War in Ukraine

Your own post gave it away. The map speaks for itself.

Anybody notice the goalposts move there? Ras went from Donbas to Crimea real fast.

Since you moved from Donbas to Crimea, are you saying if the ethnic majority in X is different from the nation at large, this is a/the basis for unilateral secession, even if there is no oppression going on?

So do the Crimean tatars, not being ethnically Russian, now have the right to secede from Russia? You really don't wanna go down this path Ras. It's not a tenable approach.
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It would hurt really bad and possibly start WWIII but we should ban all Chinese imports.

Any US company that didn't start to shut down Chinese manufacturing or importing at least three years ago is either traitorous or run by the criminally stupid. China either is or will be our enemy depending on how you look at things, and we've been financing their military and war preparation for years ... pretty ignorant corporate and political policy.
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So you are advocating that the US force TSMC to give up their technology so that we can make chips in the US equal to those made in Taiwan?

Are we going to kidnap their engineers and force them to come to the States as well?

We have a cost of labor problem and have had for a long time. That's why Taiwan makes chips, and other places manufacture the rest of the stuff we use daily. We weren't smart enough to keep labor rates in line with the world market, and we've been paying the cost of that failure for years with no end in sight. We couldn't make competitively priced chips even if we moved Taiwan to the US at no cost. The question is whether we have a great labor reset or complete economic collapse. That's without even getting into other issues like regulations and taxes. Taiwan is something like building a mansion bordering the bad side of town, and the US manufacturing problem is like building a mansion in a low cost neighborhood ... both are long term bad investments.
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The answer is to start making chips here at home, not go to war with China.

There's that little problem with our labor rates, insane corporate overhead, regulations and taxes. We can make all kinds of things here ... we just can't make them at a reasonable cost; therefore, we would have no market. No market = no business.
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Anybody notice the goalposts move there? Ras went from Donbas to Crimea real fast.
No, look at the map. It is more than just about Crimea.

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We have a cost of labor problem and have had for a long time. That's why Taiwan makes chips, and other places manufacture the rest of the stuff we use daily. We weren't smart enough to keep labor rates in line with the world market, and we've been paying the cost of that failure for years with no end in sight. We couldn't make competitively priced chips even if we moved Taiwan to the US at no cost. The question is whether we have a great labor reset or complete economic collapse. That's without even getting into other issues like regulations and taxes. Taiwan is something like building a mansion bordering the bad side of town, and the US manufacturing problem is like building a mansion in a low cost neighborhood ... both are long term bad investments.

There's that little problem with our labor rates, insane corporate overhead, regulations and taxes. We can make all kinds of things here ... we just can't make them at a reasonable cost; therefore, we would have no market. No market = no business.

So what are you saying?
Thread. This video clip is amazing when you compare what he is saying to reality.

They get called orcs because Russia has a weird and unhealthy obsession with the LOTR movies in a similiar vain to their love of adidas track suits.
Forbes from last year. Where did all of these tanks go? Why beg the West/NATO for any if Russia is giving them away like candy?

The Ukrainian Army Has More Tanks Now Than When The War Began—Because It Keeps Capturing Them From Russia


Forbes from this year.

Ukraine Is Going To Run Out Of T-64 Tanks
Yeah these Bandera loving trolls can't keep their talking points straight anymore.

At first it was the following:
"Kremlin Coup"
"Going to push them invading bastards back to Moscow"
"Russia is giving Ukraine their tanks"

Now it's the following:
"Ukraine needs more tanks"
"War between Moldova and Transnistria"
"War with China over computer chips"
The state of Ukraine after that coup dissolved. There was no rebellion. Ukraine became a vassal state of the US. The people in Donbas had every right at that point to remove themselves from the grip of Kyiv.

No, they had the right to try. Everyone has the right to rebellion but when you go down that path you have to win Or face the consequences.
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