War in Ukraine

Yay, what's Ukraine's balance due now with the great Lend/Lease act of 2022?
No idea. I’ve not stated I expect them to pay it back. It would be one helluva pleasant surprise if they do pay back a decent chunk though!

Oh and if Ukraine manages to survive this I’d guess in a decade they are armed to the teeth with modern NATO weapons and rid of their Russian junk even if they don’t join NATO
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We're there by invitation, numbskull.

TBH, all that Russia has to do is stop feeding the grinder. The Ukrainians will help the rest of the orcs find there way home (one way or another.)
So since Transnistria decided they no longer wanted to be part of Moldova prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union then that means Russia is there by invitation. Thanks for clearing things up.
So since Transnistria decided they no longer wanted to be part of Moldova prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union then that means Russia is there by invitation. Thanks for clearing things up.
Looks like moving day is upon them and the eviction notice is about to get served Komrade Curly. I don’t care how/why they’re there at this point it’s likely they are leaving shortly.
Looks like moving day is upon them and the eviction notice is about to get served Komrade Curly. I don’t care how/why they’re there at this point it’s likely they are leaving shortly.
Lol. Yeah right. Moldova couldn't even defeat Transnistria when they fought. Plus Transnistria has been governing themselves for over 30 years now. What business is it of ours anyways. Plus your pal Louder said it was okay for people to revolt and determine their independence.
I would get a big chuckle if Ukraine announces a special military operation to protect ethnic Ukrainians in Transnistria who make up about 27% of the population...
A big chuckle huh? The Ukrainians living there actually live in peace. Not sure what there would be to chuckle about
Lol. Yeah right. Moldova couldn't even defeat Transnistria when they fought. Plus Transnistria has been governing themselves for over 30 years now. What business is it of ours anyways. Plus your pal Louder said it was okay for people to revolt and determine their independence.
Not talking about Moldovan troops Komrade Curly read a few more posts. And those troops absolutely have a beef with all orc invaders and occupiers.

@Septic tic tok on stooge head implosion 😂

A big chuckle huh? The Ukrainians living there actually live in peace. Not sure what there would be to chuckle about

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. They can eliminate a potential threat to the rear and also secure valuable Soviet era ammo for their fight against the Russians. To give them cover Moldova could invite them in as well since its Moldovan territory.
Why am I supposed to give a **** about Ukraine? Fix OUR railroads, OUR homeless vet problem, OUR crashing economy, OUR ecological disasters, etc.

What's wrong with companies who rely on nonpublic infrastructure taking care of their infrastructure? Railroads, gas and oil companies, electric power utilities are the ones who charge us for what is shipped, moved through pipelines, and across power transmission lines. Upkeep and improvement is a part of the cost of doing business; in reality everybody is likely being charged for nonpublic infrastructure upkeep, but it just disappears into pockets. When did all this stuff become a taxpayer problem and not the responsibility of the individuals and businesses involved? Hold people and business responsible and quit believing the government is capable of fixing or should fix anything.
I understand. But why is Ukraine different than all the other conflicts, invasions, genocides that we've ignored?

Because Ukraine is fighting back and we among others are supporting them. For a change, this isn't the US military fighting for a bunch of ingrates unwilling to fix their own problems.
How about a 20% cut to the entire Federal govt and a massive reallocation of spending away from the military and humanitarian efforts outside our borders towards railroads and vet assistance. Deal?

So why don't you explain to us why the vets posting here aren't homeless, and why a lot of the homeless aren't vets at all. Why are some people failures and others not? Do you actually think you, a government, or any other entity can fix that?
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