War in Ukraine

Russia probably should think before they accept significant aid from China. China is a snake waiting to bite.

There was a man walking down the road when he looked down and saw a wounded snake. He decided to take it home and try to nurse it back to health. He was successful and the snake grew stronger every day. One day he decided it was time to let the snake go. He reached into the box to pick it up and the snake bit him on the wrist. The man said "I took you in, nursed you, fed you and restored your health why did you bite me?"

The snake hissed and said: "You knew I was a ***** snake when you picked me up".

Old story. Maybe some of you haven't heard it.

I heard Trump say it..lol
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You were the one who started with the false dichotomy of yes/no only answers.

Phrase your question more honestly or this is the type of response you will get.

And I never saw your answer. I am going to continue to copy you and assume that means your wife deserves worse beatings than the ones you used to give her.
More childish behavior and insults. I'm quite surprised the mods haven't removed that garbage post.
What proof do you have of that?
(1) Authoritarian societies are always going to cracks below the surface, waiting to rupture.

(2) It's got plenty of debt, a huge housing bubble, etc.

(3) Its demographic outlook is a disaster. Population decline coming by next decade. Lots more old people than young. As long as the US continues to allow immigration, it will be OK on that front.
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(1) Authoritarian societies are always going to cracks below the surface, waiting to rupture.

(2) It's got plenty of debt, a huge housing bubble, etc.

(3) Its demographic outlook is a disaster. Population decline coming by next decade. Lots more old people than young. As long as the US continues to allow immigration, it will be OK on that front.
1.There are people here, many of whom vote Democrat, that are hoping for an authoritarian society here. Let's hope it doesn't get to that point.

2. The United States has plenty of debt and we should be worrying about our own before we go off criticizing another country for theirs.

3. Their population is projected to decline by 2050. However it will still be 3 to 4 times the size of the U.S. at that time.

They have made strides economically, in space exploration and their military is one of the best in the world. They will be fine going forward. Plus if Russia, China and India all 3 have an economic alliance it will only make all 3 nations stronger going forward.
They have made strides economically, in space exploration and their military is one of the best in the world. They will be fine going forward. Plus if Russia, China and India all 3 have an economic alliance it will only make all 3 nations stronger going forward.
I've been listening to several people over the past few months make some convincing arguments about Chinese military. They seem to indicate that China may not be on the same level as Russia, US or even India. Not to say that China couldn't bloody the nose of the US if the navy went into the Taiwan Straits again like in 1996 with hypersonic missiles, but it is very dicey if it came down to some sort of ground battle how China would fair. The Vietnam conflict they had 40 years ago and the most recent skirmish they had with India were some of the situations that have been talked about.

My main concern with China is that they give the tyrants here in America far too many ideas about how to control society and these guys are going to want to bring those same ideas here.
1.There are people here, many of whom vote Democrat, that are hoping for an authoritarian society here. Let's hope it doesn't get to that point.

2. The United States has plenty of debt and we should be worrying about our own before we go off criticizing another country for theirs.

3. Their population is projected to decline by 2050. However it will still be 3 to 4 times the size of the U.S. at that time.

They have made strides economically, in space exploration and their military is one of the best in the world. They will be fine going forward. Plus if Russia, China and India all 3 have an economic alliance it will only make all 3 nations stronger going forward.
It's the age of the populace that's the problem. Way too many old people needing to be supported by way too few young people. Once child policy ruined them. They shot themselves in the kneecaps decades ago.
You know it's weird when the guys who normally claim to be conservative are arguing that what we are spending to support Ukraine would be better used on social programs in the US
JD Vance I guess is a card carrying commie based on this logic.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance Suggests PPP-Style Program For East Palestine Residents After Toxic Train Derailment | ZeroHedge

Not many conservatives opposed to this war and the spending associated with it genuinely are saying that we need more social programs. It is simply being pointed out that in an either/or situation, money would be better spent on Americans rather than the MIC and these interventionist wars halfway around the world.

Maybe having lived through the entire Cold War alters perspectives, but I simply don't think you can be an isolationist today - our oceans aren't the barriers they used to be.
Yeah, I lived through the last half of the Cold War. Cuban Missile crisis was a decade before I was born, but I still remember even in the 1980s the real fear and threats of a nuclear war. Which is why I am puzzled by people like you who seem to be so willing to support these provocations to nuclear powers and risk pushing us again to the brink.

It's odd to be agreeing with EL and siding against you, Hog, and others ... just seems unnatural, but this argument to me is far more than a conservative/liberal stance. It has much more to do with keeping global powers in check and not winding up in a new Cold War.
Who is going to keep us in check? What good have we done since 1991 as the global hegemonic power? We have pizzed away a chance to be a positive influence to the world and bring peace by our interventionist foreign policy, regime change operations, sanctions and lack of diplomacy/hubris. We cannot be trusted, find any excuse to threaten any country that goes against us and as a result, have managed to push Russia and China closer together. Iran and Saudi Arabia are opening diplomatic channels. Saudi Arabia and China.
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How is it OK for NATO to arm Ukraine, yet we get butt hurt about any country doing the same (allegedly) for Russia?

