War in Ukraine

But not militarily but they are to other countries. They are also actively working to create divisions in our cities and towns (still out fault for falling for it and turning stupid). They do not want a successful USA
Well, let those other countries handle it.

And as far as you saying the Russians are dividing cities and towns, the Chinese are the main ones that are engaged in that nonsense.
Well, let those other countries handle it.

And as far as you saying the Russians are dividing cities and towns, the Chinese are the main ones that are engaged in that nonsense.
They are both very guilty of it. They are a danger to main street usa
Russia says talks are finished. The Russian military has presented options for Ukraine to Putin and doesn’t rule out putting Russian military assets back into Cuba and Venezuela.
Russia says talks are finished. The Russian military has presented options for Ukraine to Putin and doesn’t rule out putting Russian military assets back into Cuba and Venezuela.

He’s doing what he should be doing. Taking advantage of a weak rival while he can.
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Senator Chris Murphy on his Ukraine trip just said we have significant intel that suggests an invasion is imminent.
Hopefully Biden and the alphabets do not see this "crisis" as an opportunity...if you know what I mean. Never let a crisis go to waste.
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Rubio has also come out and said it’s very certain that Russia will occupy parts of Ukraine very soon.
He’s doing what he should be doing. Taking advantage of a weak rival while he can.
I don't know why you see the US and our allies as weak or can be taken advantage of. Russia issued demands fully expecting the West to make concessions. I believe Putin was surprised when It did not happen. We held firm. Now Putin is faced with the possibility of a prolonged and very expensive invasion which he does not really want. Gen Milley has warned his Russian counterpart that if they invade they can expect to face an Afghanistan like situation. And now Putin is hearing rumblings about Finland and Sweden looking to NATO for security in view of Russias possible invasion of its neighbors again. No, the West is playing this one right.
Russia has a strong nuclear deterrent and an Army capable of defending its borders but beyond that they are not a country to be feared. That is unless we allow them to expand uncontested.
I hope Biden’s handlers don’t feel the need to show he has a spine and we stay the F out of it.
LOL. Biden has no spine. For that matter, neither do his diversity obsessed, woke generals now running the military.
Good heavens...Russia Russia Russia still...

China Deepens Informal Alliance With Russia

While Xi..

Russia is so far gone that they are now the "proxy" fighter against the US. Wow times have changed.
CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades

The program has involved “very specific training on skills that would enhance” the Ukrainians’ “ability to push back against the Russians,” said the former senior intelligence official.

The training, which has included “tactical stuff,” is “going to start looking pretty offensive if Russians invade Ukraine,” said the former official.

One person familiar with the program put it more bluntly. “The United States is training an insurgency,” said a former CIA official, adding that the program has taught the Ukrainians how “to kill Russians.”

The article goes into a lot more and is a pretty interesting read. Sounds like the CIA is preparing a Gladio stay behind force to resist any Russian occupation.
I will not forget the optics of this early Trump appearance and its significance..

CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades

The article goes into a lot more and is a pretty interesting read. Sounds like the CIA is preparing a Gladio stay behind force to resist any Russian occupation.

Very interesting read.

This bit got me wondering - how many rifles could the US populace truly bring to bear?

If the Russians launch a new invasion, “there’s going to be people who make their life miserable,” said the former senior intelligence official. The CIA-trained paramilitaries “will organize the resistance” using the specialized training they’ve received.
This will be a measure of crazy for Putin. If he does invade, everyone is in for a world of hurt.

Plus Ukrainian women are generally really hot, so the prospect of restricting their world supply is no beuno.

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