War in Ukraine

Israel is considering giving Ukraine the Iron Dome air defense system. Anyone stopped to ponder what happens if Russia breaches this air defense system? What does Israel do when they realize their air defense system isnt as robust as they were led to believe? What does Iran do? Pandora's Box.

Nothing because if they do the Mullahs will cease to exist.
Sure they invaded, but unlike the popular narrative, they had several reasons why they did. You all just don't agree with those reasons. And yes, there are 100s of thousands dead, but most of those are Ukrainian soldiers, not civilians. Not saying that there are not dead civilians obviously, but the civilian casualties are far less than you are making it out to be. Meanwhile, all of this could have been avoided 8 years ago if the Obama State dept never would have overthrown the democratically elected president and put in puppets to be a menace to the ethnic Russians/Russian speakers/those that identify as Russian/whatever you want to call them. In addition, they were put in place to be a battering ram against Russia and eventually provoke a conflict with Russia in an attempt to drain them and get them caught up in a Vietnam/Afghanistan-esque quagmire. The US/The West provoked this and are using the Ukrainians as pawns and cannon fodder. Those 100s thousands of lives lost have just as much blood on NATOs hands, if not more blood... far more blood.

As far as Kadyrov goes, that's mostly a flex. I think he's a funny/interesting character in all of this. Lighten up, Nancy. I'll say this about Kadyrov, Lavrov, Medvedev, Zakharova, Prigozhin, Nabiullina and of course Putin... They are far and away more competent than the clowns we have running our country right now. You cannot say that they are NOT patriots and loyalists (although I'm beginning to question Medvedev a bit but that is a subject for another conversation) and working for the best interests of their country. I wish we had that here, because these clowns do not GAF about this country, in fact, they have contempt for it and want to destroy it seems like.
Kadyrov is funny?

And in every single conflict since "total war" became a thing civilian casaulties have ALWAYS been higher than the military. You cant fight everywhere, and end up without civilians getting dead from either sides actions. If there is one thing I believe about this conflict, it's that more civilians have died than soldiers/volunteers.
Not a shocking revelation...wonder how much of that goes back into the pockets of sitting politicians?
Why would he push up all the way to the borders of NATO countries when he wants a buffer zone from NATO?
I already spoke on this. Outside of just making sure you push out the combatants/militants, it would really be an expensive and stressful endeavor. Gaining the Western part of Ukraine will not really be that much further away from Moscow if NATO decided to stage missiles there. Like I said, they will likely let Poland or NATO deal with the area.

Which is why I never really understood why they attempted to take the Kyiv.
They didn't attempt to take Kyiv. They didn't have anywhere near the number of troops to take it. That was an attempt to scare the hell out of the Kyiv regime to come to the negotiating table. It also served a second purpose of forcing Ukraine to keep a group of forces tied up in Kyiv while the Russians focused on Donbas. Once it became clear that Kyiv was not going to capitulate, they pulled those forces away from Kyiv.

They should have focused on their forces and resources in the Donbas from the start instead of attempting 3 or 4 (or whatever it was) advances.
They did focus their forces and resources (for the most part) in Donbas. But they also went to the south (Kherson region) to secure the water resources for Crimea and begin to establish a land bridge to Crimea from the Donbas/Zaporizhia area.
This is the kind of propaganda and nonsense we've been talking about.
It's a consistent source. I havent seen any consistent sources used. It may be consistently wrong, but it's still consistent. The only other numbers I have seen have been cherry picked to whatever argument.

For instance the foreign minister/UN official who said 100k officers died. That was change to 100k soldiers died. Then just this week Ras was pumping about the real Ukrainian casaulties being over 250k. No consistency. Just whatever could be found in the moment. And yes the west has done this too. Claiming more Russian casaulties than total deployed.

If you have a better, consistent set of numbers that are regularly updated please post them. I have yet to see the Russian side offer any type of consolidated reporting on the total losses.
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Not a shocking revelation...wonder how much of that goes back into the pockets of sitting politicians?

Lloyd Austin - Wikipedia

Immediately after retiring as CENTCOM Commander, Austin joined the board of Raytheon Technologies, a military contractor, in April 2016. As of October 2020, his Raytheon stock holdings were worth roughly $500,000 and his compensation, including stock, totaled $2.7 million. On September 18, 2017, he was appointed to Nucor's board of directors. On May 29, 2018, Austin was appointed as an independent director on the board of Tenet Healthcare. He also operates a consulting firm and has been a partner at Pine Island Capital, an investment company with which Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Michèle Flournoy are affiliated.
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Depends. There are many different scenarios that could play out. One of which being neither exist afterwards.

There is only one scenario that would play out, minus a nuclear power deciding to get involved and in that case the world as we know it would cease to exist. Iran couldn't hope to stand toe to toe with Israel in a conventional war. They are a bigger military fraud than Russia.
There is only one scenario that would play out, minus a nuclear power deciding to get involved and in that case the world as we know it would cease to exist. Iran couldn't hope to stand toe to toe with Israel in a conventional war. They are a bigger military fraud than Russia.

You are cherry picking favorable scenarios.
There is only one scenario that would play out, minus a nuclear power deciding to get involved and in that case the world as we know it would cease to exist. Iran couldn't hope to stand toe to toe with Israel in a conventional war. They are a bigger military fraud than Russia.
Hezbollah clapped Israelis' cheeks back in 2006. Who do you think helped support Hezbollah?
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Hezbollah clapped Israelis' cheeks back in 2006. Who do you think helped support Hezbollah?
What have they done since? You always bring up that one time at band camp scenario. Russia once stood toe to toe with a superior invading German army. Today they can’t even handle a completely outmatched neighbor

Oh and by the way US weapons were the enabler for that Russian victory
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Hezbollah clapped Israelis' cheeks back in 2006. Who do you think helped support Hezbollah?

What happens if Russia is able to easily pierce the Iron Dome, which wouldnt surprise me in the least as I think it is largely overrated as most western weapons are, and then sells Iran the tech. What is the West's response? Does Israel first strike Iran? How would BRIC nations respond if so?

This notion that the West or Israel would lay waste to Iran or a BRICS alliance is laughable. These people live in some sort of alternate reality.
Why would he push up all the way to the borders of NATO countries when he wants a buffer zone from NATO?
One more thing I was just reminded of that could be a reason to go all the way to Lviv. Moving to the Polish border would likely put some of these new long range missiles that NATO is considering out of reach of Crimea and the 4 new Russian areas in the east.
What have they done since? You always bring up that one time at band camp scenario. Russia once stood toe to toe with a superior invading German army. Today they can’t even handle a completely outmatched neighbor

Oh and by the way US weapons were the enabler for that Russian victory

Actually they didn't stand toe to toe with the Germans. They got their asses handed to them, winter, Hitler's hubris and our material saved the Russians.
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What happens if Russia is able to easily pierce the Iron Dome, which wouldnt surprise me in the least as I think it is largely overrated as most western weapons are, and then sells Iran the tech. What is the West's response? Does Israel first strike Iran? How would BRIC nations respond if so?

This notion that the West or Israel would lay waste to Iran or a BRICS alliance is laughable. These people live in some sort of alternate reality.

Actually they didn't stand toe to toe with the Germans. They got their asses handed to them, winter, Hitler's hubris and our material saved the Russians.
They won the conflict by piling up their dead in front of the Germans and clogging up the fight. But agreed that once again Adolf’s tactical stupidity intervened.
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Don't know how accurate it is, but, if it is accurate, it's amazing how many things you think are Russian, aren't.

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