The only viable option NATO/The US has of defeating Russia is with nuclear weapons (which would be a loss for mankind). It is quite obvious by now that the combined efforts of the 30 member countries (US, UK, Germany and France) cannot gather up the men or material after 8+ years of fighting Russia. All of this nonsense we were hearing over the past year about Russia running out of ammo was pure projection. It is NATO that we are finding out that is running out of ammo, tanks, planes, air defense systems, etc...
You had Josep Borrels running his d**ksucker this weekend talking about we need to ramp up production and send weapons and ammo within weeks, not months, being fully ignorant of the fact that you can't just turn on industrial production at the flip of a switch... at least not in 2023 NATO. The skilled workers are not there. The factories and machines are not there. And these Europeans (and the US to an extent) don't have the money to ramp up production.
But one thing that did pop in my head thinking about what tricks they have left to ramp up production of ammo is for Joe Biden to find away to make all arms and ammo manufacturers in this country move directly to supplying NATO and stop (temporarily) the production to source commercial/consumer products. What would that do to the price of ammo and supplies here at home? That kills two birds with one stone. He can disarm Americans and arm Ukrainians.
Better stock up on your 5.56 and 7.62X39....