War in Ukraine

Here is a peace settlement that is realistic:

1. Russia ends the war and pays the costs for reconstruction
2. Any Russian commander or soldier who committed war crimes is turned over to the Hague.
3. Russia ends it support of the DNR/LNR separatist regions and allows for their dissolution and reintegrate those regions back into Ukraine but with a form of limited autonomy by the regional governments.
4. Anyone in those areas that wish to remain with Russia is allowed to leave and Ukraine agrees to grant a pardon to anyone that stays.
5. Ukraine agrees to recognize Crimea is apart of Russia and forgoes any territorial claims to it.
6. A DMZ is created and monitored by international peacekeepers through the entirety of the Russian/Ukrainian border and the Belarusian/Ukrainian border.

I'm pretty sure that something similar was offered to Russia back in February/March, and it was rejected.

Now I don't think Ukraine is going to be willing to give up Crimea and have a Russian naval base and airfields looming over them for another invasion in a decade.
What are they going to drop them with?

MiGs apparently they have a work around to use them:

Soviet/Russian bombs use one suspension lug. American weapons like JDAMS use two. Previously they have been fitted to Polish MiG-29s. These MiG-29s were adapted to carry Western munitions. Including work on bomb racks and replacement of Soviet computer systems. However Ukrainian aircraft don’t have time for lengthy adaptations.[40]

It appears that an adapter has been fitted to the existing pylons. This adapter was first used to fire HARM missiles “months” ago. The JDAM however needs to know the aircraft’s speed, location and height before being released to accurately hit its target. This has led to a “smart” pylon being used by Ukraine to provide this information to HARM missile. The “smart” pylon is connected to a smart device via Bluetooth. 10 years ago it was a laptop but it is now suggested that a tablet could do the same job. It allows a pilot to press the button that electronically releases the weapon.

Per a NYT article in December.
MiGs apparently they have a work around to use them:

Per a NYT article in December.
Yes the JDAM is a smart munition glide bomb with its own navigator. Just prior to launch a data transfer sequence occurs from the rail/launcher that includes the own ship ECEF position and velocity vector. A process called transfer alignment. It’s fairly common in all NATO standard smart munitions incorporating its own navigator.
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Waiting to see how yall twist this to be more NATO aggression.

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