War in Ukraine

No concerns with Poland getting involved as it wouldn’t trigger a U.S. response
not in the charter
Not worried about that part yet. But any escalation at this point further destabilizes the situation and makes a multinational conflict of world war proportion very possible/likely.
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Putin has to fear Wagner, the legacy he helped create will be turned against him at some point.
Which one is the pivot man?

The apparent indifference of average Russian citizens within the 2 cities "taken" by Prigozhin would suggest there's not a whole lot of public support for Putin or his stupid war against Ukraine.

I think this whole Wagner Revolt thing ain't done yet.
What a circus all this is. Even the Russia slurpers have to see this in deep dark places they don't want to talk about.
So taxpayer money should be split evenly between everyone, huh?

(Stalin nodding profusely)
Much less taxpayer money should be collected. Govt overreach is so ridiculous even "conservatives" believe govt should hand them money or do for them.

Again, big govt is not your friend. Govt, especially state and federal, is a necessary evil but should have very little power as the Constitution intended.

If you believe having people like Biden, McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, Feinstein, etc who've been sucking at the public teat for decades are "committed to serving America" you're nuts.

They're all committed to their political power, their political party, and their enrichment. They will tax the people "for the good of America" as much as we let them and stick their noses into every bit our lives we'll allow.

Govt is not your friend.
The trump nut hugging thread is over there, we're talking about grown up stuff in this thread.

Don't bothering arguing with O'burst. He's a fact free zone. Loves quoting any nutcase as authority as long as it fits his worldview.
Don't bothering arguing with O'burst. He's a fact free zone. Loves quoting any nutcase as authority as long as it fits his worldview.

I linked the NYT dumbass..your fave

and you don’t even know what a fine is LMAO
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The herd needs thinning. I embrace war, bring it on. Time to flesh out the weak, Earth needs this enema.
I linked the NYT dumbass

and you don’t even know what a fine is LMAO

There's a 100% chance that the SF guys verified that they were engaging Wagner mercenaries and not the Russian Army before the beat down ensued.
Trump wasn't nuking anyone. That's crazy. There's no way the DoD is allowing WWIII to start over the Ukraine. Don't be ridiculous. Even the fool that is Putin knew Trump couldn't start a world war over the Ukraine. It's a worthless bluff, at best.

What's troubling in this is the nukes Putin sent to Belarus. When the USSR fell, it was a very high priority for the world to get the USSR's nukes out of the splintering Baltic states because those little countries are easy targets for nukes to fall into the wrong hands. Putin reversed this and whether Prig stole enough money by raping the CAR mines in Africa to buy one or two for leverage...... is exactly why we got nukes out of those little corrupt countries (including the Ukraine.)

There are no "good guys" in any of this. Putin does the world no favors invading Ukraine in the first place. He does the world harm in spreading nukes around. He hires the Wagner mercenaries, lets them get revenue from protecting ultra corrupt African nations with massive mining resources, and then plays Wagner because his own military can't manage a war.

Prig, Zelensky, Lukashenko are opportunists. They are measuring this from the standpoint of: How much can I get out of this situation without Putin, the US, or China killing me? Nothing more, nothing less.

Most of this is neither good nor bad but theater to distract from the African nations getting raped for resources (again) by bigger players. The only really distressing move was Putin tossing nukes at Belarus....... like that's a stable place to put them.

It was most definitely a bluff but it may have worked. Putin has been cited as saying Trump was too unpredictable and that was why he wasn't doing anything when Trump was in office. I am not. Big Trump fan but no one wants to mess with the crazy guy in the corner.
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It was most definitely a bluff but it may have worked. Putin has been cited as saying Trump was too unpredictable and that was why he wasn't doing anything when Trump was in office. I am not. Big Trump fan but no one wants to mess with the crazy guy in the corner.

It was most definitely a bluff but it may have worked. Putin has been cited as saying Trump was too unpredictable and that was why he wasn't doing anything when Trump was in office. I am not. Big Trump fan but no one wants to mess with the crazy guy in the corner.

Last sentence is weird, you throw your support for an unpredictable crazy person as the best guy for the job?

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