So you think that an aggressor who could actually not have started a war shouldn't be sanctioned or otherwise penalized, and anybody who would pile on with them should be free to do so with no reprisals either?
It's the age of the populace that's the problem. Way too many old people needing to be supported by way too few young people. Once child policy ruined them. They shot themselves in the kneecaps decades ago.
I just looked at statistics according to the World Bank. 13% of China's current population is 65 or older. That's lower than the United States, Russia, Japan and most European countries. Once again you all are throwing crap against the wall hoping it sticks and hoping people do not look up the information themselves.
I just looked at statistics according to the World Bank. 13% of China's current population is 65 or older. That's lower than the United States, Russia, Japan and most European countries. Once again you all are throwing crap against the wall hoping it sticks and hoping people do not look up the information themselves.
It's not the current that's the problem. Today isn't the issue. Jesus .
JD Vance I guess is a card carrying commie based on this logic.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance Suggests PPP-Style Program For East Palestine Residents After Toxic Train Derailment | ZeroHedge

Not many conservatives opposed to this war and the spending associated with it genuinely are saying that we need more social programs. It is simply being pointed out that in an either/or situation, money would be better spent on Americans rather than the MIC and these interventionist wars halfway around the world.

Yeah, I lived through the last half of the Cold War. Cuban Missile crisis was a decade before I was born, but I still remember even in the 1980s the real fear and threats of a nuclear war. Which is why I am puzzled by people like you who seem to be so willing to support these provocations to nuclear powers and risk pushing us again to the brink.

Who is going to keep us in check? What good have we done since 1991 as the global hegemonic power? We have pizzed away a chance to be a positive influence to the world and bring peace by our interventionist foreign policy, regime change operations, sanctions and lack of diplomacy/hubris. We cannot be trusted, find any excuse to threaten any country that goes against us and as a result, have managed to push Russia and China closer together. Iran and Saudi Arabia are opening diplomatic channels. Saudi Arabia and China.
It can be easily argued that we pissed away those years simply because we were looking out for home first. We waged wars around the world for a number of reasons. First and foremost was to hedge our status as THE superpower and keep the US dollar as the trade standard of oil. That's what kept the US standard of living and propped up the dollar for the past 70 plus years.

On order to maintain that status you have to spread some money around to keep friends.
I just looked at statistics according to the World Bank. 13% of China's current population is 65 or older. That's lower than the United States, Russia, Japan and most European countries. Once again you all are throwing crap against the wall hoping it sticks and hoping people do not look up the information themselves.
And you've stumbled onto the precise reason we won't shut down borders. It's our solution to a problem in most developed countries.
It's not the current that's the problem you rube. Today isn't the issue. Jesus .
You all seriously need to stop with the name calling. Especially when proven wrong on a topic. It's getting old and you all are starting to show your maturity level. Plus the mods have stated they don't like it.

Furthermore even if their population declined, which I stated previously was to happen by 2050, they would still most likely have more people under the age of 65 in their country than the United States.

Currently their population is 1.4 billion. So if 13% of their population is age 65 or older that means still over 1.2 billion are under 65.
JD Vance I guess is a card carrying commie based on this logic.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance Suggests PPP-Style Program For East Palestine Residents After Toxic Train Derailment | ZeroHedge

Not many conservatives opposed to this war and the spending associated with it genuinely are saying that we need more social programs. It is simply being pointed out that in an either/or situation, money would be better spent on Americans rather than the MIC and these interventionist wars halfway around the world.

Yeah, I lived through the last half of the Cold War. Cuban Missile crisis was a decade before I was born, but I still remember even in the 1980s the real fear and threats of a nuclear war. Which is why I am puzzled by people like you who seem to be so willing to support these provocations to nuclear powers and risk pushing us again to the brink.

Who is going to keep us in check? What good have we done since 1991 as the global hegemonic power? We have pizzed away a chance to be a positive influence to the world and bring peace by our interventionist foreign policy, regime change operations, sanctions and lack of diplomacy/hubris. We cannot be trusted, find any excuse to threaten any country that goes against us and as a result, have managed to push Russia and China closer together. Iran and Saudi Arabia are opening diplomatic channels. Saudi Arabia and China.
And to top it off we have helped Saudi Arabia build up its military and have helped China become the super power they currently are today. We could have minded our business a long time ago and kept those jobs right here in the United States.

And now we have people cheering on and supporting a war which benefits and protects just a small group of powerful people here in the U.S., Europe and Ukraine.
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