flaws in their own behavior here. It's the same crowd every single time. Would you like me to start tagging you each and every time they do it?

Yes I'm very skeptical of certain American and certain European news sources when it comes to this conflict. I have every reason to be based on the fact that they have lied about multiple topics over the years like Russian collusion, the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines, the reason we went into Iraq the second time, etc. And I'm certainly not believing Ukrainian state media outlets when people here share them and garbage Twitter accounts who are supposedly associated with Ukraine either. Plus the corruption in Ukraine, which some of our own politicians and their family members have involved themselves in, is well known.

If I follow certain news sources its because the people presenting the stories often back up what they are reporting with facts and not emotions. CNN and MSNBC, for example, seem to be more emotionally driven and are more often pushing a political agenda before they are reporting actual news.
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Putin is handing out an ass whooping as we speak Lloyd….

How many country’s weapons and men will it take to “debunk” that?

Putin is using mercenary criminals who are closer to getting pushed back to Russian borders than anytime in the last 12 months of this titanic miscalculation.

It's staggering to think that any sane and rational person could believe that this poorly planned and executed war is resembling anything that could be considered a "ass whooping."
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The safety of the researchers?!? 🤦🏼‍♂️

I get that western media has a “debunk” or “fact check” for everything/anything that’s not pro-USA….and then a “label” if still questioning..

It’s 2023 and there’s still people not questioning our media/government…how?!
Siap. But the safety of the researchers and anyone around. Those pathogens have all sorts of containment requirements. If something disrupts that containment people will be at risk. Loss of power, damaged structure, or even unauthorized entry, would all pose serious risks, and all are pretty likely during war.

I really dont understand why you guys jump I to the deep end of every single story. It's something most conspiracy theorists dont recognize. Just because there is a deep end of the pool doesnt mean the entire pool is the deep end where you should dive in head first.
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Calling out people's own behavior when they have tried giving lectures to other people on their behavior isn't victim mentality. Keep in mind those people giving their silly lectures are notorious for resorting to insults and name calling first. They simply don't like it when their behavior is given right back to them, when you don't agree with them, and point out the flaws in their own behavior here. It's the same crowd every single time. Would you like me to start tagging you each and every time they do it?

Yes I'm very skeptical of certain American and certain European news sources when it comes to this conflict. I have every reason to be based on the fact that they have lied about multiple topics over the years like Russian collusion, the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines, the reason we went into Iraq the second time, etc. And I'm certainly not believing Ukrainian state media outlets when people here share them and garbage Twitter accounts who are supposedly associated with Ukraine either. Plus the corruption in Ukraine, which some of our own politicians and their family members have involved themselves in, is well known.

If I follow certain news sources its because the people presenting the stories often back up what they are reporting with facts and not emotions. CNN and MSNBC, for example, seem to be more emotionally driven and are more often pushing a political agenda before they are reporting actual news.

I noticed that you once again criticized western and Ukrainian media, but refused to say a word about Russian media. You also avoided answering any of my questions. Says everything and proves my point 👍
Russia didn’t invade? You don’t believe deaths to be over 100k?
Sure they invaded, but unlike the popular narrative, they had several reasons why they did. You all just don't agree with those reasons. And yes, there are 100s of thousands dead, but most of those are Ukrainian soldiers, not civilians. Not saying that there are not dead civilians obviously, but the civilian casualties are far less than you are making it out to be. Meanwhile, all of this could have been avoided 8 years ago if the Obama State dept never would have overthrown the democratically elected president and put in puppets to be a menace to the ethnic Russians/Russian speakers/those that identify as Russian/whatever you want to call them. In addition, they were put in place to be a battering ram against Russia and eventually provoke a conflict with Russia in an attempt to drain them and get them caught up in a Vietnam/Afghanistan-esque quagmire. The US/The West provoked this and are using the Ukrainians as pawns and cannon fodder. Those 100s thousands of lives lost have just as much blood on NATOs hands, if not more blood... far more blood.

As far as Kadyrov goes, that's mostly a flex. I think he's a funny/interesting character in all of this. Lighten up, Nancy. I'll say this about Kadyrov, Lavrov, Medvedev, Zakharova, Prigozhin, Nabiullina and of course Putin... They are far and away more competent than the clowns we have running our country right now. You cannot say that they are NOT patriots and loyalists (although I'm beginning to question Medvedev a bit but that is a subject for another conversation) and working for the best interests of their country. I wish we had that here, because these clowns do not GAF about this country, in fact, they have contempt for it and want to destroy it seems like.
I noticed that you once again criticized western and Ukrainian media, but refused to say a word about Russian media. You also avoided answering any of my questions. Says everything and proves my point 👍
I've never shared Russian media here. So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

