War in Ukraine

When you get debunked, you need to change your your avi to Kadyrov and Tyson.

You've gone from spewing MSM propaganda to now saying I have an alt account, meanwhile, you haven't refuted the overriding theme that the Ukrainians are loosing this conflict and that this is nothing but a way of using the Ukrainians as a cannon fodder. Why don't you focus on that?

And I haven't run away from the fact that I called it wrong at the beginning about Russia going in and I have explained why I came to that conclusion. I made the mistake of listening to Zelensky leading up to February 24th where he was downplaying what Joe Biden was saying. I knew Joe Biden was a liar, so there was no way I was going to trust him.

Let’s look at reality. Russia has already lost on perception alone. Their leadership has been exposed as terrible, their weapons/military technology as outdated and poorly maintained, their troops untrained and poor morale. You can’t spin what we’re seeing as positive and according to plan. You don’t drag out 70 year old tanks, beg Iran and North Korea for weapons, use a draft and bribe convicts to go fight if things are going according to plan. Hell, Russia spent all of December retreating, giving up ground, abandoning shi*** tanks and equipment. We’re now closing in on day 365 of the 3 day operation, and no end in sight. Now go ahead and give us your best Baghdad bob spin and tell us how everything is going great for Russia. And as far as “to the last Ukrainian”, why is it so shocking to you that they would fight and defend their country from invaders?
Russia has already lost, and that's the problem. They can escalate. Guess what happens then? They get powdered. Stop being **** . Problem solved. Go Home.
No way dude. There are other posters on VN that have alts. You can tell by the posting styles, key words, sentence structure, insults etc. Don Corleone (Donjo) and Ras are not in the same realm.

It’s from a back and forth me and donjo were having this morning, ras randomly responded as if he’d been in the conversation all along. I don’t actually believe they are the same because as you said, posting style. Donjo basically just plays victim and cries about name calling or tells people they’re Biden voters. Ras just calls the west evil and slurps anything Putin says. Both provide plenty of laughable content in here though, thus ras 1 and ras 2.
Let’s look at reality. Russia has already lost on perception alone. Their leadership has been exposed as terrible, their weapons/military technology as outdated and poorly maintained, their troops untrained and poor morale. You can’t spin what we’re seeing as positive and according to plan. You don’t drag out 70 year old tanks, beg Iran and North Korea for weapons, use a draft and bribe convicts to go fight if things are going according to plan. Hell, Russia spent all of December retreating, giving up ground, abandoning shi*** tanks and equipment. We’re now closing in on day 365 of the 3 day operation, and no end in sight. Now go ahead and give us your best Baghdad bob spin and tell us how everything is going great for Russia. And as far as “to the last Ukrainian”, why is it so shocking to you that they would fight and defend their country from invaders?
I tell you what, get your laughs in now. I'm going to get a few things wrong, but I'm going to be proven right on a LOT more things once this thing unravels. I'm batting .800-.900 on my calls. Holler back at me when Zelensky is marching on Red Square and the Wagner Group are retreating to Vladivostok.
I tell you what, get your laughs in now. I'm going to get a few things wrong, but I'm going to be proven right on a LOT more things once this thing unravels. I'm batting .800-.900 on my calls. Holler back at me when Zelensky is marching on Red Square and the Wagner Group are retreating to Vladivostok.
I tell you what, get your laughs in now. I'm going to get a few things wrong, but I'm going to be proven right on a LOT more things once this thing unravels. I'm batting .800-.900 on my calls. Holler back at me when Zelensky is marching on Red Square and the Wagner Group are retreating to Vladivostok.
There are times when I just sit back and let them get their talking points and gloating in. Their batting average on their talking points is likely worse than Joey Gallo's batting average was last year. That's how awful their predictions are and how wrong their media and oh so reliable Twitter sources have been.
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This is the kind of propaganda and nonsense we've been talking about.

Do you know it's not true ... have facts to back it up? Fact isn't something state media or FSB cook up. I'm sure you agree that the US cooked the books on NVA and VC casualties. But Russia would never overestimate enemy casualties and underestimate their own? Maybe the Russian crews involved in the tank turret tosses were just stunned. Then your comment about Ukraine having more military than civilian casualties despite a war fought on Ukrainian soil with hundreds of attacks on purely non military targets doesn't seem reasonable.

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