Velo Vol
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Exactly. Ukraine didnt start the fight. They cant pick up their ball and go home like Russia can.Both sides are losers in this war but Ukraine didn't have a choice but fight it.
Keeping waiting to hear that Prigozhin has checked into a hospital for some treatment.
You know what happens then (actually I hear they put Raz in the room with the offending party and after 15 minutes of his babble, death begins looking pretty good)?
Here again. The Russians are fighting a war of attrition. Territory is secondary to destroying men and equipment.The front is stable, they’ve lost no major centers of population, and Kyiv/Kharkiv still stands. So still being in the fight after a year is absolutely a win. Russia actively controls what 20% (?) of Ukraine? Wish the Afghans had this fighting spirit and backbone the Ukrainians have or we wouldn’t have wasted billions of dollars and American blood.
Uhhh. That would be Russia who is losing by your definition. 450 days and squat.
They failed to take Kiev, they failed to create a land bridge to Transnistria. They've lost the two most major cities they took early in the fight, Kharkiv and Kherson. They still dont fully control the land they "annexed". They have had to conscript 2 or 3 times as many men as they started out with. They still dont have air control, if anything they have even less with the air defense systems continuing to shoot down some missiles. They are having to dig out tanks from the 70s for front line usage, they are digging out tanks from the 50s to use as artillery.
Ukraine is the defender and the weaker side. The fact that they havent folded is winning. The fact they are even able to seriously talk about a counteroffensive is a win. The fact they still have any anti-air/missile defense is a win. HIMARs still existing is a win.
I always like putting this in football terms. Russia is TAMU last year playing App State. Yeah it may turn out differently, but the fact we are this far into the game and App State is still hanging around makes TAMU look bad. It's a one possession game, with plenty of time on the clock, and Ukraine has the ball. No reason to assume they have lost just yet.
The front is stable, they’ve lost no major centers of population, and Kyiv/Kharkiv still stands. So still being in the fight after a year is absolutely a win. Russia actively controls what 20% (?) of Ukraine? Wish the Afghans had this fighting spirit and backbone the Ukrainians have or we wouldn’t have wasted billions of dollars and American blood.
Exactly. Ukraine didnt start the fight. They cant pick up their ball and go home like Russia can.
I wonder if either side would accept a "reset" peace. Borders go back to where they should be, Russia doesnt pay any reparations, face any war crime charges, sanctions lifted etc.
This far in the game all you know is what the corrupt media is telling you. Corruption (Zelenski) vs Corruption (Putin) zero interest to the United States. Less than zero. Ukraine is ahole now as it was last February and as it was pre 2014. So there is no winner here. It may not be likely but Russia could end this anytime they want. And that is of zero consequence to America.
So support sides in this if you need but Ukraine "winning" the media in this conflict is good for no one.
You havent been around long enough to see it but I have always thought Russia was going to win. By now my definition of win has changed dramatically. From getting everything Russia wanted, to they may still hold onto some Ukrainian territory, including Crimea, at the end of this.This far in the game all you know is what the corrupt media is telling you. Corruption (Zelenski) vs Corruption (Putin) zero interest to the United States. Less than zero. Ukraine is ahole now as it was last February and as it was pre 2014. So there is no winner here. It may not be likely but Russia could end this anytime they want. And that is of zero consequence to America.
So support sides in this if you need but Ukraine "winning" the media in this conflict is good for no one.
From what sources is it "sounding like" that?
“There is no evidence suggesting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky or the Ukrainian government were responsible, officials said, though intelligence suggests the perpetrators opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin.”Have you not been paying attention?
U.S. Thinks Pro-Ukrainian Group Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines, Report Says
“There is no evidence suggesting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky or the Ukrainian government were responsible, officials said, though intelligence suggests the perpetrators opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin.”
Pro-Ukrainian /= Ukrainian Government
Ukrainian sympathizers. That’s it. It could be one or more of any nation actors to privately operating groups. When I happened I said Ukraine would be the clear culprit but how could they pull it off? I’d this theory is correct then some private group was able to pull it off clearly.We can just disagree then. Who would these people be?
The front is stable, they’ve lost no major centers of population, and Kyiv/Kharkiv still stands. So still being in the fight after a year is absolutely a win. Russia actively controls what 20% (?) of Ukraine? Wish the Afghans had this fighting spirit and backbone the Ukrainians have or we wouldn’t have wasted billions of dollars and American blood.