And once again you cant refute anything I've said regarding mainstream U.S. media and state controlled Ukrainian media. Therefore proving my point once again.
I noticed that you once again criticized western and Ukrainian media, but refused to say a word about Russian media. You also avoided answering any of my questions. Says everything and proves my point 👍
He can’t help himself. Hill and I have both pinned him on the same thing. It’s hilarious to watch.
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Sure they invaded, but unlike the popular narrative, they had several reasons why they did. You all just don't agree with those reasons. And yes, there are 100s of thousands dead, but most of those are Ukrainian soldiers, not civilians. Not saying that there are not dead civilians obviously, but the civilian casualties are far less than you are making it out to be. Meanwhile, all of this could have been avoided 8 years ago if the Obama State dept never would have overthrown the democratically elected president and put in puppets to be a menace to the ethnic Russians/Russian speakers/those that identify as Russian/whatever you want to call them. In addition, they were put in place to be a battering ram against Russia and eventually provoke a conflict with Russia in an attempt to drain them and get them caught up in a Vietnam/Afghanistan-esque quagmire. The US/The West provoked this and are using the Ukrainians as pawns and cannon fodder. Those 100s thousands of lives lost have just as much blood on NATOs hands, if not more blood... far more blood.

As far as Kadyrov goes, that's mostly a flex. I think he's a funny/interesting character in all of this. Lighten up, Nancy. I'll say this about Kadyrov, Lavrov, Medvedev, Zakharova, Prigozhin, Nabiullina and of course Putin... They are far and away more competent than the clowns we have running our country right now. You cannot say that they are NOT patriots and loyalists (although I'm beginning to question Medvedev a bit but that is a subject for another conversation) and working for the best interests of their country. I wish we had that here, because these clowns do not GAF about this country, in fact, they have contempt for it and want to destroy it seems like.
Did you Tucker's opening segment last night? He destroyed both Boris Johnson and Lindsay Graham.
Why wouldn't the Russians torture a scientist? They don't seem to be very picky with who they decide to torture.

You pretending otherwise, won't change reality.
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and you also have Kadyrov saying they wont mistreat prisoners who convert to Islam, because they arent savages. But anyone who doesnt is beyond saving. I think it was Ras who originally posted that quote.
I've never shared Russian media here. So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

And once again you cant refute anything I've said regarding mainstream U.S. media and state controlled Ukrainian media. Therefore proving my point once again.
That’s a patent lie you routinely post authors whom are paid by Russian state media sources and are regulars on their sites. Yes, that’s the same thing Curly they are endorsed by the Russian state media who publishes their work.
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It's a bi-partisan effort in Washington and our NATO allies to assist Ukraine from Russias aggression.

I have a hard time believing the right would be as supportive as they are knowing that the "truth" would destroy Hunter and Joe.

The "right"? WTF is on the "right" in congress?

None of them want to dig up dirt in Ukraine because the power-brokers on both sides of the isle are dirty as hell.
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Sure they invaded, but unlike the popular narrative, they had several reasons why they did. You all just don't agree with those reasons. And yes, there are 100s of thousands dead, but most of those are Ukrainian soldiers, not civilians. Not saying that there are not dead civilians obviously, but the civilian casualties are far less than you are making it out to be. Meanwhile, all of this could have been avoided 8 years ago if the Obama State dept never would have overthrown the democratically elected president and put in puppets to be a menace to the ethnic Russians/Russian speakers/those that identify as Russian/whatever you want to call them. In addition, they were put in place to be a battering ram against Russia and eventually provoke a conflict with Russia in an attempt to drain them and get them caught up in a Vietnam/Afghanistan-esque quagmire. The US/The West provoked this and are using the Ukrainians as pawns and cannon fodder. Those 100s thousands of lives lost have just as much blood on NATOs hands, if not more blood... far more blood.

As far as Kadyrov goes, that's mostly a flex. I think he's a funny/interesting character in all of this. Lighten up, Nancy. I'll say this about Kadyrov, Lavrov, Medvedev, Zakharova, Prigozhin, Nabiullina and of course Putin... They are far and away more competent than the clowns we have running our country right now. You cannot say that they are NOT patriots and loyalists (although I'm beginning to question Medvedev a bit but that is a subject for another conversation) and working for the best interests of their country. I wish we had that here, because these clowns do not GAF about this country, in fact, they have contempt for it and want to destroy it seems like.

So in other words, everything I posted was true. Russia invaded a sovereign nation, not the other way around. Deaths are in the hundreds of thousands. Kadyrov is a murdering, torturing, tyrant. You went from saying everything I said apart from kadyrov was false and fake news, to in your very next post acknowledging that the rest of my post was true as well.
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I've never shared Russian media here. So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

And once again you cant refute anything I've said regarding mainstream U.S. media and state controlled Ukrainian media. Therefore proving my point once again.

You probably don’t share Ukrainian media either, but that hasn’t stopped you from chiming in and calling bs on it every time. Just answer the question, is Russian media reliable and trustworthy?

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