War in Ukraine

It's always those not in harms way cheering on others to give up their life instead of seeking peace. Takes someone quit dehumanized to treat humans like pawns on a chessboard.
That’s pretty rich and hypocritical coming from a paid shill propping up the only regime at fault here led by the chief bald dwarf pawn master, Larry.
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Tried peace for 8 years and they never implemented Minsk I & II.
Tried peace for 8 years? Darn those Ukrainians for not just handing over a portion of their country.

Its always someone else that should give up their land for peace. I hope that if the US were ever in the position of Ukraine we would not give up an inch of our homeland to an invader for the sake of peace.
Oh wow, now this is rich. I missed this comment. Kosovo? NE Cypress? Golan Heights? NE Syria? Taiwan?
Donbas would have still been a part of Ukraine. They would have lost Crimea. That deal today is far better than the deal they are going to get later on.
Yeah you keep giving us this foreplay yet your orc homies keep f$&@ing up closing the deal Moe. Is winter still coming? How much longer should we get our laughs in? 🤡
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Donbas would have still been a part of Ukraine. They would have lost Crimea. That deal today is far better than the deal they are going to get later on.

Minsk was never going to work. The DNR/LNR kept breaking the cease fire. There was supposed to be a cease fire and withdrawal of heavy weapons but they still captured Debaltseve in violation of the Minsk agreements.
Donbas would have still been a part of Ukraine. They would have lost Crimea. That deal today is far better than the deal they are going to get later on.

Like I said yesterday any time you allow the Russian to freeze a conflict it never turns out well (See 2022). The only way peace can be assured is completely removing the Russians from Ukraine.
Minsk was never going to work. The DNR/LNR kept breaking the cease fire. There was supposed to be a cease fire and withdrawal of heavy weapons but they still captured Debaltseve in violation of the Minsk agreements.
Debaltseve is in Donetsk? WTF are you talking about? Why would the need to "capture" something that is in their territory? Why would the Kyiv regime still be fighting for it and not withdrawing.

And I like how you cleverly insert Debaltseve in some of you claims because it is sandwiched in between Minsk I and Minsk II.
Like I said yesterday any time you allow the Russian to freeze a conflict it never turns out well (See 2022). The only way peace can be assured is completely removing the Russians from Ukraine.
Ukraine would have been a complete and somewhat functioning nation had it not been for the Obama administration and his State Department interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine in 2013. All of this goes back to US interference over a decade ago, not February 24th, 2022.
Ukraine would have been a complete and somewhat functioning subservient satellite state to Russia had it not been for the Obama administration and his State Department thinking Ukrainians should determine their own destiny in 2013. All of this goes back to the US letting Ukrainians choose their own course over a decade ago, not February 24th, 2022.

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