China is in big, big, trouble even without a war. In a decade or two they will really start feeling the sting of The U.S. decoupling (a bi-partisan issue), as well as their aging population. This is their peak. They are good at memorizing things, coping things, but terrible at innovation. They do not have the technology to grow and survive as an economic or military super power in the future. They also import a whole bunch of their food. Xi also didn't expect to see the international community respond to help Ukraine the way they did. He knows that Taiwan is much more important to the international community than Ukraine is....much more important. This, and the fact that Taiwan is surrounded by a giant moat makes his dream of ever taking Taiwan by force a nearly impossible feat now, and even attempting to do so could spell complete disaster for the Chinese people. Not just economically, not just militarily, but socially as well when countries place embargoes on food shipments if this is tried.