War in Ukraine

There is no sovereign nation of Transnistria and their squatters are about to be shown the door it appears Komrade Curly. And your hypocrisy on Transnistria vs Ukraine is noted again you disingenuous lying shill.
They went thru the process and revolted. So they should have your pal Louder's approval. They have been governing themselves for 30 plus years. Even decided they didn't want any part of the Moldova ultranationalism during the Soviet era. So what have the people of Transnistria done to you or anyone else to deserve this hatred you have for them?
They went thru the process and revolted. So they should have your pal Louder's approval. They have been governing themselves for 30 plus years. Even decided they didn't want any part of the Moldova ultranationalism during the Soviet era. So what have the people of Transnistria done to you or anyone else to deserve this hatred you have for them?
LMAO the only approval they likely need to care about is the Ukrainian military columns bearing down on them. Thus far they haven’t been very receptive of invading and occupying orcs. Once that tumor is finally hopefully excised it will be up to the people living in that region and the Moldovan government to figure it out. As it should be Komrade Curly
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What's wrong with companies who rely on nonpublic infrastructure taking care of their infrastructure? Railroads, gas and oil companies, electric power utilities are the ones who charge us for what is shipped, moved through pipelines, and across power transmission lines. Upkeep and improvement is a part of the cost of doing business; in reality everybody is likely being charged for nonpublic infrastructure upkeep, but it just disappears into pockets. When did all this stuff become a taxpayer problem and not the responsibility of the individuals and businesses involved? Hold people and business responsible and quit believing the government is capable of fixing or should fix anything.

When did Ukraine become a tax payer problem? I forgot voting to fund a foreign war.
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LMAO the only approval they likely need to care about is the Ukrainian military columns bearing down on them. Thus far they haven’t been very receptive of invading and occupying orcs. Once that tumor is finally hopefully excised it will be up to the people living in that region and the Moldovan government to figure it out. As it should be Komrade Curly
They figured everything out over 30 years ago. The people of Transnistria, including the Moldovans living there, didn't want to be a part of Moldova anymore. They have been living in peace and haven't bothered anyone since. You just want another conflict because you think it benefits the MIC that you worship daily.
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So why don't you explain to us why the vets posting here aren't homeless, and why a lot of the homeless aren't vets at all. Why are some people failures and others not? Do you actually think you, a government, or any other entity can fix that?

Bro you have me twisted. We agree on a lot of things. I would prefer the federal government be cut into tiny pieces and have their budget shredded. My point was that's never going to happen, so if we are going to spend a stupid amount of money, how about we do it for Americans?
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Yeah, for now.
These Ukraine trolls in here have lost it. Wanting war with China over computer chips. War between Moldova and Transnistria just because. Wanting Ukraine to invade Transnistria so they can get a big chuckle. These people should try and find an actual hobby instead of sitting around fantasizing about this garbage all day.
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Good grief…Trump has been out of office for over two years and you still can’t let him go.

Also, if Trump is so buddy buddy with Putin, why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was in office? Seems like the opportune time to do so if you’re Putin would be while your buddy is in office.

I'm just stating the obvious. And of course we know Trump trusts Putin more than our military and all advisors.

He said so. Plain as day.
They figured everything out over 30 years ago. The people of Transnistria, including the Moldovans living there, didn't want to be a part of Moldova anymore. They have been living in peace and haven't bothered anyone since. You just want another conflict because you think it benefits the MIC that you worship daily.
Lordy I’m enjoying watching you cry like a little bitch over the possibility of losing Transnistria for the bald dwarf. You should be crying and pleading to the Ukraine columns approaching the border. Because if they decide to cross and kill a bunch of orcs there isn’t anything there to stop them Komrade Curly 😂
Lordy I’m enjoying watching you cry like a little bitch over the possibility of losing Transnistria for the bald dwarf. You should be crying and pleading to the Ukraine columns approaching the border. Because if they decide to cross and kill a bunch of orcs there isn’t anything there to stop them Komrade Curly 😂
Lol. The last thing Ukraine wants is a conflict on the western part of their border. They don't have the resources or troops.

The only one crying was you when that video was shared recently of your beloved Emperor Cokeinsky high on coke. You've been throwing tantrums at a record pace ever since.
Lol. The last thing Ukraine wants is a conflict on the western part of their border. They don't have the resources or troops.

The only one crying was you when that video was shared recently of your beloved Emperor Cokeinsky high on coke. You've been throwing tantrums at a record pace ever since.
Keep the copium up Curly. There’s plenty of info on Twitter showing Ukrainian equipment moving to the border.

Hey it’s possibly only a special military operation to remove the gay western death cult Nazis from Transnistria you Russophiles are all in over that 😂
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Keep the copium up Curly. There’s plenty of info on Twitter showing Ukrainian equipment moving to the border.

Hey it’s possibly only a special military operation to remove the gay western death cult Nazis from Transnistria you Russophiles are all in over that 😂
Wow Proctor. I believe that you may have broken a previous record for number of tantrums you've thrown on here in one day. Congrats

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