War in Ukraine

You are insane. Instead of going for peace and diplomacy, you want to open up another front.
So, if a woman is being raped, one way she can stop the rape is to start consenting to the sex. When you say you want peace in Ukraine, but the peace you want is not Russia going back to it's internationally recognized borders, you're basically saying the way to stop Russia's rape of Ukraine is for Ukraine to just consent to it.
Its not a talking point. They clearly didn't bring enough troops to make a serious assault on the city. Conventional wisdom says you need 3:1 advantage and they only had ~40k-60k around a city of 3 million.

The 3:1 ratio doesn't compare attacking troops v. total city population comrade. You'd make a typical Russian general for sure!
Are they supporting the same social agenda as Democrats in this country? Nope.

You can also be pro working class and still be conservative.
Yeah except they arent conservative in the slightest. They are about every social program under the sun and getting society to pay for it.

Their only bit of "conservatism" is the nationalism they espouse that you alledgely hate in Ukraine.
They don't have the manufacturing base or the demographics. At best, they will be the tallest midget in NATO, but will not be able to fight Russia 1-on-1.

They are a US proxy. Just like the South Vietnamese. Just like the Free Syrian Army. Just like the Afghan Army. Just like the Ukrainians.
When everyone is against you maybe the problem isnt JUST with everyone else.

Part of the weapons deal was to bring the manufacturing plant to Poland.

And Polands Demographics are in the same slide as Europe, including Russia.
The Russians didn't foment separatism. The US coup that overthrew the govt that they mostly supported made them naturally feel alienated. Look at how alienated the MAGA crowd is after 2020.

Stolen elections have consequences.
At the very least they provided mercenaries and modern weapons, and equipment. There is no way that alone didnt foment separatism. And Russia was able to provide all of that on a very short notice, as if they were planning it. How long did it take western weapons to hit the area?
At the very least they provided mercenaries and modern weapons, and equipment. There is no way that alone didnt foment separatism. And Russia was able to provide all of that on a very short notice, as if they were planning it. How long did it take western weapons to hit the area?
They did much more than that. Former FSB Colonel Girkin was the leader of the whole “separatist” effort. The whole show was orchestrated by Moscow.
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The state of Ukraine after that coup dissolved. There was no rebellion. Ukraine became a vassal state of the US. The people in Donbas had every right at that point to remove themselves from the grip of Kyiv.
The president of Ukraine is the only person that matters? Granted I think the executive is still considered the high office, but it's not the only one that matters. The Rada was still in place, there was a continuation of government. And that government followed its established protocols on how to remove a sitting president. And the president in question even SIGNED the paperwork that lead to the election that saw him ousted.

It's a nonsensical argument.

The procotol Ukraine used to get rid of Yanukoych would have been used in any impeachment or special election they had. The Ukrainians didnt invalidate anything beyond the presidency of someone caught red handed working for the Russians. Pun somewhat intended.
Its always someone else that should give up their land for peace. I hope that if the US were ever in the position of Ukraine we would not give up an inch of our homeland to an invader for the sake of peace.

It's always those not in harms way cheering on others to give up their life instead of seeking peace. Takes someone quit dehumanized to treat humans like pawns on a chessboard.
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