War in Ukraine

I understand you have trouble with comprehension so I'll point out the key sentence in my post.

Those that can't or don't want to don't.


So the Federal/State government is under no obligation to provide polling places so people can vote?

Does that go for times when not under an active invasion and occupation by a foreign power?

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I see you still haven't wised up, suspending elections is the ultimate act of oppression from a government . If you consider yourself a democracy, hold the damn elections.
If all of our Atlantic states were occupied by an invading force fighting to move westward and our interior cities were being bombed nightly I think I would be ok with postponing an election.
I see you still haven't wised up, suspending elections is the ultimate act of oppression from a government . If you consider yourself a democracy, hold the damn elections.


You're just whining now because you'd have no government to additionally whine about.

Have faith, Gramps... you'll definitely find something else to whine about.
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So the Federal/State government is under no obligation to provide polling places so people can vote?

Does that go for times when not under an active invasion and occupation by a foreign power?


Is the entirety of the country occupied? No, so those that can vote should be able to.

You're just whining now because you'd have no government to additionally whine about.

Have faith, Gramps... you'll definitely find something else to whine about.

Russia occupies around 1/4 of Ukraine so why shouldn't the other 3/4s of the country be able to vote?
Russia occupies around 1/4 of Ukraine so why shouldn't the other 3/4s of the country be able to vote?

Because you and I both know Russia will then come back with the disenfranchisement talking points that the Nazi junta in Kyiv is prohibiting ethnic Russian Ukrainians a right to vote. I'm not saying its right not to hold elections but right now the battlefield is more pressing matter.
If Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi were occupied do you think the Republicans would sign off on having an election without them? If it were NY or California would the Democrats? I don't think we could possibly hold an acceptable election if we were in the position Ukraine is in.
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Because you and I both know Russia will then come back with the disenfranchisement talking points that the Nazi junta in Kyiv is prohibiting ethnic Russian Ukrainians a right to vote. I'm not saying its right not to hold elections but right now the battlefield is more pressing matter.

Who cares what Russia will say?
If Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi were occupied do you thing the Republicans would sign off on having an election without them? If it were NY or California would the Democrats? I don't think we could possibly hold an acceptable election if we were in the position Ukraine is in.

Both parties would have conniption fits but that shouldn't matter. As soon as we the citizens go along with suspending and election we give the govt cover to do again and again. What if the war lasts another 2-3 years, how long should the citizens be held hostage by the people who were in power when the war began?
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Both parties would have conniption fits but that shouldn't matter. As soon as we the citizens go along with suspending and election we give the govt cover to do again and again. What if the war lasts another 2-3 years, how long should the citizens be held hostage by the people who were in power when the war began?

You are arguing with walls.

They were happy and willing to give up their constitutional rights during Covid.

Now go to work and pay your taxes so we can fund this war in Ukraine.
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Trump floats delaying the election, but he can't do that

“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history," Trump tweeted. "It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”

seems to be exactly what Trump's stance was, delay the vote.

Yet we still went on like always. And once again words trigger you lefties unless it's Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton.
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You are arguing with walls.

They were happy and willing to give up their constitutional rights during Covid.

Now go to work and pay your taxes so we can fund this war in Ukraine.

Rather my taxes go here than to some of the stupid stuff the Biden administration could be spending it on.
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Are you aware of the countries laws regarding these matters?

You don't have to answer..... It's a rhetorical question.

Are you aware that you are supporting a con man who has shook down the USA for currently $100 billion? A guy that Lindsay Graham has told "As much as it takes for as long as it takes"?

The days of Russia's military making them an enemy are over. If we are concerned about Communist dictators why haven't we sent $100 billion to Taiwan? China is by a long shot more of an enemy than Russia.
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You do realize the vast majority of the people you are discussing this with aren't lefties right.

The group I am discussing this with have one opinion, whatever they hear the MSM.

That it matters in the least WTF happens in Ukraine. Stay out of freaking civil wars. The US has a terrible track record of intervening. Put all of our resources in to bringing China to it's knees. How much farm land in the US does Russia own? The true enemy of America now.

If Russia takes all of Ukraine 100% how is this a negative for the United States?
Rather my taxes go here than to some of the stupid stuff the Biden administration could be spending it on.

Here is the fallacy with your logic:

1. It’s not just the Biden administration spending taxpayer money on stupid $h!t it’s also the republicans. The house had an opportunity to slow down the bleeding, but they folded like a cheap tent.

2. While We are(our government) sending billions of dollars to Ukraine we will (our government) continue to spend trillions more that we don’t have on stupid stuff.
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The group I am discussing this with have one opinion, whatever they hear the MSM.

That it matters in the least WTF happens in Ukraine. Stay out of freaking civil wars. The US has a terrible track record of intervening. Put all of our resources in to bringing China to it's knees. How much farm land in the US does Russia own? The true enemy of America now.

If Russia takes all of Ukraine 100% how is this a negative for the United States?

Yes we should snooze while they take Ukraine then when they go for Poland and trigger Article 5 we can really get involved.
Yes we should snooze while they take Ukraine then when they go for Poland and trigger Article 5 we can really get involved.

Dumbest response to date. But if this fairytale scenario did happen my question still stands. Wtf does it matter to the US? Russia would need to bring back USSR with half of Berlin in tow and some more of Europe to become an enemy. Russia has really nothing anyone wants.
Here is the fallacy with your logic:

1. It’s not just the Biden administration spending taxpayer money on stupid $h!t it’s also the republicans. The house had an opportunity to slow down the bleeding, but they folded like a cheap tent.

2. While We are(our government) sending billions of dollars to Ukraine we will (our government) continue to spend trillions more that we don’t have on stupid stuff.

This is after the 143 year old Mitch McConnell ran to Schumers arms to pass the stupid omnibus bill before Christmas. That was more harmful than McCarthy caving to me.

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